Thursday, June 26, 2014

Self-Control and Duties

Health is the greatest blessing. Without it, you cannot do even the smallest work. Health is indispensable for your progress in material, moral, political, economic, artistic and spiritual fields. Food habits are of primary importance if health must be secured and maintained. 'No restraint, no success' is the axiom. Among the 8.4 million species of living beings, all except humans live on food as provided by Mother Nature.
Human beings alone strive to make such food more palatable, more attractive to the senses of sight, touch and smell by boiling, frying, freezing and mixing, grinding and soaking. Natural Food is really beneficial. Catering to the cravings of the tongue, if you intake heavy food thrice or more a day, you will fall ill and lose the sprightliness of youth. Restraints, controls and limits must be applied to the tongue. Regular and limited intake a lone will enable you to discharge your duties.
Baba (thought for the day)

My digesting was not all too well for some time and some time ago it said in the 'insight' that I should fast.
I did it the next day, for a day just drinking and as my daughter was in vacation it was a good time and it got better real fast.
An 'insight' is like a window in the dream state or in meditation, we know it is not a thought, it is coming from the higher self or the inner master.
Divinity or the inner master is like the sun and the 'insight' is the reflection of the sunshine.
We can see our body as a glass in that glass is water and if the water is clean enough it reflects the sunshine and if it is not, we can hardly see it. But if we are used to see it, we can see that reflection mostly in the dream state, but sometimes it is also just in the air or it is reflected in meditation.
That reflection is not the mind, it is in the watcher, it is different from the mind. It is not like sense-perception what means thinking or seeing with the eyes, it is different, it is a reflection and therefore, we see it, it is inner view.

