Let me tell you that it is impossible to plumb the hearts and discover the natures of jnanis, yogis, ascetics, saints, sages, and the like.
People are endowed with a variety of characteristics and mental attitudes, so each one judges according to his own angle, talks and argues in the light of his own nature. But we have to stick to our own right path, our own wisdom, our own resolution without getting affected by popular appraisal.
I know the ashram as a place where thousands of people from all the world came together and some very disturbed minds. What do we expect from them, that they get it all?
All that highest knowledge?
In the West if we have never seen such a big gathering, we don't even know how it looks, have not idea about the environment and therefore, we get a wrong impression.
What miracles do we expect from our Western minds?
On special gatherings like his birthday or Gurupurnima there were even millions of people from all over the world sitting together quietly on that beautiful place.

All that highest knowledge?

There are thousands sitting together quietly and some have more disturbed minds. It is amazing that so many people can be together peacefully.
But what they realize is on their level of the mind, whatever the mind, it is impossible that everybody gets 'that', it is impossible.
It shows how much knowledge is understood when work begins, when the integration part takes place.
In the beginning we are just amazed and everything it great, beautiful, but when we have to work and absorb it in our own life then it will be different, because it has to be realized. Highest truth is experience not just a concept.
And it is for all the same, it is spiritual work which has to be done, enquiry, peace of mind is not just given, we have to earn it.
And for every individual it is the mental attitude which is expressing itself.
But what they realize is on their level of the mind, whatever the mind, it is impossible that everybody gets 'that', it is impossible.
It shows how much knowledge is understood when work begins, when the integration part takes place.
In the beginning we are just amazed and everything it great, beautiful, but when we have to work and absorb it in our own life then it will be different, because it has to be realized. Highest truth is experience not just a concept.
And it is for all the same, it is spiritual work which has to be done, enquiry, peace of mind is not just given, we have to earn it.
And for every individual it is the mental attitude which is expressing itself.
Each one judges according to his own angle, talks and argues in the light of his own nature.
How many of us who went there (or have not been there) do understand - all over the world - but mostly in the West, about the basic principle of Yoga, Patanjali, the father of yoga, of the Veda and Sastras or the Upanishads?
How many of us who went there (or have not been there) do understand - all over the world - but mostly in the West, about the basic principle of Yoga, Patanjali, the father of yoga, of the Veda and Sastras or the Upanishads?
Do you think there are lots of people who understand it?
It is highest knowledge.
And we are not on the level in the West.It is highest knowledge.
We expect 'harmony' without doing anything. We expect it to work without knowing the path. We think it is all done without even understanding the basics and we don't enquire.
And if it doesn't work, we begin to slander, that is the mental attitude and judge according to our own angle... and talk in the light of our own nature.
He was always surrounded by people, thousands of people...What miracles do we expect from our Western minds?
On special gatherings like his birthday or Gurupurnima there were even millions of people from all over the world sitting together quietly on that beautiful place.
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