Friday, February 17, 2012

Cultivate the inner View

Everything in this world is ephemeral, transitory; it is here today, but it may not be here tomorrow. So, if you desire for something, seek the Lord, who has no decline. Instead, if you crave for progeny, wealth and all comforts, you will suffer untold misery when you are called upon to leave everything and depart. At that moment, you would lament, “Oh, did I love so deep that I may weep so loud?” In this transitory life, joy and pain are also perforce transitory. There is nothing here fit to be worshipped as eternal. So, to get immersed in this search for the evanescent and to forget the Supreme and the Everlasting is indeed unbecoming of man.

My hotel bed is that hard, I turn around and around and if not the bones hurt, so for sure something else.
In the first interview Baba asked, what do you want? I explained to him that my boyfriend was with TM and I was with him and that was my situation. What I wanted was 'understanding', knowing how to go on and he said, 'that is very difficult to understand'.
In the mean time I have understood that God is very difficult to understand because he is everything, but also not.
Baba asked everybody, what do you want? He explains that even if we had the best birth and a great childhood, we still have to get liberation from birth and death.
I know someone who said that when he asked her what she wanted, she answered, she had everything. I dreamt about it, it woke me up.
We never have everything, what is the use of all material values if we don't have health. And even if we have health, we still are not enlightened.

The incarnations of the Lord are not accepted as such by many.  Even their parents, kinsman and comrades hesitate to adore them.  Only a very few sages, who cultivated the inner view through study and sadhana, know their reality.”

Baba asked me afterwards, 'who is you friend? Is Maharishi your friend or is your friend with Maharishi?'
And I didn't know the right answer, and he said, 'that is very difficult to understand, TM is not the right path, just think about God'.
The problem with TM is that the Maharishi is not there, so the friendship of the yogi, 'Yogis are our friends' was projected in the leader and he was not a friend. It meant also TM was finished and the relationship as well.
To understand not only the problems resulting if a master is not at his place as master and why it didn't work, but also the path to God and the difference. I didn't know what I had to understand first.
Another time Baba said, 'follow the master, fight to the end, finish the game'.
Out of my feeling I had asked a simple question, because I needed to know how to go on, but the answer needed years to get clearer and we probably will always be working on it.
Writing is a means to think it over and absorb to be able to understand what Baba said.

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