O Spirit, teach me to heal the body by recharging it with Thy cosmic energy, to heal the mind by concentration and cheerfulness, and the soul by meditation-born intuition.
Let Thy kingdom that is within manifest itself without.
The subconscious idea-habit of disease or health exerts a strong influence. Stubborn mental or physical diseases always have a deep root in the subconsciousness.
Illness may be cured by pulling out its hidden roots. That is why all affirmations of the conscious mind should be impressive enough to permeate the subconsciousness, which in turn automatically influences the conscious mind. Strong conscious affirmations thus react on the mind and body through the medium of the subconsciousness. Still stronger affirmations reach not only the subconscious but also the superconscious mind—the magic storehouse of miraculous powers.

All affirmations, in order to reach the super consciousness, must be free from uncertainties and doubts. Attention and faith are lights that lead even imperfectly understood affirmations to the subconscious and superconscious minds.
Declarations of Truth should be practiced willingly, freely, intelligently, and devotionally.
The Patanjali Sutras are short and therefore, only the essence of the meaning, but their aim is the same as the affirmations, they should reach superconscious state and create the miraculous power of transformation in consciousness.

The subconscious idea-habit of disease or health exerts a strong influence. Stubborn mental or physical diseases always have a deep root in the subconsciousness.

Yogananda Paramahansa
The super conscious mind is the level of the miraculous powers of the Patanjali Sutras and the Siddhis.
Yogananda made affirmations out of it to make it easier understandable.
We don’t project miraculous powers on body mind level into it, which are only obstacles on the path, because body mind are on the level of ‘not that’, they are not real and if we focus on miracles on body level, we get back in the body and cannot get aware of it, that it is an instrument and ‘not that’, but we think we have to work for a result, because that is body level and get lost in it.
We don’t project miraculous powers on body mind level into it, which are only obstacles on the path, because body mind are on the level of ‘not that’, they are not real and if we focus on miracles on body level, we get back in the body and cannot get aware of it, that it is an instrument and ‘not that’, but we think we have to work for a result, because that is body level and get lost in it.
The affirmations will reach not only the subconscious but also the superconscious mind.
Declarations of Truth should be practiced willingly, freely, intelligently, and devotionally. One's attention should not be allowed to lag. Straying attention should be brought back again and again like a truant child and repeatedly and patiently trained to perform its given task.

Patience and attentive, intelligent repetition are wonder-workers. Affirmations for curing chronic mental or bodily afflictions should be repeated often, deeply and continuously (utterly ignoring unchanged or contrary conditions, if any), until they become part of one's profound intuitional convictions. It is better to die, if death has to come, with the conviction of perfect health than with the thought that a mental or physical ailment is incurable.
Though death may be the necessary end of the body according to present human knowledge, still its "destined hour" may be changed by the power of the soul.
Yogananda affirmations
That is how we use the sutras right. These are affirmations for the Western mind and always connected to the light and the divine power so that we cannot use the sutras wrongly and project it on body level again. It feels like Yogananda was very aware of the Western mind and how result directed we are and therefore, instead of using that tendency as TM does in telling just think the sutra and the result will be there on body level when time is ripe, he make affirmations out of it which are always in contact with divinity the inner light and therefore, people will not understand wrong and project it on the body level what has to happen in the West, if we don’t tell them how to use it right.
That is how we use the sutras right. These are affirmations for the Western mind and always connected to the light and the divine power so that we cannot use the sutras wrongly and project it on body level again. It feels like Yogananda was very aware of the Western mind and how result directed we are and therefore, instead of using that tendency as TM does in telling just think the sutra and the result will be there on body level when time is ripe, he make affirmations out of it which are always in contact with divinity the inner light and therefore, people will not understand wrong and project it on the body level what has to happen in the West, if we don’t tell them how to use it right.
But it is foolish to think a sutra and project it on body level, when the sutra has the aim to detach us from the body level that is exactly the opposite.
And if we use the sutras as affirmations in a program it doesn’t work too, because we don’t get out of the program, the mind gets programmed and therefore, people appear like puppets, even if these sutras used the right way free of the program and with the focus that they become one with our self can develop an immense power, if it is a program it will be just mechanical and the mind goes on in the background and it doesn’t even transcend the mind, because it stays superficial.
It has to be part of the self to be useful and to get integrated knowledge, in other words to be part of us.
It means we have to practice meditation and we can include the sutras as affirmations or we can use affirmations like Yoganandas affirmations. It is not important what affirmation we use, but that they reach superconsciousness and by that is meant the merging Samadhi level.
If we focus on light and a sutra or affirmations and repeat it and keep it in the mind until it gets one with the feeling level, it gets automatically on the Samadhi level and Yogananda also tells, we should not look if it sprouts already, we let it grow and will get the benefit of it, whenever it will be there.
That sounds kind like TM, only it is not a program and therefore, it is free and not bound to a certain way it has to be done. Not the way it is done is important, but that it reaches the higher self.
Declarations of Truth should be practiced willingly, freely, intelligently, and devotionally.
The Patanjali Sutras are short and therefore, only the essence of the meaning, but their aim is the same as the affirmations, they should reach superconscious state and create the miraculous power of transformation in consciousness.
That is how the inner master guides to the right insights and to get to the right understanding. Those insights are also like sutras, they get clear in practicing, thinking it over, reflecting upon it and absorbing it.
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