Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Pictures of Unity

People suffer because they have all kinds of unreasonable desires and they pine to fulfill them and they fail. They attach too much value to the objective world. It is only when attachment increases that you suffer pain and grief. If you look upon Nature and all created objects with the insight derived from the Inner Vision, then attachment will slide away, though effort will remain; you will also see everything much clearer and with a glow suffused with Divinity and splendor. Close your external eyes and open your inner eyes - What a grand picture of essential unity you get? Attachment to Nature has limits, but the attachment you develop to the Lord when your inner eye opens, has no limit. Enjoy that reality, not this false picture.
(Thought for the day)

First I read that thought for the day and it didn’t tell me anything, so I was thinking it over in writing it down. I would probably not have the patience to think it over if I would not write about it. The question is how do we open our inner eyes?
Or how do we see the different to our outer eyes? 

People suffer because they have all kinds of  desires and they pine to fulfill them and they fail. They attach too much value to the objective world. It is only when attachment increases that you suffer pain and grief.

It is failure on all levels if we go for unreasonable desires and try to fulfill or impose them. He came with the expectation to Baba that his unreasonable desires, which were a dream only, would be fulfilled and he imposed it on us. 
And Baba tells us why; it is because he attaches too much value to the objective world. And suffering, pain increases if the attachment to the world increases.
The newest insight on that level is about ‘belonging’, it is the level of divinity and Krishna and therefore, the insight ‘we belong together’.

If you look upon Nature and all created objects with the insight derived from the Inner Vision, then attachment will slide away, though effort will remain; you will also see everything much clearer and with a glow suffused with Divinity and splendor.

That is what happens here in writing. If we look at nature and all the created objects with the insight derived from the inner Vision, the attachment will slide away, though effort will remain. That is the effort what remains that it goes on and it doesn’t just stop like that and is answered, but we will see everything much clearer and with a glow suffused with Divinity and splendor.

The effort is going on and in thinking it over everything will get much clearer and there will be a glow suffused with Divinity and splendor. That is what happens in thinking over the thought for the day, Baba’s words, sentence by sentence in seeing it in our own life and in going on no matter what obstacles are there.

Close your external eyes and open your inner eyes - What a grand picture of essential unity you get? Attachment to Nature has limits, but the attachment you develop to the Lord when your inner eye opens, has no limit. Enjoy that reality, not this false picture.

What is the picture of unity we get? One picture of unity was for sure that we are the same, ‘I am that’. And another picture of unity was, ‘I am the One’.
Nature is beautiful and if we are attached to nature thinking that he is all that, it has limitations, also the ocean has limitations if we dive to the ocean ground or if we are on the shore, it is symbolic that it is endless and infinite and it is when we are just in water and above and below and around us is only silence, that is the ocean without limitations. The insights have no limitations and are therefore of such beauty that we lose our attachment to nature. But what he tells us in the sentence is about enjoying the reality of it and not the picture.
The reality is that he has no limits and the picture is just a reflection of his beauty. If I am only now getting aware that ‘belonging together’ is related to divinity and therefore, it is an insight and we should enjoy that it is not limited and no problem and perfect harmony and beauty and clear etc.
It has all to do with divinity or the higher self and not the people involved.
So we have to first get aware of it that it is an ‘insight’ and moreover that there is an insight of ‘belonging together' and the roots are with the Hare Krishnas. Similar if we watch a beautiful Christmas movie and we listen to the Christmas carols and see the snow silently fall from the sky and it feels all great, warm, it smells good and we are happy to meet the family, that is the kind of perfect harmony we find in unity and in divinity.
But it is hardly ever like that in life, so instead of suffering because the desires do not get fulfilled, we know that it is divinity and his unlimited being we see in that perfect harmony and we enjoy the unlimited potential of the divine, but not the picture. 
If that ‘belonging together’ I had not been even aware of, it was with someone I had met 35 years ago and it was gone, there was no memory of ‘belonging together’ anymore, the Hare Krishna experience was lost. What was left was the mind only and that was not the reality we had lived together with the Hare Kishnas. 
So in the mean time the ideals have that changed on the outer mind level, but the core is still the same, because it is divinity, but that doesn’t mean that we will get together and live it again as we did 35 years ago. But it means that divinity is never changing and wherever is that unity and divinity, we will feel okay and it is present today and it has been present yesterday and it will be there also tomorrow, nothing can get lost on that level.
To realize that unity in our inner Vision we have to get aware that it is about ‘insights’ and not about ‘mind’ or ‘memory’ or something we have lost. If it is divinity, it cannot get lost, but if we associate it with the body, we think it is lost and that is the mind and the source of pain. Whatever is on the level of the divine can never get lost, because it is eternal and permanent and always present.
Pain is the result of wrong identification with the body and the mind and getting to the wrong conclusion that we have lost something, that it is gone, when in reality it is still present, we just have to realize it.
And for that reason we have to think it over, see it in our own life, go on no matter what obstacles are there, because like that we go beyond the mind and reach the level were we find no changes and the unlimited being in our own inner Vision. 

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