Here he is telling us why …, why we write and why we share and why we tell our story and talk with our true friend. It is the purpose, that we can share and that there is a friend after all and it is a divine friend.
Among the nine forms of devotion, the foremost is the cultivation of
Sakhya (friendship) with God. – Baba
Sakhya (friendship) with God. – Baba
How did he do it to make sure that there is such a friendship that it can be shared and that we can go through the up and downs of life with a friend? He is the man who is in our dreams to awaken and that is how he did it, 'engaged' he said and if it was light blue we could go on and finally it was light blue and we could go on and that is how writing became not only writing a book but friendship. He is amazing and he has no limitations, it seems he can do eveything, even that what we think is actually impossible.
In this transient world, wading through joy and grief, people have a sore need of someone of their kind with whom they can communicate their feelings, share their discoveries and depressions, their moments of bliss and sorrow; someone to be by their side while trekking the hard road to truth and peace.
It is the ideal part in it that makes them friends, as he said not long ago in a thought for the day the friend is the one who is uplifting our life and always positive.
Divinity is our friend, that means it is not depending to what we tell, we can share our feelings and it doesn't lead to arguing and criticism, but we just share feelings.
Friends today are far from the ideal and that is for all of us the same and even less friends who can confer real counsel, comfort and consolation, they are rarely found.
But it is a good feeling if we can share our feelings with someone.
It made sense from the beginning on that something must be behind it, but we had to get there and he said, 'use my words', also that made sense, even if I didn't know exactly how to do it and after a while we just began to use his words, if someone is able to be a friend it is him actually and I know that I would not be able to be it.
And also he is the wisdom, he gives us the answer to our insights between the lines, so there is every reason why to use his words and not mine and compared to what he is telling us my words just should serve his glory, only when it is about him it gets meaningful.
He has a message, it is about Dharma, Divinity and the transformation of the world and we are just part of it.
He is the doer, we are part of it and therefore, it was never a problem to use his words actually and it was also no problem to see it in my own life and to interpret it the way I feel and see it, because he is a divine principle and that cannot be changed, we have to think it over if we want to get able to understand it.
The friend is also that part in his words that gives us the answer between the lines, he is there comforting and we don't even notice it and he is there touching the hearts of people and we just think it over, he is it and he is present in his omniscience.
However, friendship and friends today are far from the ideal. Friends who can confer real counsel, comfort and consolation are rarely found. If friendship must last then heart must understand heart, heart must be drawn to heart.
If Baba's insights are there, it is real, it is a useful mirror, he makes us recognize our own higher self and that is all we want, that is what we are looking for.
He is the bond between the hearts and in him we trust and it is always beneficial.
I was in a situation where I felt closer to destroying myself than self-realization and it was together with someone. It seemed all about developing virtues and strength in following Swami and it is the friend, we know it is the best for everybody if we hold on to him and his dreams and we listen to him and think it over.
But it was a different wake up when the friend in my dream had not only one, but he had two faces and it looked like Swami, but it had vampire teeth in one face and in the other the face had a very long nose. That was scary, the vampire looked like demon and the long nose actually as well it is fooling people, in the Internet I found something like a long nose demon, that was a shock and it made me very awake and scared.
How can we find what binds the heart if it is bad?
There was no heart, it got somewhere lost on the way and we didn't know how and why. But before Swami left the body, he said that it was because he took only advantage of it. If he took only advantage of it, he didn't care about the rest, it mattered only that it arranged him and he said it was Swami, when in reality it was no divinity in it, but only his imaginary faculty of the mind. In fact, he used the divine presence and love to get what he wanted and it didn't come to my mind that someone could do something like that, it was too bad to even think of it, it was all idealized and we tried to see the good only and that was the result of it, easy to take advantage of it. I got into it thinking that both would be affected beneficially.
Friendship must bind two hearts and affect both of them beneficially, whatever be the circumstance - loss or gain, pain or pleasure, good fortune or bad. The bond must survive all the blows of fate and be unaffected by time, place and situation. The trust and honour of each is in the safekeeping of the other.
But in the insight as he is also a true friend before he left the body, he was in the dream and together we went down a well and it was a deep well, but there was hardly any water left and we went up again and on the way up there was like a cavity and he just dropped the body, it fell in dust and we still went up together and on the top was Krishna and his brother. They were forever young, walking together in eternal friendship, laughing and smiling and having a good time, around them the grass was green and they walked over beautiful green fields, it is what we could imagine as the paradise or heaven on earth.
Krishna's skin is blue and he is wearing yellow silk and a peacock feather in his hair and his brother and skin was normal and had a human color and he was dressed in blue and he was wearing the bow.
Krishna and his brother Balarama sport together dressed up like that, that is why I couldn't tell if it was Arjuna or Balarama his brother, but the bow is the sign of Arjuna, but maybe Balarama had also a bow, but they are both brothers of Krishna, Arjuna is the brother in law and Balarama is his maternal brother.
But the main thing is the friendship between them. There is no relationship like that of Krishna and Arjuna.
