The Guru is the Teacher who removes the fundamental ignorance, which hides the knowledge of this truth from us. When you do not find a Guru, pray sincerely, the God inside you will Himself reveal the road and lead you on.
Baba (thought for the day)
But I guess it means the disturbance is gone and it gets to more detachment.
After I had been with Baba, in the air was responsibility and ‘manipulation’. The family made fun of it, it was not possible to get aware of the manipulation.
I hated the comments and tried to ignore it too, what didn’t work out. In the end I didn’t know anymore who was more disturbing. And that way we got aware that it was gone, kind of powerful, and I am glad that it is gone.
It gets us detached, if we see the reality behind in a proper light.
Body side was dark and the higher self side bright white light. The body was inert matter (jada) and the higher self is consciousness. That was all more or less clear, but not the last one, there was a question about the Jiva, individual soul and Brahman, the supreme soul, a question which came up with Baba.
There is a difference between Jivatma and the Paramatma, even if there seemed to be not that much difference, but there is a difference, because the Jivatma is individuality on the self level and the Paramatma is the higher self of all and therefore, divinity.
There is a difference, because he is not available on that individual level, but he is there on the Paramatma level.
There is a difference if we approach Baba. It means on the individual Jiva level we cannot get in direct inside touch with him, but when we are on that Paramatma level it is possible and he is present.
That is what he created in telling inside ‘engaged’.
Without it there would not have been the possibility to get aware of the ‘I am that’, because I got aware of it in your light only, because you are that ‘I am that’ and therefore, in that mirror I got aware that we are both that ‘I am that’, what probably means, we are both meditators, as the Soham is translated as ‘I am that’ and we are probably both into Raja Yoga because we know the Siddhis and therefore the Patanjali Sutras and therefore, we both knew TM and in the meantime we both know that the aim of yoga is not flying, but getting detached and getting aware of always finer levels of awareness, it includes of getting aware of the object and that we are not the body.
If we are separate and two different Jeevatmas, he is not there. It has to be Paramatma to make him inside being present.
The insights during the time when he left the body would not have been possible without you. What he tells in that thought for the day that the guru is not really teaching Raja Yoga, but he is there to dispel ignorance. That feels like an answer, because I asked who knows that it is Raja yoga?
In the ‘I am that’ we are individual Jeevatmas, in the insight as both ‘the same’ we get to that state of Paramatma and I guess that it the purpose.
After I got your answer that you got my message, he said, ‘congratulation, you got a new job’. It is Baba giving that job.
Asti - God is there :
Jivatma means the individual self and Paramatma means God.
Vedas in their earlier sections reveal the existence of God to man. Man is told of the ways of God, his nature and teachings. God is someone to be loved, because he is himself an embodiment of infinite love. He is revealed as the very creator, sustainer and also the destroyer of the world. Just as all musicians in an orchestra have to tune themselves to a basic note being played by one, so also every person has to tune him or herself to that basic harmony and order of the world called God. This facilitates bringing about a holistic vision. Such a person is never alone, on the other hand such person always has company of the highest embodiment of knowledge, love & power. It is a well known fact that it is our thinking which carves out our personality, thus with a single stroke the Vedic masters saw to it that all their followers not only retain the thought of the best and highest but also ultimately be an embodiment of all what God represents.
Asmi - I am that :
The Vedic masters do not merely stop at revealing the existence of God. All religions and religious masters have been talking about these things. The unique aspect of Vedas is to reveal that there is a state in this very life & this very body where this Jivatma discovers its total identity with Paramatma. It was the summum bonum of human life.
It was an experience beyond imagination. The contentment was total. It was something which he or she always was seeking. It was total liberation from all limitations of time, space and objectivity. They called it Moksha - the total freedom, the ultimate goal of human life.
They discovered that Jivatma is & always was Paramatma alone. The duality was born out of ignorance. The seeker is the sought. Like in a dream a person erroneously takes oneself to be something which one is not and suffers unnecessarily, so also are the suffering of man. The final leap to total freedom & fulfillment is merely by some knowledge, the knowledge of Self.
Vedanta - the science of revealing the identity :
It is interesting to note the two words Jiv-atma and Param-atma. Both have the word 'atma' in common. Atma means the Self, that which reveals as the 'I' in the hearts of all. When this 'I' is seen to have a sense of limitation, along with a sense of enjoyership & doership, then such 'I' is referred to as the Jiva-atma.
A Jiva is someone who sees himself to be limited by space & time - he is at one place alone and not everywhere, and his existence is at a particular time alone and not at all times.
When these sense of limitations are inquired upon and are realized to be an error then this sense of limitation drops and the same 'I' is seen to be free from these limitations of time & space then this very 'I' is referred to as the Paramatma.
Param means that which is free from all limitations of time, space & objectivity i.e. that which is there at all times, all places and in all objects. Thus the word atma which is the common denominator in both these words shows that God is always realized as the very subjective essence of a person and not as some objective reality. The science which facilitates us to conduct this inquiry into the Self is Vedanta, the culmination of which is in the discovery of oneself to be free from all limitations. That person alone is said to have attained proper spiritual health, that person alone makes the best of his or her life, rest are comparable to a sick man, always seeking and seeking, and at the end of it all dying also with all the sense of limitations. They know not the joy & potential of human life. They have missed the boat.
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