Embodiments of divine Love! As long as a person is conceited and egotistical, no one will like that person. Even their wedded spouse and their own children, though they may appear to respect them externally, will not be happy with an arrogant person. As long as one is filled with ego, one can never be really happy. Therefore, at the very outset, you should get rid of your ego (ahamkara). If one is filled with anger, one cannot experience joy (Krodham hithva na sochathi). Only when anger is subdued, happiness can be experienced. As long as one is filled with insatiable desires, one cannot feel really wealthy. The moment the person gives up desires, all riches will come to them. Till the moment a person is greedy, they will be a stranger to happiness. When you give up greed, you will feel endowed with all riches.
Swami's words are like a window frame and in that frame we now it is a window and if we open it we feel and experience the Atma, but we have to listen, think it over and absorb.
It has to become one with us, we have to feel it. We see it in our own life and we get fully into it in all levels possible to get the message.
Often when I read his thought for the day, I don't just read it, because I know it is not the same when reading and I don't want to build up some resistance in the mind as it can get scared probably, because we cannot just understand it like that and it feels all different actually if we begin to listen to it, we listen and think it over and absorb it and we don't just read.
Embodiments of divine Love! As long as a person is conceited and egotistical, no one will like that person.
Why does he tell us embodiment of divine Love?
Because we are with him and he is divine Love and we want to be the same as he is. We know he is the Atmic principle, he told us many times and always again in other words the same, the principle, that is his message and we have to do an effort to understand it.
A principle is about truth and it has to be understood. It is not sentimental, it is not mood making, it is not an illusion, it is not the mind and the body, it is a divine principle, the 'I am that' and we have to realize that all are the same 'I am that', he is it, we are it, all are it, right? That is how we find it in Veda, 'Though Art That', 'I am That', 'We are That', 'All are That'. That is the core of it, the heart, everything turns around 'that' only.
We are all one and the same and because we are one, the differences fall away.
There are no differences if we are all one. We have two realities, one is inseparable only divine and one and there is no second and we have the world and nothing is ever the same, it is always changing and the oneness is underlying what is always changing and we have to learn to see unity in diversity.
Even their wedded spouse and their own children, though they may appear to respect them externally, will not be happy with an arrogant person. As long as one is filled with ego, one can never be really happy.