Friday, July 18, 2014

Nature and Precious Gifts

Many of you do not consider the sacred values of Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi, Prema and Ahimsa as inner current that are present within you. In fact, they form the basic foundation of human life. Without the basic fundamentals, the more knowledge you acquire, the greater and longer you continue to be a fool, if you do not invest effort to realize your true nature. Truth is present and latent within everyone. It is a precious gift from God. Whether you recognize these facts or not, and even if you consider them as irrelevant, these facts remain. Hence now onwards, you must install Truth deeply in your heart. Love is the natural fruit of developing Truth. If you grow in truthfulness, then as a result, Love blossoms from within. Along with Sathya and Prema, comes Ahimsa. Truth sustains Ahimsa or Non-Violence. You will find that the value of Non-violence is often absent, in every person, wherever and whenever Love is absent.

It is great to be in Prasanthi Nilayam. As usual we got a room with others together and actually it is good. The last time I had been here it was during the time Baba has left the body. It seemed first that we met only happy people, at least for now. As I know after a while also that will change. But there are definitely some happy people and Baba always said just be happy and I am glad to find some who live it. But you know if you come with mind problems and you are not able to let go, you will not even notice those who are happy. We see the world with our glasses, if we are not happy, we only see those who are also not happy.
Yesterday was a great Darshan and also that is individual. I guess if I would be in my mind and not able to listen and to go deep into it, it would not be that great. It depends always our personal experience. But the children were present from Baba’s schools, he has big schools and colleges and as much as I know free of charge.

In no time the hall seemed full and it was great to listen to the enthusiasm of the children singing. It felt like when Baba was present and we all got some sweets, some Prasadam. I listened to the singing of the lovely voices lovely and I felt his present, but this time it was in the awareness of ‘I am that’ and there is no difference to our higher self, thus we see in it our own awareness that he is always present. As long as we live the divine principle of ‘I am the one’ he is present, because that principle is in everybody, but we have to get aware of it.
It was a great experience.
It is similar to the principle of the mother. One day I felt the same joy in the air I experienced with my daughter as I had felt when I was a child with my mother and there was no difference in time and space. It will be the same with my daughter and her children and all others mothers and therefore, when mother goes, nothing is left, the principle of motherhood is not based to a body, it is an eternal truth and Atman.
If we get aware of the presence of the divine in our own principle and we share it on that level, there is no difference. A principle is for all the same, it doesn’t matter time and space. It is the 'I am that' principle and it makes happy to get aware of it, because nothing can get lost, it is ongoing and therefore, non-changing and divine.
To know that makes happy, it is the source of bliss. If we realize it on all levels it will never change and that non-changing happiness is the gift of bliss.  

It love to remember the beautiful time with Baba and the time with my ex and his always talking about who’s room he was living in feels in fact nothing but sick. Out of that truth he had mind problems and he wanted to be someone he was not. His boss send him there because he lost the job and he was not flexible enough to find a new one. So his boss was with Sai Baba and he gave him his room and told him to go there and that he could ask from Baba everything he wanted. So he came with the idea that he just could ask and he would get. The terrible thing is that I didn’t get aware of it and I couldn’t see it in Baba’s presence and I went ahead until it noticed that nothing was as he said it was and that was a shock.
First I was in a room with ladies from Russia and I didn’t understand a word and they were constantly talking and loud snoring at night. So after all I was glad to have my computer and I definitely should not take a break from writing as I first thought and since yesterday I also have the internet again and that means I can listen and think it over.
But I am with English talking people now and I have a corner of my own I use like my office and can write without too much disturbing others.
And last night I had my daughter on the phone, it is easy with Skype and it felt like she was in the next room, it takes the distance away and it is good to know how she is doing.
With that thought for the day there have been some insights and Baba said he is the insight and the following step. The insight was long ago.
My ex had a dream and Baba said to him that I had to come to him and make peace with him. The way my ex interpreted it was awkward and such a shock, I lost the ability of words. It was like everything I would say was a word too much. Looking back it feels sick. How could anyone get to such a conclusion and there was no love, not the least love. It was dark and that ugly I just looked at him and said nothing anymore. It was a shock to get aware with what person I shared a Baba Lila because we had met in the ashram. It was that cruel and heartless the way he spoke also about Baba who is the embodiment of love that it was not possible to share anymore, because I realized that every word I told that guy was one word too much, he just took advantage of it. The heart level was black and tamasic that was later after we had left in the dream, he was standing in a ruin and he was wearing a red woman skirt and a black fur jacket. It was only about how it looked and he had not the least notion about love. But it was shocking to get aware of it and it was dragging my energy down, but only later I should notice how bad it really was. Baba was as a vampire in the dream and with a very long nose, it means he took energy and time and all other resourced he could get and he was not honest, not one word he said was true.
At once the picture turned around and I felt like a prisoner of one of the worst demons we could probably meet.  It felt also like that all energy was gone. When I began to realize it what time and energy I had lost and wasted with that guy, I was that tired, I couldn’t get up anymore, so that was the vampire.
Now all that feels just sick and nothing was light and happy as it should be and I cannot understand how I got into it.  He was always talking about the room he was living in and it was that strange to me, it just didn’t make sense. I really thought it was a friendship with his former boss, he called him friend, it was all upside down and for me a nightmare to get aware of it. Looking back it feels sick. 
I hoped it would get clear fast and better and I could go on with my life, but only now is the second step and we get aware of it that this was meant when Baba said that I had to make peace with him. In listening to his words he tells us why there is violence and if there is no truth, there is no love.
Thus we get the meaning indirectly with his words that 'making peace with Baba', what he abused in telling me who had to be that stupid that I had to go and make peace with a Sai Baba and that is in fact what we are doing, it is about self-enquiry only the peace with that person is impossible, he ruined not only the spiritual path, standing on a ruin, there was also no love and he took only advantage of it. It means there will never be peace possible. It is impossible, he has fooled us into it, stolen I don’t know how much time and energy and it ended bad, there is no way there can ever be peace. So Baba said, ‘you didn’t listen, you have to get a divorce’, that is now years ago and only now it gets really clear the meaning and why he said it.
If we do not listen to his words, we will never understand those dreams, because he is indirect and also indirect we get the answer. Everything direct is only mind. With the mind we never can answer it.  
If we do not listen to his words, we cannot understand it.  
So Baba tells us that without finding that current in us, the basic foundation in human life, we go on being a fool if we do not invest effort to realize our true nature.
That is the reason why we go to Baba to find our true nature, we do not go for job, money or wife, we want to find that basic fundamental value to not to continue to be a fool, because only then we can be happy.
Baba told me with those words why he was violent and abusive and why Baba was in his dream afterwards and told him that he is really not in love. If there is no truth, there is no love and we see in this thought for the day that it doesn't work without truth and love. 
Baba explains it lovingly.
If we do not listen, we do not develop love. Love is the sweet fruit of truth. That is love is not on the level of attraction. Only if we live truth and if we find our real nature and face the mind and the body as different from our real self, we will be able to get in touch with that divine love and it is a precious gift from God, as he tells us whether we recognize it or not, and even if we consider it irrelevant, the fact remains. The treasure we get with Baba is that and not money and not gold. 
The question is how we establish truth in our heart and love is he fruit developing from truth. Without truth no love and with that we find Ahimsa, non-violence. Truth and love, sathya and prema, we get ahimsa, non-violence and if there is hidden violence like hidden in a volcano, bursting out without any warning, what is nothing but ego and no self-control, we are not only in the mind, but in the ego and that happened and it shows that there is no love. 