But if we have a reflection our mind will think about it and see it in our own life, there is always some stuff coming up, some memories and some insights. If he talks about bad qualities ruining our life and we have made that experience and there was nothing left but a ruin, we have to ask ourselves why.
It is certainly not good if he told my six year old daughter in the ashram that her father was stupid that he doesn't know what he is doing and that he is destroying himself and if she goes back to him he will destroy her as well.
That was not good at that time and it is still not good, but he hasn't changed. At that time I didn't know why.
It was much worse than I thought it was. In the insight was a mud hole and when the rain came the mud got watery and came in that fast, it was already too late.
The yet small child was playing at the wall and the mud had already covered her and only a small hand was reaching out for me, she was gone. I had to get out as fast as I could and I said, let's go out of here, but it was already too late, the mud had covered her totally and if I tried to help her, I was destroyed as well and behind was Baba's voice and that was terrifying, because he asked and what now?
That was the ruin we lived in with my ex and I was not aware of it. Once in writing it down it got clear that it was him because of the arguing and no peace, it had to do with the feeling of a mud hole and because he took only advantage of it.
He would have waited for sure until the mud would have come in, because he went the path of least effort.
He would not have changed anything thinking it was Baba who gave him all that, whatever he wanted, also wife, family, but they all had to take care of him, only he not of them. He was only taking advantage of it.
If I tried to get aware that we have to think it over and absorb or see it in our own life, he began to argue and he began to even put the Baba interviews in question, that means he destroyed it.
Baba is only love, but in putting it in question, he destroyed the comforting peace we felt in his presence.
Behind that 'image' with the mud hole and the child gone in the mud was Baba's voice and he asked, 'and what now'?
One day he had a Baba dream and Baba said to him that I had to go and make peace with him.
As he had in purpose or out of stupidity disturbed the peace, I had to go and make peace with Baba, that is how it looked in his dream.
I wondered very much that he was not able to see that it was a Baba call, for me it was the highest, because we could go to him, that was wonderful.
But I didn't dare to tell him how I felt, because I was afraid he would destroy it, as he tried to destroy about every good feeling we had with Baba.
I guess he was just too stupid to realize what he did, but in Baba telling the child in the dream that he would destroy her as well, that was dangerous.
Actually, I knew it, once I had told him in the ashram to not spit the almonds with the teeth and spitting it in the food we after had to eat. He made that way a kind of muesli and I didn't believe it, he cut with his long teeth the almonds an let them fall in the muesli.
But he had no intention to take that in the end I was hit with a metal pot on the head by him, I was sitting on the floor, don't know why and he could have killed me.
It was like a shock, because nobody would have expected that. So I had to always somehow keep the energy low and when he went into arguing I usually said, Baba will find a way.
I couldn't get out of it and my family didn't react. When I wrote them, they didn't even answer.
So I didn't show that I was full of joy to be able to go to Baba, I waited until we were in the airplane and when it took off and went in the air … it was like Baba's wings carrying us away.
So the associations in our mind in the light of the 'insight' and telling the story makes it grow and we begin to see it in a different light. The problem was that I was not aware how dangerous it was, because he had no intention to change anything, so it would have gone on like that, path of least effort.
One day Baba said 'amok, seven will be killed, tonight' and a young boy in the age of my daughter went into an amok run that same night in the Los Angeles airport and it said in the news that seven were hurt.
I was scared that something would happen and I wondered what I would do, but it was not here, it was in America.
He is the same age as my daughter.
The association is with the father and that he would have destroyed her.
He is that perverted in his thoughts, he doesn't know anymore what he is doing.
He talks about giving it to Baba, when he should take care of it. He talks about Baba, like he would be his pal, really expecting Baba to send me back to my loving husband, when he never had been a loving husband.
He is not able to make a difference between dream and reality.
Once he wanted to come here, it was a few months before my mother died and I got nearly sick knowing it, I definitely didn't want to see him and for sure not sitting him around as he always did. As he got the news that my mother was very sick, I could convince him that it had no support. He didn't come to see his daughter or his family, that guy said that he wanted to come and open up a money box.
That is a person we met with Sai Baba and he is that perverted in his thinking, he cannot separate money and divinity, not dream and reality, and somehow it looks like his former boss as well.
He was sent there by his former boss who is very wealthy and he lived in his room and enjoyed his boss's VIP status.
He talked like he was famous and rich and like we could stay in the ashram and we would never have any financial problems, because he had a job with his ex-boss, he called him his friend.
In reality he had never been a friend, but his ex-boss.
He had lost his job and he couldn't find anything new and therefore, his former boss sent him to Sai Baba.
He had already paid the TM-courses for his employees. He said that when he was initiated he knew he would always do it, but he never did it. That was also perverted, it didn't make sense to me, why should anyone tell that he does it all his life, if he never does it and no discrimination between right and wrong.
It didn't make sense until I realized that he did it to impress his former boss, to look like he was a spiritual person so that he got his room.
So everything he said seemed only to make sense, but nothing of it was real, he was like someone who spoke with open eyes of a daydream. His boss was not the friend he said he was, he had not the job he said he had, he was not rich as he claimed to be, there were not no financial problems as he said it would be.
It was a shock to get aware of it and I ended in a nervous breakdown.
It was just too much, I couldn't take it and only when Baba left the body he said that he took only advantage of it and with the 'insights' I get aware of the reality behind it, it feels that sick to me.
He knew a lot of important people in the ashram he had met with his former boss and they knew him because he lived in the room of his former boss.
It was like a different world I lived in with him and that had nothing anymore to do with reality.
In reality he had lost his job and he was not able to find another job. He was always overqualified, always something was wrong and he wanted me to go and work for him.
We did a Montessori training, but also that didn't work.
He just wanted to go on and write a newsletter like his former boss, but that was also not working out.
He lived in a dream world comparing himself with the super rich and famous and it had nothing to do with his life or his reality. He was not flexible and not able to let go.
So he was thinking in walking in the footsteps of his former boss he would get rich like him. He went to Baba not because of Baba, but because his former boss went there.
I guess that is the reason why it was that perverted.
So he wanted to come and open a money box here, instead of coming for a visit to see his daughter or his family. After Baba didn't send us back, he wrote that he will take the path of least effort, he created only problems, he is like a lunatic who claims to be a Baba devotee.
So after all he said that I had to go and make peace with Baba, because he began to put the peace and love of Baba's presence in question. For him it sounded like punishment and for me like a Baba gift.
If Baba said it was not the right path, he said there was nothing wrong and stuff like that …, he knew everything better.
That are my memories of the ruin in the air and the ruin he was standing in after we left and what finally ended in that amok of the boy who was in the age of my daughter.
How can a twenty-three year old young boy run amok instead of enjoying life and meeting with girls and going for parties like my daughter does?
The conclusion is that he probably also had such a perverted father and I am actually sorry for the boy, because not twenty-three year old boy is doing something like that  if there is no reason and he called his brother and said that something will happen. It is a totally perverted mind state.
Somehow Baba made me aware of a perverted Western reality, sick, standing head and that is Tamas.
They don't make a difference between divinity and wealth …
As he said in one thought for the day, today people worship wealth. 
It seems they are not aware of it. I guess TM was part of it. It was just a technique, not related to divinity, but if we take the TM ideals of meditation and getting rich and all possibilities and we live it with Baba and don't realize that it is not the same, we put everything upside down.
The 'I am that' is the universal principle of divinity and it has nothing to do with being wealthy or with gold, it is principle, it is beyond the mind and the body.  
It has to do with knowledge and wisdom and insights and meditation and discipline and ceiling of desires and with ideals. God is love.     
Regular and limited intake a lone will enable you to discharge your duties.

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