Desires and wishes go on
multiplying; they never end.
Strive to arrive at the stage when His wish alone will count
and you are an instrument in His hands. Do not cater to low desires; control
your listening.
I hope he didn't just 'engage' me to you to make me aware that desires multiply and that was the sickness of my ex and it was contagious, could be, because that is what had happened.
You can fulfill desires and it creates more.
They multiply and how frustrating to look at it that way.
Is it not rather great to be able to fulfill desires? But it is not about you, it is about the others.
Not when we think about that thought for the day, because it seems only to create problems.
We should live in an ashram and not in the world. Why he tells us that we should live in the world, if it is that difficult?
It sounds like we have to be afraid of desires, one fulfilled and hundreds will follow...
Others are happy that they can fulfill desires, because that means power and they are not scared of it.
As the mind is a bundle of desires it is based on ego and that is also not okay. Feels like a vicious circle nothing okay whatever..., I hate to think of it. But if everything is his, that is also his... and it should be joyful and bliss.
It should not lead to more desires, but to the awareness how great he is to get aware of divinity behind.
But it is all based on appearance only. There is no guaranty, not even if we are with a yogi and even if it looks like the yogi is the guaranty, and yogis are our friends, that seems sure, but it was still not friendship. That is my experience, what shall I tell you? You are right in any way possible.
But he said that he wanted a big house. And in that sense it is his doing and he is the enjoyer. He wanted a big house, therefore, you have big house, he is the doer and the enjoyer.
What could be the reason that he said it?
I didn't understand why my ex lived in a fantasy world, but that was the fantasy the desires multiplying like sprouts.
I just didn't understand it, but that is way to look at it and it makes sense.
It was not about realization and divine power, it was about dreams and more dreams and I thought, good then I don't have to worry about it and he will take care, and it was the opposite, a fools world.
We are all his instruments, but we have to realize it.
My ex was that instrument to learn the lesson. What a great lesson to learn. His fantasy world was that great.
In my dream Baba went with me down an escalator and transformed himself into a prince and I married him, a prince..., that was in the light of Baba who is the king, but it is just about love.
What we got was the feeling of being a beggar, because there was no love. And it is all about understanding that.
It makes fools out of us.
With the yogi it was in the name of friendship and instead of friends they turned into enemies and with Baba, as he is the king and it is about love, it felt like fulfillment and it was nothing but fantasy and dreams and desires and it ended in dreams of being a beggar.
How awful..., that is the shade..., the opposite of friendship and the opposite of love.
How great, trying to get self-realized makes really the worst fool out of me, how in the heck should I love it?
There is really nothing to love about it? It destroys self-respect.
It means we have to love it anyhow, we really should not live in the world, but a life of recluses.
The fulfillment of one leads
to a new series.

The Gopis desired to listen
only to Krishna's glory and achievements, Krishna's charm and pranks, His words
and exploits. When you fill yourselves with love for God, you achieve sarupya
(likeness to the divine form you contemplate) and sayujya (absolute merger).
Live with Love, in Love, for Love.
the Lord who is Premaswarupa
(Divine Love personified) will grant you all that you need in spite of you’re
not asking for anything.
Baba (thought for the day)
That is called Kama and as it seems a reason for
problems. Desires are multiplying and never end. The fulfillment of one desire
leads to a new series.
You cannot trust anyone, because we cannot trust
How do we know if we will not get overshadowed by Kama if only one
desire gets fulfilled? We don’t know.
We might think we know about ourselves,
but we don’t know about others and we should love those others?
We get to that stage where his wish alone counts
and we are an instrument in his hand and we meet others who are not.
We think we know love and don’t.
Worse, we don’t practice
because we think we have it already and it is not true, it is not love, it is
just liking and we don’t practice, we cannot know true love.
And if we don’t
know true love, how can we be able to fight Kama?