Along with Sathya and Prema, comes Ahimsa. Truth sustains Ahimsa or Non-Violence. You will find that the value of Non-violence is often absent, in every person, wherever and whenever Love is absent.

It explains the dream he had after he could have killed me nearly sitting on the floor hitting with a metal pot for nothing but something like a bagatelle which was used to get into violence. That is how Baba tells us that there was no love and no truth. Just hidden violence was there, an awful volcano, hidden behind soft spoken words giving the false impression of being cultured and self-behaved, like the wrong face was falling off and what we looked at like a sheep was now a wolf and a very bad wakeup. But the worst shock of all is that time he took away from my life and that it turned into a long time issue with Baba and no way out, like a prison without hope to get out of it. I compared it with Sita and Rama. I wrote once a letter to Baba and in the next speech he said, ‘poor Sita‘, that is how we got still answers in that situation without way out, imprisoned by a vampire.
And only today I know why he said in his dream, ‘you are really not in love’.
He had a Baba dream after he hit with the pot on my head and did next day like nothing would have happened and he said to Baba in the dream, ‚I love you Swami‘ and Baba answered, ‚you are really not in love‘.
And of course, his foolish mind blamed me for it that he was not in love, but we couldn’t leave, we were in India and I had been let down by my family already before, there was no one to turn to and no help, so I had to wait until Baba would get me out of it.
He has no idea what it means to listen to Baba, he always has a friend, someone he calls friend he is listening to, but never Baba.
If we do not listen, we don’t understand it and we do not understand the Baba dreams. Baba is the man in our dreams to awake us, but if we do not an effort to get to our true nature, we can just ignore the dream as it seems at least with my ex it did, he doesn’t understand one Baba dream he had, only in telling it that way indirectly we get the answer for his dreams and that is the following step.
These are ‚insights‘ and Baba said he is the insight and the following step, so this now is the following step. 
If we do not listen, we cannot understand it. Baba is there in the dream to awake us, he is in our true nature in our own higher self and if we don’t listen, we just take it as a ordinary dream or we do not think it over, we just forget it and blame others, nothing is done, that is just the mind and it means the mind is too strong. 
That is how Baba explains lovingly why it happened and what his dreams told us and in seeing the true value in that way indirectly we also get aware of the bad monkey mind behind it.
It is a lesson. If we think that Baba gives and gives and gives and the bad monkey of a mind just took advantage of it, we get to the insight that making peace with Baba is listening to his words and indirectly we get the answer. If there is no love and we interpret Baba as it arranges the mind, that is just taking advantage of it.
That is no behavior of a devotee.
So that is why Baba told him in his dream that I had to go and make peace with Baba. We left but his state of mind was such, I had lost all confidence and I was actually glad about it, because I couldn’t take such a risk and go into that again.
Making peace with Baba words, in using Baba’s words, he is the doer, he is the knower and he explains it. Otherwise, there is no way to make peace with that perverted situation. He said that is perverted and even that I didn’t understand at that time. It was much worse than I thought it was and it was not over when we left, because we had the following step still in front of us. Only if we listen and think it over we are able to absorb.
The relationship is ruined; the path of love turned into the opposite, the result was violent and war and not love. It was all sick and perverted. 
Because there was no love, it was just about taking advantage of it.
It means he is the knower and we get indirectly the answer by him.  If there is no peace, there is no happiness and no love. If there is no truth and love, there is no ahimsa, non-violence and the happiness is the sweet fruit of truth and I am glad to see people here and we can feel that they are happy. 

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