Friday, January 17, 2014

The Mind craves for Ananda - Bliss

Food is the primary requisite for life. One cannot live without food. Hence life has been described as Annamaya (composed of food). But one is not content to live on food alone. The mind is not satisfied if the stomach is full. Although food is essential for the body, the mind craves for Ananda (bliss). Life can find fulfilment only if Ananda is experienced. Hence, you cannot rest content with merely being alive. You have to be active and ever on the move. In the process one has to ask oneself the questions, 'Why am I restless? Why am I active? What do I do to engage myself in actions? Why am I performing these actions? How am I doing them?' It is when one enquires into these matters, can the true purpose and meaning of actions be realized. This enquiry has to be conducted in the proper way. Once you come to the conclusion that a certain action is right, you should then do it with earnestness.
Baba (thought for the day)

I would ask myself first if I understand about the food he is talking about. There is not only one part of food. Annamaya is the body, composed of food.

If I think of yesterday evening we ate something, my daughter was talking with a friend of hers, she was doing some exercises and whatever it was, but I was wide awake and couldn't sleep and I took a sleeping aid, because I had to go to work today.
That is all part of food and I still feel it. That means I feel what, the coffee didn't take of it totally and I took some vitamins to hopefully feel better. That is all related to food.

This morning in waking up I sat up and began to meditate and that felt okay, no matter what food and if I was tired or not. I was kind of surprised how okay I felt. It felt like it had always been, since many years I am meditating and it is not just that what does it, but the feeling of the higher self. So, even though I felt that tired I could hardly stay awake, the higher self was present. It feels like part of my own self and that feels good on the energy level no matter what. Whatever emotions are there, it calms down; it doesn't stir up things, because it feels like always, nothing has really changed.
It was already like that in Paris and when coming back to Zurich, I was following 'that' inner feeling and even if afterwards we went on courses and thought we could share it with others, even if that didn't work out well, it was still also at that time related to the self, it was just not seen and said inside, cut off. It was present during the courses, during the world peace assemblies, it never changed, I was always the same, and 'I am that'. After all those TM courses, it was still the same 'I am that', even if it was overshadowed and it said, cut off and we had to ever since find out why cut off. There was never any arguing about it, we just did it and knew sometimes we get out of that cut off business and it will flow again.

The main thing was meditation, because I meditated to be related to the higher self, it was not about technique and routine, my focus was on the higher self, even if I did it regularly like the others did technique.
And after it was also present during dancing, because when I was dancing, my inner focus was constantly on 'not that' and 'not this' getting out of all disturbances in the mind to also get back to the self and that was the only focus. The mind felt just boring.
To feel it and to realize it is just energy, flow of energy, that was special.
To get aware that it is the same self in all the assemblies and courses, even if it seemed overshadowed by other's issues, underneath or in the background of it, it was just based on, 'I am that', it is the same self.
And if something doesn't seem to feel good today, as long as I feel that self connection in mediation, it doesn't matter, not really, it is just passing clouds.
It can be the food we ate yesterday or it can be something else. It can be the memory of the US with my ex and all those pictures in meditation, but I was still meditating and wondering where all those pictures came from and why I didn't feel okay after meditation.
And I remember how it was with Baba afterwards in his ashram.
After we came back here, beginning new, I enjoyed again my meditation.
There was the strength to stay calm and to go on no matter what obstacles where there.

The way I feel today influenced by what we ate last night or the sleeping pill, that is not the main thing, the meditation was the man issue. I was not even really awake this morning, but in my mediation I was settling down, because the message was, nothing changed, it is as always.

It was like when coming back from Paris or from the US, I was just that and going for a permanent experience.
And if that feeling of permanent it present, nothing has changed, it is an ongoing thing.
It was always related in meditation to my higher self and not just technique. 
I didn't want to spread a message of the enlightenment or I didn't want to belong to just some people, I wanted to be related to my higher self.
I don't care what TM did, as long as I am related to my own self. If the disturbance is such that we cannot understand it and when it said, cut off, whatever the reason, that was troublesome.
If we get into meditation, it should not lead to the insight that we get cut off. Meditation is flow and that flow should be there no matter what obstacles will be there.

If a meditation movement talks about enlightenment, but they cannot guaranty that we do not get cut off, that cannot be yoga and therefore, it is not okay and not a right path.
We should also not get cut off from our own 'I' and get lost, that is also not meditation. Meditation on the higher self level is a permanent and eternal flow, there is no such reality like cut off. If we get cut off, we never reached that permanent meditation state and flow in meditation.

Although food is essential for the body, the mind craves for Ananda (bliss). Life can find fulfilment only if Ananda is experienced. Hence, you cannot rest content with merely being alive. You have to be active and ever on the move. In the process one has to ask oneself the questions, 'Why am I restless? Why am I active? What do I do to engage myself in actions? Why am I performing these actions? How am I doing them?' 

As is was a meditation movement, we thought that all of those question were taken care off and because it was not, tit created lots of troubles, but somehow we got out of it.

And I also do not care what was before that and where it went, as long as it helped to get related to the higher self.
And in that sense it was even already present in the parent's house, even if I had not yet that meditation experience, I constantly tried to meditate and I tried to stop thoughts to be able to harmonize what I didn't like at that time and what didn't feel good and it was not possible to talk about it.   

It is when one enquires into these matters, can the true purpose and meaning of actions be realized. This enquiry has to be conducted in the proper way. Once you come to the conclusion that a certain action is right, you should then do it with earnestness.

We can ask ourselves why we are restless.
If I am restless, I meditate to calm down the mind. The mind is constantly restless and without meditation it is nearly impossible to get out of that restlessness.
We can ask ourselves why we are active. In such a case I would ask myself first, if that activity serves a purpose and if I am just active to be active, is it useful or is it just stress?
Why do we engage in actions?
That is good question. Baba engaged me in such an action and I just go on thinking there must be a reason for it, maybe I will know one day?
Maybe it will be about bliss as he tells us that the mind is longing for it, but if it is about bliss we will have to get there.

What do I do to engage myself in actions?

He engaged me in it and since I write about it.
Why I am performing these actions, because he said it was a new job, whatever that job is, we go on doing it and by acting we have to realize the meaning of action and that leads to enquiry.

It is when one enquires into these matters, can the true purpose and meaning of actions be realized. This enquiry has to be conducted in the proper way. Once you come to the conclusion that a certain action is right, you should then do it with earnestness.

We listen to his words and think it over to do it the proper way. And when we get to the conclusion that an action is right, we should do with earnestness.

That is it what we are doing here, by acting, trying to find the meaning of an action and we have to enquire the proper way and it helps to look at the thought for the day to find it, what is the proper way? And when it is right, we should go on with earnestness. We are working at it …

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