Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The melody coming out of the heart of all hearts

Another video clip is named 'Musing on God', and listening to it in Baba's presence about twenty minutes of music, a real joy, I got aware that is all about the beautiful melody coming out of the heart of all hearts, love only. That melody was there during the first meditation course and was due to that projected later on into a wrong path and a technique.
To get aware that 'I am that', it is the focus on the 'melody coming out of the heart of all hearts', on love.
It is being one with him, it is the same. There is only one heart of all hearts, and that is he, as he is the indweller of the heart. 'He is that', and 'we are that' and then 'all are that'.
The focus is on that 'melody coming out of the heart of all hearts', that is the inner essence, the oneness and it gets to an experience of belonging to the same family, to his family, being the same.
There is no such thing as projection of the self into a methode, when there is only one reality of the self, the experience of oneness and sharing the beauty.

Musing On God from Sairamark on Vimeo.

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