Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Patanjali Sutra experienced, getting closer to reality

Acquisition of positions of authority and power, of skill and intelligence which can manipulate people and things, of fame and supremacy, of personal charm, of good health and happiness or of a large family with many children or wealth… none of these can confer liberation. You cannot attain liberation by undertaking sacrifices, vows, charities, pilgrimages or donations to holy projects. Though the objective world appears real, you must be aware that it is deluding you. You must give up yearning for deriving pleasure from the objects that appear and attract – both here and hereafter. Renunciation alone can lead to immortality. You will be liberated as soon as you renounce your attachment and desire.

Patanjali Yoga Sutras
In this link the sutras are translated in different languages, easy and understandable

I got the Patanjali sutras in Paris, I was about thirty years old. It is a shame that we got it only as a program and the background of the sutras was not in focus. To get conscious of it seemed natural when repeating it every day morning and evening.
The mind is a mixture in our waking state, conditioned by our way of life used to think and reflect in a certain way. With meditation we emptied the mind and put instead the sutras. ‘Friendship, compassion and bliss’ are qualities of God, so are the ‘strength of an elephant, bronchial tube and trachea’.
The strength of an elephant fears no obstacles and the bronchial tube centers on inner silence, calmness and with the trachea hunger and thirst can be subdued, self-control. And from intuition we can get all knowledge.
Samyama, inner focus on the heart results in knowledge of the mind and consciousness. The experience with Baba is focused on the heart and by that we get aware of the mind. Self-control brings the knowledge of the indweller. (Patanjali 3.5)
The sutras explain the experience. Instead of being in the every day boring conditioning of our mind, we can get beyond what we like or don't like… the focus is on higher qualities and insights.
That is the real practice and aim of the Patanjali sutras and it is a process of getting aware in higher consciousness instead of just being a program, another mind conditioning which is replacing the mind. A program is routine of affirmations, in the light of self only its reality is revealed, the light of self is Samyama, because it is always focused on the inner center which is transcendental and beyond the body. The light of the self is in the observer and therefore, out of body and mind. 
The light of the sun and the moon is a relationship of light.
That seems to me far more real than knowledge about stars. The polar star is the guidance in the right direction; the inner light is the light of self and a reflection of the outer relationship which we experience as parents, the sun and the moon. The sutra of ‘inner light’ reaches a state of peace and painlessness.
The Patanjali sutras explain my experience in a real light, what the mind and intellect have difficulties to grasp. That is also the knowledge and background which is able to explain the reality we find in Sai Baba.
It is real and much better to find the answer there. It is a help for us to look at the Patanjali sutras. In the sutras we find the source of what we cannot understand in the mind, instead of trying to understand it anyhow. It is erroneous to look for an explanation in a Western way of abuse, that is really too far away from truth to be real and to make any sense at all.

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