Love is the means to experience oneness, if we get to experience that pure love, he is telling us that the love of the divine for the devotee and the love of the devotee for the divine is the same quality of love and therefore, at that place we melt and there is only one.
But we have to get the experience of pure love and he also said, if we want to make the experience of pure love, we need three things, we need truth, right action and peace. We have to accept truth and we have to accept right action and we have to understand peace and when we have those three things, we can make the experience of pure love.
Truth is not merely describing what you have seen, expressing as is what you have heard or sharing honestly what you have experienced. Truth is beyond all this. It is a deep inner feeling and it must come from within. Truth must originate from your heart. Truth is permanent; it does not change with the passage of time. When you rely on Truth (Sathya), Righteousness (Dharma) arises out of it. It is Truth that teaches how one should conduct oneself and perform one’s duties. Righteousness is a reflection of Truth. You will experience peace when Sathya and Dharma co-exist. This is indeed peace, Shanti. It is foolishness to think that Peace exists elsewhere and is separate from you. If you separate truth and righteousness, you will find only pieces; on the other hand if you blend them you will experience Peace always.
To make the experience of truth it has to be in the heart, truth is based on insight and when truth is there like in Darshan, it is called the sight of truth, right action is just the reflection of it and when we blend truth and right action, we have peace.
That is the first step actually, how we get to truth and how we blend it with right action and get to peace and if they are separated, we have a different thing, there are only pieces left.
Life is a pilgrimage to God; the holy spot is there, afar. The road lies right before you; but unless you take the first step forward and follow that step with others, how can you reach it? Start with courage, faith, joy and steadiness. You are bound to succeed. Your mind and intellect are two bullocks tied to the cart of your 'inner self'. The bullocks are not used to the path of Truth, Righteousness, Non-violence, Peace and Love, and so they drag the cart to the road that is very familiar to them, namely falsehood, injustice, worry and hatred. As its master, you must train them to take the better road, so that they may not bring disaster to themselves, the cart they are yoked to and to the passengers in the cart.
If we follow the two bullocks tied to the cart of our inner self, what we are used to actually, as they are the mind and the intellect, they drag the cart along the road of falsehood, injustice, worry and hatred.
I have experienced that already a few times that there was falsehood, injustice and worry instead of peace.
Even in our spiritual center there had been something like that during a study circle, the new center leader tried to organize things differently and as it seems it was the mind and he had basically no idea about it how to do it right, I am not sure what it was, if it was falsehood or injustice or worry or both, but he put everything we did in the study circle in question and told me that he could fire me, instead of being grateful for the service done. The way he said it the service was put in question.
It was not only ridiculous, it felt dangerous when driving home I was scared something would happen the energy felt that disturbed.
As I am regularly meditating I hoped it would go away, as often people think that is his will as well, but that didn't happen in the opposite, it got even worse as the evening went on and it felt like enforced by the circle and the singing.
In that night in the dream Swami was in the dream and it all broke into pieces and he said even that he was because of that reason in the wheel chair.
To get a feeling for it is another thing to know why, but next night it was still not gone and it was again in the dream stage as a heap of glass in pieces and this time that were a thousand pieces and I had one of them in my hand. So I guess that must have happened often if I only had one piece of a thousand in my hand.
And it was not done, it went on and it was very unpleasant and highly disturbing and I went with someone for three weeks to India in the ashram and when coming back it was there again, it came up with someone telling me this time that he had heard of what had happened in that study circle and that it go loud and this time it was on the mind level, what the others think and it was still not right that means it had to do with injustice.
If we have to do a study circle, we cannot walk away, we just try do our job or duty as good as possible and that guy came as new center leader with the intention to reorganize things, but he didn't find any people really talking with him about it, probably therefore, he ended up in the study circle and began in front of all the people present to put my service in question and I had asked him if he wants to stop the study circle and he said no.
Next year he had learned that much that he came personally to me to talk about something, telling me that nobody will do the study circle as long as I a doing it and I said, if he has a problem with it.
I had asked already someone and she will do it in the future, but she was not ready at that time yet and told her I will go on doing it until she is ready.
