Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Self-satisfaction, self-confidence, self-control, self-sacrifice, self-realization

In Sadhana (spiritual practices), there are six steps: Sama (mind-control), Dama (body and sense-control), Titiksha (forbearance), Uparathi (beyond joy and sorrow), Shraddha (unwavering faith) and Samadhana (focus on Atma). Sama, Dama and Uparathi have to do with various aspects of mind and sense control. Titiksha refers to having equal-mindedness in gain or loss, in pain or pleasure, and in praise or censure. Shraddha (faith) is very essential in spiritual life. Only the one who has Shraddha will attain illumination and wisdom. So whatever work is undertaken, one should do it with diligence and faith. Samadhana refers to contentment. He who has the least desires is the richest man in the world. He who is filled with desires is the poorest man in the world. Therefore, one should have contentment and self-satisfaction. Self-satisfaction comes from self-confidence. Self-satisfaction can lead one to self-sacrifice and thence to Self-realization.-Baba...

But remembering TM, the principle of self-satisfaction was in the principle of invincibility. There is everything known, nowhere to go to look for more knowledge, all problems solved, if you know how to help yourself, you help the world. All you need to do, meditate.
About the future, nothing to do but meditate to enlighten the world, the best one can do. By meditation is all covered.

The imbalances in nature are due to imbalance in the mind, meditate and it will be balanced on a global world and natural law level.
Self-satisfaction means if they meditate all desires will get fulfilled, they will have whatever they need and get stronger they also will manifest money in time… etc.
It is believed to be the best, therefore, the support of nature is there, mother nature rewarding her children. 
Nowhere to go, nothing to do but meditate and enlighten the world, and all is done, not even a need for a present master. It takes care of if itself, if it would work, but it doesn't. But at first sight it seems strong.

And the principle of self-contentment with Sai Baba included in his teaching for self-confidence, self-control, self-satisfaction, self-sacrifice, self-realization.
If we make a principle out of it like TM, we would tell everybody, just go in direction of self-realization and God, and all problems are solved and the world will be helped too.

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