In Truth (Sathya), there is no illusion (Mithya). But in the illusory world you have to search for Truth and experience it.
This you can achieve only if you rid your mind of all modifications and modulations.

This is the spiritual discipline that will reveal the Reality and ensure you both physical and mental equanimity.
Baba (thought for the day)
But in the illusory world we have to search for Truth to be able to experience it.
Truth is not obvious, it is hidden behind the appearances.
How do we search for truth? In inquiring, observing and meditating we can get the experience of truth. It is important to get the experience of it. It has to be experience, on the level of words it is just a concept.
Why does illusion not exist if everything around us is illusory? Because nothing is permanent and everything is just passing by and that is not truth, what we understand as truth is eternal, unchanging like unshakable faith, otherwise, it cannot be true.
That spiritual discipline is called meditation it gets to a level where the mind is unattached, untouched and unaffected.
That is just the bad monkey mind jumping around and changing constantly, there is no truth in it and I know him too well and get upset to listen to that, no truth, no notion of reality, he doesn’t know what he is doing, he just tells that for whatever reason…
Whatever opportunity he can take advantage off, he will try to seize it and that is enervating, but I don’t need to go into it as Baba said that he took only advantage of it, it means no principle, no reality, no truth, there is no question that it could be different this time, impossible, because he is not interested in principles and truth.
It is not compatible, as I had to find truth and he played havoc. He has no notion of truth. Whatever comes into his mind he goes for, whatever opportunity is there he takes it.
Opportunism is the conscious policy and practice of taking selfish advantage of circumstances – with little regard for principles, or with what the consequences are for others. Opportunist actions are expedient actions guided primarily by self-interested motives. The term can be applied to individual humans and living organisms, groups, organizations, styles, behaviours, and trends.
If Baba tells me inside ‘congratulations you got a job’, he confirmed what he said before that he will give a job. I have to enquire about it.
If it is about truth. Truth and opportunism don’t go together, because if it is true it has to be always there, not changing or holy, some value of sath. Opportunism is mind level, even tamas, bad thoughts and always changing, jumping at the next opportunity, there is no notion of Baba’s teaching in that attitude.
I hoped to be with him on that level as we met with Baba. It was such a deception, I went straight into a nervous breakdown. It was like a shock to realize how it really was.
It was impossible to make him aware of what he is doing, it was impossible to talk to him and if I said something, he began to argue.
In the beginning of a relationship we always think we can talk or do our best and expect the other to be the same.
I spoke about truth and he said yes and just took advantage of it. It arranged him. We gave Baba a letter and I took that as confirmation that it will be true and it was not. He didn’t question it, he didn’t enquire, he didn’t understand and he has not changed at all, and I get allergic about it in the meantime. I cannot take it anymore, it is too tiring getting aware of those crooked ways of thinking.
A normal job is something temporary. If it is on Baba level it has to be holy and a kind of vocation or mission and that includes all life…, the inner commitment, otherwise, it is not a Baba job.
It has to be real and holy. What is real cannot change. If it changes it is not real. It is about the principle.
It has to be holy and the principle of sath to be true. It doesn’t make sense to go to Baba to be an opportunist. If we go to him it is about detachment, truth and that principle of eternity, it is about ‘that’, and only ‘that’ can make a difference. We have to experience it either in the presence of divinity or in meditation.
Opportunism is the conscious policy and practice of taking selfish advantage of circumstances – with little regard for principles, or with what the consequences are for others.
The relationship was mirrored as black and white and what comes up now is a means to get aware of it and why it didn’t work. Opportunism goes against the principles.
As I tried to find truth about the questions Baba has asked in the interview room, I had to ask questions and met my ex and he said he knew the right answer and Baba said to my ex in the dream, ‘I warn you, you will not get the right answer on that level’.
But it was his dream and he never cared about understanding dreams, nothing has changed.
It is about the principle. The questions Baba had asked forced me to search for truth and he was an opportunist and while I was looking for the right answer, he took advantage of it. He is not interested in truth, he doesn’t know what it is - truth.
If he tells he will move too, because you move, it is only because you said you will move, there is no other reality in it and it is also annoyance to get bothered by that again. If something else comes up, he will adapt again.
But truth is on another level, it doesn’t change, it has to be an eternal principle to be on the level of a Sai Baba, and if we don’t understand that, we have understood nothing, not even the basics.
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