He again was eager of telling me that he could fire me and I told him that he is repeating himself, he wants to find someone else, be my guest, but he didn't find someone else, so it was again just talking about something to just talk about it and I had asked him again if he wants to end it and he said again now.
Now in the meantime the girl who I had asked said that she will do it and that means she is going to take over that service.
My ex was following the mind and the intellect, the two bullocks tied to the cart of our inner self and he said, all is Swami, meaning all is divine and Swami said that he took only advantage of it.
We had met last year in Prasanthi by hazard and we had a good time, at least I could understand again why I went for it years ago and why we had been in a relationship and we went to see him and after we came back, but that was not the same anymore.
It was again in two insights in the dream stage by the man coming in our dreams to awaken.
Swami said he is the man coming in our dreams to awaken.
In the first night the insight was about his credit card, it had a nice blue color and he said something like, 'it is your mistake as well' and I didn't know what he was talking about, he had invited us for dinner and he had paid with it. It felt like he was in a way or another putting the blame on me.
Next night the same credit card was in pieces.
When only pieces are left, right action and truth have been separated.
We begin to understand it as I had met it in the meantime three or for times, the first time it was awful as I had no idea what it was and how to get an answer and that is how I came to Baba. It was in a service in the meditation movement when the air broke in pieces and I still hoped everything would get okay again, but as only pieces were left, it was impossible.
He is as the man coming in our dreams to awaken present and with him we get the answers to the insights, but it means we have to listen, think it over and absorb.
Our mind is unable to get to the right conclusion, we get to the right conclusion in listening to him and when we think it over it makes sense the way we see it in our own life and think it over here.
Truth is not merely describing what you have seen, expressing as is what you have heard or sharing honestly what you have experienced. Truth is beyond all this. It is a deep inner feeling and it must come from within. Truth must originate from your heart. Truth is permanent; it does not change with the passage of time. When you rely on Truth (Sathya), Righteousness (Dharma) arises out of it. It is Truth that teaches how one should conduct oneself and perform one’s duties. Righteousness is a reflection of Truth. You will experience peace when Sathya and Dharma co-exist. This is indeed peace, Shanti. It is foolishness to think that Peace exists elsewhere and is separate from you. If you separate truth and righteousness, you will find only pieces; on the other hand if you blend them you will experience Peace always.
He is explaining here that truth has to be a deep inner feeling and it comes from within and it originates from the heart. It is permanent and it does not change, it is the same truth it had been years ago as it is now and not long ago in writing someone everything broke in pieces as well and I wondered what it was, but only pieces were left.
If it is truth and right action it results in peace and only when we have those three things we are able to experience pure love. When we listen to people some claim to know Swami perfectly and they tell us often, he is everything and everywhere just an excuse for not having any right conclusion and discrimination.
How can anyone who is not following his teaching and blending truth and right action able to know what pure love is?
It is impossible as this is just the first step and when there is truth, the reflection of it is right action and then we have peace and only when we have those three things, we are able to make the experience of pure love.
We have to understand peace and how we need to blend truth and right action first.
In such people who separate truth and right action, following the bullocks of the cart tied to the inner self, the mind and the intellect, they are on the road of falsehood and injustice and worry and hatred.
Thus, we can ask, what has it been, falsehood or injustice, probably injustice or for sure it is in a way or another ego if the only thing that seems to matter is that he can fire or hire people, actually he can, but in such a center at the end will be nobody left anymore doing any service, as the service is put in question instead of seeing the divine work in it, what is the use of going on with that service?
So after all it came up again and as it was based on conflict and not peace it needed to be addressed and we had to deal with it in some way or another.
Swami is telling us about conflict, we need to get it to the point otherwise, it will expand.
If we don't listen to him and think all easy, just a little love, let's go ahead and we just get on with the two bullocks mind and intellect and we have to even hear often everything is Swami also that, with other words also the conflict is him, that is just not true.
He is truth only he is not untruth and injustice and falsehood, if we separate truth and right action, it is not him, it is the mind and it can be that we don't know better and we are unable to do the right thing or we just are not careful enough, he is telling us always, ABC, always be careful, but we cannot blame him for it.
When people go on generalizing everything telling us that is also him, we usually have to do with someone not listening to his words.
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