Cultivating envy, malice, hatred and anger against others is an evil pastime that recoils on oneself. In every one there is resident the self-same divine spark; so caviling at the neighbor is tantamount to caviling at Divinity.

The path of virtuous conduct (Dharma marga) is the boundary of the field, in the game of life. Play the game, paying heed to the warnings of ‘foul’ and ‘out’, and let your virtues win over the vicious tendencies within you.
Baba (thought for the day)
How do we get aware that we go beyond the mind and the self goes on forever?

What means ‘I am that’ in the light of Krishna, brother is devotion. The divine Krishna has a blue color and the brother is just normal, whatever color we have. If we are the same ‘I am that’ it means I can project ‘that’ on you and it is true, because we are both with him. It is not me alone, it is about ‘us’ – ‘we’.

When the avatar incarnates, he comes not alone, some of his devotees incarnate with him and it is our divine destiny being part of it, but we have to get aware of it.
It means to get aware that we are part of the divine family, part of him, ‘personal staff’ he said, so you are ‘that’, he didn’t tell it to me alone, he said it to ‘us’.
That is the same ‘I am that’, Baba is not present in the ‘I consciousness of the body’ he is present in the ‘we’, that means I get aware of who ‘I am’ in your light, you grow on me, and if he would not have 'engaged' me to you inside, it would not have been possible to get aware of it.
It is the inner view which needs a mirror to get aware of the reflection. If we look in a glass of water and the water is dirty we cannot see the reflection, it is only possible to see it in a clear and pure mirror, it reflects only in a state of sathva.
‘You are that’ and ‘we (all) are that’. On the level of ‘we’ it can expand to the universe and no limitations on that level.If we are aware that we are both the same ‘I am that’ and it goes beyond birth and death, we have to be soulmates. The soul goes beyond birth and death.
If I know that I have been with him in his past incarnation as Krishna because he makes me aware of it before he left the body and we are both the same ‘I am that’, and he engaged us inside to get aware of it, you can only be his brother…
Arjuna is his brother in law, Balarama is his brother by birth, but ‘we’ are his brother by devotion.
That gets closest to truth and you know why, because that inside view was only possible in the light of ‘us’, both the same. It means it cannot be me alone, it means not the brother as person…, because as soon as I was in the airplane on the way back and I tired to get to him inside as I had the three weeks I was in the ashram nearly constantly, because the environment was different and the people around, the answer inside was, 'not on that level'. But at the same time I was out of the ashram in a hotel room in front of it, that seems also to have a meaning, to not get to the wrong conclusion that we just can live in the ashram and that's it..., it is more, it is inner realization, it is the reality of the observer which goes beyond birth and death and that is everywhere. But in the airplane it was not that, even if I didn't notice a difference first, but the response inside was different.
The insight that we are one was possible only in the light of 'we' awarness.
It was an Akanda Bhajan, singing for hours, the ‘I am that’ was during Bhajans in the Darshan hall in Prashanti above a devotee, I know her only from seeing, but she is living permanently in the ashram, an Indian lady.
Baba has always some staff around him, as he said, personal staff, probably souls who incarnate with him.
It was an Akanda Bhajan, singing for hours, the ‘I am that’ was during Bhajans in the Darshan hall in Prashanti above a devotee, I know her only from seeing, but she is living permanently in the ashram, an Indian lady.
Baba has always some staff around him, as he said, personal staff, probably souls who incarnate with him.
All together we were four people, first it was ‘Baba’ during Darshan and after it was us in the inside view in the dream state and now that lady during singing and Bhajans and it expanded to all, to the group, it is awareness of the 'I am that', all being one.
It is amazing. First it was Darshan, after it was in the dream state, inner view and he said ‘engaged’ to make aware of it, to get the focus and the attention on it.
I couldn’t get aware of my own ‘I am that’, only in the mirror of another devotee is that focus real, and it was present as experience during Bhajans.
I couldn’t get aware of my own ‘I am that’, only in the mirror of another devotee is that focus real, and it was present as experience during Bhajans.
It means we have been together before, because we incarnate with him as devotees and we will be here again as his devotees when he is coming in his next incarnation…
That is the soul relationship…, therefore, he said inside that we are soulmates.
Baba is waking us up to get aware of it to be related to our real family, our divine heritage. He is the 'I am that', he is everything and we find our roots in him and therefore, it goes beyond birth and death, being one with him in the ocean of light.
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