There is the brotherhood and friendship, they belonging together, the kinship with our divine father and mother. It is an amazing reality and an amazing insight.
With such a great friend, we are using his words, because he is the real friend.
It would not be possible to be friends, only he can do, because he is always uplifting our life and it is always positive and harmonizing.
He is our real friend, his friendship is uplifting and real and it doesn't serve if we are not truthful and not honest and I guess we would not know how to be that. We have to listen to the sweet words, as he is present in his words and in thinking over his words we get aware of our relationship and that he is our friend.
In this transient world, wading through joy and grief, people have a sore need of someone of their kind with whom they can communicate their feelings, share their discoveries and depressions, their moments of bliss and sorrow; someone to be by their side while trekking the hard road to truth and peace.
If someone tell us that he will take the path of least effort, we wonder who that is actually? I asked him if he has lost his mind, he did, but probably long ago and he didn't care about the ideal, I don't know if he cared about something, for sure not the right thing.
If divinity is the friend, how do we feel it. He is in our dreams to awake us.
He said, 'you didn't listen, you have to get a divorce' and in it was as well the answer.
I expected at least some kind of reaction, but no answer is also an answer and nothing at all means totally ignoring it, there was no feeling of Swami in it and therefore, we also cannot find that feeling of his presence and friendship in the bad we experienced.
It was like unimaginable or not recognizable.
He was there as the man who comes in our dream to awake us and he is our best friend. The path of least effort was not only ignoring every inner guidance and not following the inner master, there was nothing of Swami in it and therefore, it was no character, no good attitude for a so called spiritual aspirant, actually there was no devotee in it, he was just not present, no divinity, no friendship, no ideal, everything just perverted and sick.
He didn't know what he was doing, but he did it anyhow.
If it is always beneficial for us as he is the friend, there is no use if we ignore it and it will not be of any benefit, we have to go for it.
He is the counsel, he is the comfort.
If we get the answer that he takes the path of least it was like a war declaration, it means no matter what the inner master is telling, he will ignore it.
The good counsel and friend who said, 'you didn't listen, you have to get a divorce' was not only not seen, but omitted, ignored and the question came up how to get it anyhow if he was not listening and that was it, he didn't listen and that was also the reason for the divorce.
We waited and asked and tried to make him change his mind and to make him aware of it how stupid he was, no use, after seven years I had the paper with me and in Swami's presence he signed it and it had been that much troubles to just get there, that I would run to never get in such a situation again.
We went to him and why, he was in his dream as the man who comes in our dreams to awake us and said to him, 'that I had to come to Swami to make peace with him', and of course we didn't argue about it, for me it was totally clear and no question, I had to go, for me it was the way out I was waiting for a long time.
I was so glad, it was a Baba call, the best what could happen, it was the real friend calling us and not a moment there was a doubt about it and that it was beneficial for all, but there was something wrong about it, and that was present, because I felt scared to show my feelings of joy and I had to hide it to not make him change his mind.
As long as he saw something bad in it, he was able to let us go and he had to send us to him to make peace with him. He is the friend, he got us out of it in such a way, but I also knew I had to be careful.
I could have jumped in the air out of joy, I felt like dancing and singing and rejoicing when I heard that my real friend called and we could go to him.
Only it was not possible to show the joy, I had to be careful and serious and I didn't say a word to not make come up in his sick mind the thought that I could enjoy it, as I had to be punished, that was the idea of it, I listened to him going on and on telling me how stupid I was that I had to go and make peace with someone like Swami and I thought, he doesn't know what he is talking about.
It was dangerous to tell him, because he would not have let us go. There was that fear in the air that he would not let us go if he would notice that it was joy and actually something good and not bad and not a punishment as he wanted it to be and that was the very reason why we had to go, it was just sick, it was perverted.
Swami was in his dream and said to him, 'I had to come to him and make peace with Swami', it means for him there was something wrong, but it was not as he thought, it was different, not that was wrong, but he was wrong. It was not possible to express the joy that divinity our real friend called us.
However, friendship and friends today are far from the ideal. Friends who can confer real counsel, comfort and consolation are rarely found. If friendship must last then heart must understand heart, heart must be drawn to heart. Friendship must bind two hearts and affect both of them beneficially, whatever be the circumstance - loss or gain, pain or pleasure, good fortune or bad. The bond must survive all the blows of fate and be unaffected by time, place and situation. The trust and honour of each is in the safekeeping of the other.
Thus he went on abusing, harassing, making fun of it and the feeling was low and awkward and I didn't talk to him anymore, because everything I said was already a word too much. It was his dream and it was our real friend who told him that I had to go and make peace with him and I still didn't believe that I was in such a relationship and I got into it in the ashram, it was a kind of a nightmare and I just tried to make the best out of it.
When Baba said in my dream, 'you didn't listen, you have to get a divorce' I thought he would do it and I didn't realize yet in what situation we were until I wrote him about it and informed him that we had to get a divorce with the exact words that the man who comes in our dreams to awake us said in my dream that we didn't listen and we had to get a divorce, and I didn't tell him that he didn't listen, I said, we didn't listen taking the fault on me also and that it was the inner master and our all best friend and beneficial for all and we just had to do it, but it took seven years to get there. I got no answer at all and afterwards he said he will take the path of least effort, our worst fears became true.
