Saturday, July 5, 2014

Insights and following Steps

You must regard the prosperity and joy of others in the community as your own. Only then will India or any other country deserve prosperity and joy. Your happiness is bound up with the happiness of Society. Your physical, mental and intellectual strength and skills have to be dedicated, not merely to your own progress, but equally to the progress of Society. You must try to benefit yourself and the Society through such service. Use the strength, skills, and spirit of service for such work. A machine gets rested if it is not put to use; the human machine too gets rusted if it is not put to constant meaningful work. The pulse is not the correct indicator of your being alive; work and activity is the evidence and the value of real living. Your role is to translate your strength into activity along the path of duty.
Baba (thought for the day)

There is a difference of time between an insight and the following step. 
The insight was there, it was in the dream. 
At that time I thought first it was a dream and only in thinking about it and seeing it in Baba’s words we get absorbed. We have to realize what it is an ‚insight‘. It is the reflection of reality, Darshan, in our own heart. 
And Baba tells us he is the insight and he is he following step.
The insight was that ruin, the house crumbled, there was no roof, the floor was no floor only holes and he was dresses strangely in a red skirt and a black fur jacket like a woman and he said. 
He said ‚sorry‘, but there is no sorry for that, for a ruin, it is must too bad to be excused. It felt like disaster, the following step is getting aware of it and the reflection is the reality of 'taking advantage of it'. Strange way to see it, certainly it needs more than recognition of it to get that conclusion. 

Baba said he is the ‚insight‘ and the ‚following step‘, it seems kind of hard work to get aware of it and to finally understand the insight. 
It also takes energy away and that leads to the understanding of the other 'insight‘, it was Baba with vampire teeth. Baba doesn't look scary ever, but it was still alarming, it made me feel that something is wrong about it. 
The ‚insight’ that it takes strength away, no strength and that is why Baba was reflected as vampire. Terrible thought to be together with a vampire. 
There are moments it still takes energy away, it is like falling in that state of mind and it feels horrid. Like getting aware of it how it is in such situations we are lost. 
Insights is one thing, getting aware of it on that level is heavy, it is self-reflection, but it still takes energy away.
It is not an enjoyable moment, it is a different state of mind, but if we are in it, it is very real. It takes energy away, whatever he did, it resulted in that 'insight' and it seems to be te worst enemy of spirituality because it creates doubts. 
It feels like what is the use, it is all for nothing anyhow.

Your role is to translate your strength into activity along the path of duty.

If strength is gone, it is like holes and the energy flowing away through holes created by carelessness. We cannot translate our strength into activity if there is no strength and the duty is just a burden.

Duty without love is deplorable. Duty with love is good. Love without duty is divine. (Baba)

It is heavy and if we are in such a state of mind, it is never light and there is no love and there will be no love, from all sides the same, no way out, it is a deplorable state and that is how we learn by recognizing it.
Insight is a place of self-reflection, but that deplorable place nobody wants to share. 
If we see it as part of the lesson, if we are able to see it as part of the lesson, we get more distance in between. 
It destroyed good feeling that relationship, reflected as vampire and with a person who was only taking advantage of it. It felt like not understandable, why he didn't see it, but all well meaning didn't change it and that was finally the reality reflected. 
It was ruined that house of devotion or self-realization, no energy left, no joy, no good feeling, the worst enemy, he does the opposite of Baba he destroys what he created, that is really stupid to go in a relationship with such a person, but we have to learn the lesson nevertheless, if we like it or not.  

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