We are trusting in the wrong thing and don’t get
aware of it and if we tell, they know all better. Therefore, we cannot trust and we should love them all. We cannot trust
ourselves, because we don’t know who we are, and like that it goes on… etc. And anyhow there should be love?
Isn't it frustrating?
Baba said always again and again that we don’t
practice and that we should put it into practice, and we are arrogant and think
we do it in feeling love, present due to him, it is
not even our love.
But we go on convinced that we know love and that we don’t
need practice. That seems the biggest obstacle and worse, we are not aware of it.
It feels like no use to tell, because of that conviction that we know..., as there is arrogance if we tell, we get the answer, but we know that. But if they would know, they would practice and they don't.
If I write it is called individual seva, the ideal is group seva.
We can turn it
around as we like, it is wrong. If it is a group of devotees
doing something for others it is called seva. But he said in the interview room, don’t do seva,
take care of children and old people.
It is based on the believe that we
know, and in reality we don’t know, because we don’t practice and true love
we only know if it is based on Sadhana, on truth and therefore, on
If we don't practice, we don't know it. We just think we know and it is false.
If we realize the higher self and know that it is
all we want, all we love, we might be able to go for the higher self and not
the always multiplying desires, but it is not sure. But he still wants us to live in the world…, but out
of the world.
We have to fight that every day new again.
That house has four pillars, Dharma, Artha, Kama and
And no mention about a big house, but your house looks great!I hope he didn't just 'engage' me to you to make me aware that desires multiply and that was the sickness of my ex and it was contagious, could be, because that is what had happened.
You can fulfill desires and it creates more.
They multiply and how frustrating to look at it that way.
Is it not rather great to be able to fulfill desires? But it is not about you, it is about the others.
Not when we think about that thought for the day, because it seems only to create problems.
We should live in an ashram and not in the world. Why he tells us that we should live in the world, if it is that difficult?
It sounds like we have to be afraid of desires, one fulfilled and hundreds will follow...
Others are happy that they can fulfill desires, because that means power and they are not scared of it.
As the mind is a bundle of desires it is based on ego and that is also not okay. Feels like a vicious circle nothing okay whatever..., I hate to think of it. But if everything is his, that is also his... and it should be joyful and bliss.
It should not lead to more desires, but to the awareness how great he is to get aware of divinity behind.
But it is all based on appearance only. There is no guaranty, not even if we are with a yogi and even if it looks like the yogi is the guaranty, and yogis are our friends, that seems sure, but it was still not friendship. That is my experience, what shall I tell you? You are right in any way possible.
But he said that he wanted a big house. And in that sense it is his doing and he is the enjoyer. He wanted a big house, therefore, you have big house, he is the doer and the enjoyer.
What could be the reason that he said it?
I didn't understand why my ex lived in a fantasy world, but that was the fantasy the desires multiplying like sprouts.
I just didn't understand it, but that is way to look at it and it makes sense.
It was not about realization and divine power, it was about dreams and more dreams and I thought, good then I don't have to worry about it and he will take care, and it was the opposite, a fools world.
We are all his instruments, but we have to realize it.
My ex was that instrument to learn the lesson. What a great lesson to learn. His fantasy world was that great.
In my dream Baba went with me down an escalator and transformed himself into a prince and I married him, a prince..., that was in the light of Baba who is the king, but it is just about love.
What we got was the feeling of being a beggar, because there was no love. And it is all about understanding that.
It makes fools out of us.
With the yogi it was in the name of friendship and instead of friends they turned into enemies and with Baba, as he is the king and it is about love, it felt like fulfillment and it was nothing but fantasy and dreams and desires and it ended in dreams of being a beggar.
How awful..., that is the shade..., the opposite of friendship and the opposite of love.
How great, trying to get self-realized makes really the worst fool out of me, how in the heck should I love it?
There is really nothing to love about it? It destroys self-respect.
It means we have to love it anyhow, we really should not live in the world, but a life of recluses.
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