Sunday, July 13, 2014

Insights and Natural Law

Purnima means the effulgent fullmoon. Guru is One who removes darkness and delusion from the heart and illumines it with the higher wisdom. The moon and the mind are interrelated, as object and image. On this day, the moon is full, fair and cool, its light pleasant and peaceful; the light of the mind too has to be pleasing and pure. In the firmament of your heart, the moon is the mind.  Sensual desires and worldly activities are the clouds, thick and heavy which mar your joy at the light of the moon. Let the strong breeze of love scatter the clouds away and confer on you the cool glory of moonlight. When devotion shines full, the sky in the heart becomes a bowl of beauty and life is transformed into a charming avenue of Ananda (bliss). That beauty of heart, that bliss in life can be won through the mind, if the lesson of this day is remembered and realized.
Baba (thought for the day)

We had great Guru Purnima Bhajans. It felt like in Prasanthi. I usually like to close my eyes and to listen to Bhajans when it feels like Prasanthi, we could feel Baba's presence, someone else said that there was no interruption during that whole time, and he was continuously present.
During Bhajans we always sing about oneness, nothing else and the oneness of all religions.
  That is the ocean and we have to know how to live that oneness.
And there has been another insight about TM as opposed to what we had thought it was.
There was 'one insight
', but not a real insight. 

We were lead by scientific research to always the same conclusion. If we meditate all problems are solved, just meditate.
We looked at that same insight from all sides, universally and with science. We believed it to be scientific until later it got clear that not the research mattered, but only the same conclusion getting the intellect to the conclusion that all is done with meditation.
The intellect stops to work if we get always to the same conclusion.

If we look at the sheaths, there is the material body the first sheath and prana, air, the energy level is the second sheat belonging to fire, upward direction.
In the middle we have the mind. It belongs to the moon, downward direction in the senses. The mind is the master of the senses.
Afterwards we have the intellect sheat and it belongs to fire and again upward direction and finally we get to Ananda, the bliss sheath in the center, the heart.
What we need is the intellect and prana, meditation to get beyond the mind into upward direction, that is natural law. 

There is only that insight in TM, no other insight, whatever it was called it always resulted in the same conclusion. But that is not really an
'insight', that is brainwashing.