He had no scruples to ruin our life.
The question was how to get there anyhow as he answered that he would go the path of least effort and it began an endless asking to go for it and we should do it and why and that we have to because it will not go on like that etc. It was only troubles and that is how I began to notice that we had been much more in troubles than I thought we were.
It was like if I would have said, it is not my dream, there is no real reason to go and make peace with Swami and I would have responded, 'I don't go', not my problem, no my dream, it is your dream, only that would not have been very clever as he is our best friend.
I could have done that if I would have been as stupid as he was.
I would have refused to see the benefiting influence of Baba in it and what is the use of being with Swami, if there is no relationship, but only taking advantage of it.
But that is what he did, he said he would go the path of least effort, it took seven years until that paper was finally signed and I went there with my daughter because of her school, we met by hazard and he signed it. Afterwards I had difficulties to take the contact with devotees, it seemed all like a joke and nothing made sense, and why and how we got into that.
All those negative insights and if he would tell again the fairytale that everything is fine and he knows it is Swami to make it look good and tempting to go for it, I expected at least that he listened to Swami, that was the deal in it.
And that was not present, because he took only advantage of it, it was not about listening to Swami already when we got into it and that means it was because I thought that he listened that we got into that relationship and it was not there already when we met, but he took only advantage of it.
If we look at it from all sides we get the right answer and that is the answer we have to find and that is also the answer we have to find in a study circle.
What the friend made me aware of was in the dream that it was all different than I thought it was and he was not listening, he took only advantage of it and now I had more than enough time getting aware of it.
The way it began, it ended. The illusion in it was that I thought when he said it was Baba and he knew it was Baba that he was listening to Baba and he didn't listen, that was already at the beginning and it was also at the end.
So the inner friend, divinity made us aware of it.
He comes in the dream to awake us and it was troublesome getting aware of it that he was not listening, but it was the reason for the whole illusion. If he would have been listening, it never would have happened.
It was not a nice story to tell and that is not something I liked to share with other devotees, it was rather a long waiting time, it was frustration and aggravation only and to think that the same guy would try to be nice again if we would meet in the ashram, of course he would, as he is not listening, he would do it again, the insight is missing to change it.
It resulted in plead and asking again and again to go for Swami's dream and his Lila and he used it against us, making it look like it was my problem, upside down when in reality it is his problem. All perverted means all upside down and sick.
It had also to be the best for the daughter and it felt like never ending seven years and it was all in vain, until she had to change school and she was not sure what to do and we went to Swami knowing he would help her to make a right decision.
For me it mattered that we did our best knowing how to go on, as he went the path of least effort, as he send her books about 'think and get rich' the divinity in his mind seemed not to be related to good virtues and character, but to wealth only and all possibilities on the material level.
That is not a friendship.
I was not aware of the level of disturbance, but he was disturbing already before we left the ashram again as he cancelled our credit card because I had never called him and it was no question about going back, we had to start new again.
No friendship, no husband, but a perverted guy who didn't know what he was doing, a sick relationship, someone who didn't listen to Swami, but just took advantage of it.
It is difficult to see the friend in the bad after all, in my own life and in his, he seesm just to be a strange guy who would like to be someone he is not and impress people with things he has not.
If he would be in the ashram, I will probably even enjoy seeing him, as the atmosphere is that different and on a different level and we had time together with Swami, but looking at it as on the level of the insights, he would talk advantage of it again, for sure, that is all he knows and what he calls a divine Lila, taking advantage of it and we have to know that we shouldn't believe in it and it means only troubles, he is making himself look great and even better to be loved by someone or admired, so he is the biggest and the best and it is nothing but an empty Western shoe as Baba called it when he left the body, no more husband, nothing left but an empty Western shoe.
Divinity is our friend and makes us aware of it and he is the insights and the following step.
How do we feel the beneficial influence of Swami?
He is the man who comes in our dreams to awake us, he is our best friend and he was always there and that is how he is present as our friend.
It was no miracle, no wonder, nothing amazing, but it seemed only being catastrophe and ruin, but he was there in the dream as the real friend, but it was somehow difficult to share.
We have to get aware of our true friend. We share that experiences in another way, not with the husband we thought first, but the divine is the friend.
Swami said that he comes in our dreams to awake us, and how that wake-up call can be if it is negative, it has to be such that we wake up and we shouldn't go asleep again because it could be easier to go back into a mud hole than to start new again.
It was difficult with other devotees as they all had the feeling that divinity was making their lives better and stronger and great and I had only a repulsing tale to tell.
What had looked good at the time we met had turned into the opposite and it looked not only bad, it was worse, it seemed the worst we could bring back.
What we find present in the friendship with divinity is Krishna and his brother, the insight after Swami dropped the body and it fell into dust.
God is not only mother and father, but also our best friend and we can share everything with him.
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