Thursday, July 21, 2011

"Let me efface your karma", Baba is the best therapy

"Let old memories well up in you, from My subconscious in you... Old patterns..., old forgotten feelings and thoughts. Now plunge them into the Ocean of Light, burn them from the consciousness, so that you may be true emblems of My Being.
Right now, Visualize My burning flame rising higher and higher as it burns through you.
It is a flame that is cooling, cleansing and healing,
That soothes the hidden sorrow..., and leaves you calmed and quiet.
Rest in my Love. Let all that you have been through in your many lives up to this day, melt away in My redeeming Light. Children of My Being, dissolve your sorrows and fears in Me.
Let me efface all your karma."
Sathya Sai Baba

First I wondered when old stuff came up, I wondered why. I knew it was what I was waiting for since a long time, I could face it and look at it.    
After the first interview with Baba at night in the dream was my mother, love was much stronger. My body felt like a clove and he had filled it out completely. 

He has become the mirror of all roles inside, and therefore, he is the parents, past situations come up in his light, and in that light we are able to understand it.
It reflects in a space which is whole, not conditioned, not colored in the insight light of the self. But we still need a screen to see the reflection and that is life itself. 
It comes up as challenge and in meeting it and not in avoiding it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Only truth is worthwile to be lived, not the illusion, but sometimes we go through the illusion to be able to see truth in the end. To be real is our happiness and fulfillment.
Whatever comes up, I take the challenge to go for it it to learn the lesson, because it is him behind.
I find in you a soulmate. I feel home reading your words. 
I went through patterns coming up to be able to burn it in his flame. And to get aware of it, I followed his words, he says, "Follow the master, fight to the end and finish the game".
I went through old patterns, but it didn't just come up and I could put it in the flame, no, I had to challenge the situation and people involved. I was waiting and searching for that. Nothing felt worse then just being exposed to that male manipulation behind the screen. He gave me the tool to be able to face it. 
Whatever that was, especially hidden manipulation I wanted to get in the open, and I was searching for a tool, and with Baba I could face it and reveal the creepy intentions.
It was in my own interest, but it ended in him making me aware that my 'family' had let me down. Nothing more to expect from that side if he tells that, because he is truth, it will only be confirmed.
My ex doesn't understand the master. He projected someone else in him. I was always following the master, and he thought it was processing, an expression to get rid of karma, but he wasn't able to practice it. And he didn't realize it was following the master, fighting to the end and finishing the game with Sathya Sai Baba. Even when he himself sent us to Baba to go and make peace with him, he didn't get it, same again this April in Prasanthi during the time when Baba left the body. I send him the bill to 'finish the game', and not long ago he asked, why I don't write now at all anymore. Over twenty years ago we had met in the ashram. He doesn't understand that something finished, that he would have had the means to change it and that he is 'an empty Western shoe', destroying himself, he doesn't know what he is doing at all. 
When it is about truth, it feels like the father.
Baba says that the father is truth, mother is love, brother is devotion and daughter is peace.    

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