The 'insight' is Baba, but it is in our dream and the following step is also Baba.
If we have an
'insight', Baba insight, because he is the man in the dream to awake us, there is a following step, we have to see it in our own life and to go on no matter what obstacles are there to get the meaning of the 'insight' and it is not explained by science.
The 'insight' with TM is convincing on all possible levels, universal, but it is not 'Baba', it makes puppets out of people.
'insights' I write about, we cannot prove scientifically, but it is Baba and therefore, it is real.
If we listen to the TM-insight we are sheeple, because we all listened to the same thing over and over until we were that convinced that we would never put it in question, but we have been brainwashed and more over it worked with the American mind and
'invincibility', the American dream.
It enforced what we wanted to believe over and over again, if we just meditate.
We are that convinced that we do not put it in question until we realize that we don
't think anymore. The intellect is used in meditation, not for discrimination.
It is a wrong
'insight' and a wrong conclusion. We think we know and we are the doer and it means we are convinced. We do not believe that Baba is the doer, we go on thinking that we are the doer, because we are not aware of the brainwashing of TM.
It is not an insight by the man in our heart awakening us, it is learnt by heart and enforced over and over with scientific research, that is all mind, not Baba.
We are convinced and do not put it question anymore and that is wrong
It is all mind only and not Atman.
Baba is not logical, he is Atman, he is divinity and we get the 'insight' we need and even if it doesn't make sense, we have to follow it and I guess we went from the highest to the lowest and that is the pendulum of the mind to finally go beyond the mind.
So there is a big difference between listening to scientific research convincing us what we like to believe anyhow and the man who is in our dream to awake us.
But after all it is also natural law. If we look at the prana, life energy and meditation with the breath, we watch the breath and can by that transcend the mind, but we also need the intellect and discrimination.
With TM and getting always to the same conclusion a very dangerous thing happened, the intellect stopped to work and we are at the mercy of those people and we don't even know who it is really, the master is not there. We are that convinced that it was all okay, just meditate, nothing to fear, everything is proved scientifically and we went in the mind trap.
We were not able to realize that we became the worst case of sheeple possible, being lost.
If the intellect doesn't work anymore, we are not even able anymore to realize that actually what we looked at the energy flow going upwards, in projecting it in the future, it goes again in the downward direction and in the mind.
All that just to not be different from all others who dream the American dream. We thought great, we always believe in it. TM is just confirming our own delusion.
We got a TM-message, just meditate and all our desires will be fulfilled.
The intellect was not able to realize that we got lost , because we used the intellect not anymore to discriminate, we knew everything, there was no need for discrimination, we meditated, that was the discrimination and the rest is manipulation of the mind.
It is manipulation because we think we know what we are doing if we meditate with TM, but in reality, we have no clue about it, we do not know anything not even enough to realize that we are manipulated and that our mind and purpose of life has changed and that we did exactly what TM wanted us to do get all our life to the wrong conclusion that the 'insight' of TM is all there is and that there is nothing else to know but that.
And the ego and the mind help TM, because people are too proud and offended. They want to be different and more intelligent and to get aware that we are sheeple is just too offending.
We are not only sheeple; we are vegetable, not able to make one decision which is not controlled by TM.
It destroys self-respect and therefore, if the master would be present, there would be real insights. As he is not present, we get the tradition of masters, we are in relationship with his master, Gurudev, as the last guru, but was not alive anymore. Only a living Guru can get us aware of the higher self and self-realization, so the main link in the chain is missing, no real
'insights', but only one 'insight' enforced on us by science.
The West believes in science and logic and technique, TM is trendsetting, he took the mind of the West and adapted the technique to the mind.
No real
'insight', the last master missing in the tradition of masters, we get lost and nobody will be able to notice that is all mind only if we are lost, the source gets lost and without the source we cannot understand it.
We are not able to discriminate anymore and we don
't know what is wrong, we still count on the support of nature, if lots of people meditate together, we think that divinity or mother divine will support us for it only nobody in the TM-movement is aware of it that divinity will never be on the side of delusion and the mind
If we are deluded and fooled about our own path, there is no support of nature.
It was present during the big assemblies and gone as soon as we went home.
There is no support of nature if we live in illusion and if we are not able to realize what happened with us and how we got lost, that is the worst illusion of all.
We listened to a tamasic Guru and betrayed our own self and we go on believing in it and think we get enlightened and it is all
'illusion'. That is why Maharishi bought all over big houses to have lots of people continuously going on meditating together.
They are all empty now, but without big assemblies the TM theory doesn
't work and no support of nature, we don't get support for being deluded.
It is mind only, but the worst thing about it is that we gave our self-power away to a master who got us in a mind trap, we cannot use the intellect anymore, we think it has to be the way it is and it has to be logic and that it has to be no problem and answered
That is the biggest illusion of all.
He has made vegetables or sheeple and puppets of people and as there is no real insight. They get lost and are not even able to realize it.
If we realize it now, it is due to Swami the man in the dream awaking us making us aware of it how it really is
with that so called enlightenment and technique.
Nothing is worse than being lost and not knowing why, how and no way to get out of it, because the source lost we cannot understand it and if we cannot understand it, we don
't know how to get out of it, we get lost. And as it doesn't make sense they all are lost, they think they know and have no means to realize that in reality they don't know, they live the worse delusion of all and have lost the means to get out of it and to defend themselves, they are lost in that way of technique and there is no more solution but to go on to the bitter end and as there is no 'insight', there is no enlightenment possible.
He was more intelligent than we all, he was cleverer than the West
we trusted our own delusion, we believed it possible to prove divinity with science or better to replace it by science
The new religion he called quantum physics
That doesn't belong to the religions Baba mentions. Quantum physics has nothing to do with love and nothing with God.
God is love, why should it be a religion?

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