Friday, March 20, 2015

Expansion of the Heart

God is not found separately in a temple or in an ashram. Truth is God. Love is God. Dharma is God. When you worship God by following these principles, He will manifest Himself then and there. Do not doubt this. Love God wholeheartedly. Pray to God and make friends with Him. You can achieve anything if you have God as your friend. Learn today to fill your heart with love and adorn your hand with the ornament of sacrifice. Sacrifice is the jewel for the hands. Truth is the necklace one should wear. You must develop the habit of adorning these jewels. Develop divine love and foster peace in the country. Pray with a broad feeling: Loka samastha sukhino bhavantu (May the whole world be happy)! Start every day with this prayer. Then, you will lead a blissful and peaceful life which is full of enthusiasm. Love God and make friendship with Him, and you are bound to be successful in all your endeavors.

Reading Baba's words I feel like in Prasanthi, there is the mandir and we sit in Darshan or sitting in a big crowd listening to him perfectly happy to just sit and listen and looking at him who is telling us,

'God is not found separately in a temple or in an ashram. Truth is God. Love is God. Dharma is God.

He told us about the nature of God, existence, luminescence, attractiveness. (asthi, bhathi, priyam). Describing the nature of God is about truth. We don't get aware of it just like that, but when we look at Baba we could see it and it was present in every movement he did walking around and when he was just standing there looking at all those people sitting in front of him, there was constantly that attractiveness in him and how often I looked at him and I wondered where that came from, it seemed in every  movement of his body was that attractiveness and when he smiled or laughed there was that luminescence, in his glances were such that it always touched the heart and we melted with it and he explained not long ago why it happens.
He is said if the good for us is also the good for the others, we can merge. So what happened in Darshan, as he is the good for himself and he has realized his self, he is also the good for all others and every time looking at him we melted in that feeling close to him, feeling the same, feeling that we were the same self, it just had to be realized and that is how we became one.

Baba walking around in the midst of us he said with every step that God exists. 'He is that' or 'Thou art That'. It was kind of an amazing space created in the watcher, listening at the same time of what happens in the heart  and the amazing beauty reflected in it due to his presence and when we get aware of love in the air,  it was like love filled the universe. Once I meditated on the heart and I put Baba in that heart and an amazing insight, Darshan happened, the heart expanded and became the universe.  
The nature of God is – existence, luminescence and attractiveness – if we have those three qualities together, we have the same experience in our higher self and even we don't know yet that it is the nature of God, we know it exists.

It is that feeling of reality, it is, it is not just a dream, it is the existing part of our world and being and what is taking over after we had a higher self-experience, the luminescence we get aware off in the higher self does take the attention away from the body and the mind, because nothing really matter but that, it is due to the attractiveness of the nature of God. When he is there, everything else doesn't matter really anymore.   
And nearly in every Darshan I looked at him the way he walked, talked, smiled and how he was full of humor with his students and we were sitting in Darshan and so happy to just share those precious moments with him.  I looked at the happy faces of people so glad to be in his presence and I looked at him and that constant air of beauty around him and I always wondered where it came from. I wondered how he does that, he is always beautiful.
He gave us the answer here. The nature of God is – existence, luminescence, attractiveness – and it is the same in the higher self. When we have the higher self in the insight or in the dream it was present as luminescence, white bright light of such beauty that it attracts everything to its nature and there is love, because we are that attracted by it and by waking up after that self-experience only one thing  left of all seemed to still matter, that exists, it is real, the self does exist and we could just think about all those people we had met before telling us that we should banish self-realization in the time past and gone with Socrates and that it was not possible to do that in our age. And I was sure, if it was there to be felt during writing a diary and the inner master was also present, it must also be possible to realize the higher self. And Baba was proving it that we can experience it or that we can realize the higher self.
So we began with that experience, existence, luminescence and attractiveness on the higher self-level and Baba is telling us truth is God.
Afterwards sitting in Darshan and being with him waiting for the right insights, I had to first realize that my own experience with the higher self was actually not different from the nature of God and that took much more time than I thought it would, but after all it happened and that is the only thing that matters really.  
When Baba left the body, a months before he 'engaged' me to someone. He was in my dream and Baba said to be ready on the 25th at 3 PM. All that came from the inside. I was in mediation or it was in the dream. At that Friday in the afternoon at 3 PM I sat on my bed and had the eyes closed and I listened and meditated.
There was probable a moment I forgot it or I transcended it and it was there only one word, 'engaged'. It was special, I had no idea why, Baba just said 'engaged'.
Sometime before, at that time I was often dancing, he had said when the color is light blue it was okay to go on. And I got in touch with someone and it was light blue, so I knew it was okay to go on. In that night about everything in my dream seemed to be light blue and that is why I knew it was the right to go on. I began to write a blog to stay in touch with it as it had to do with my roots in America, to not lose it completely. It was a good feeling to begin to write in English again.
The book I wrote before was in German, the blog was always in English. It was like a part of myself and the time we had shared with Baba in Prasanthi was not present when everything was in German only, we talked always English in that time we were with him.
In the morning of March 27th, I woke up and there was the same 'I am that' in the air, It was in you first and afterwards it was seen as present above me as well, it meant to me getting aware that I also had that awareness of the 'I am that'.
In the meantime I am quite certain that it is a mirror and Atma doesn't change, but things reflect in the mirror. When he said engaged, that reflected therefore in the mirror of Atma and it was for women about the inner divine husband. As that mirror is never affected and it never changes, it just reflects and the reflection said that we are the same. Who I was, the same he was.
By looking in that mirror of Atma we get aware of it. As he said 'engaged' and he was present as the 'I am that' in that mirror as I was on the wife side, I was aware that I am also the 'I am that'.
The relationship of the divine husband and the question to whom we belong mirrored in the Atma.
It was all Baba's doing when he said 'engaged' and afterwards in that mirror there was a relationship created and on the worldly level we see it as husband and wife, but on the spiritual level it was the same 'I am that'.
A month later Baba left the body and in that time I was in Prasanthi. We had an Akanda Bhajan, the singing was going on for some time more than usual and while the singing went on in the air was the 'I am that' above an Indian devotee. I had never spoken to her and I was kind of amazed, but even more what happened in my own self afterwards. It was amazing, it was like I had seen that 'I am that' above Baba in the Darshan in 88 in the mountains during our stay at the boys school in Ooty. At that time it felt like all were thinking the same thought.
I didn't see it anymore until it was in that dream after he said 'engaged' and it mirrored like that I was the same 'I am that'. What happened was that it expanded. Now I was in Prasanthi and we were sitting in the big hall and singing Bhajans, and the I am that had already expanded from you and I to We and now it was also above that other devotee in the air and that was We and He, he was present in that and it expanded to all. What happened was consciousness expanded, from you and I to We and WE and He to the One. All merged in it. That was an amazing insight, that was an amazing moment and in that moment everything made sense. Even if it takes me time to understand how to write about it, it made already sense when the experience expanded to all.
What Baba said to us that first are you and I equal We and afterwards We and He is I or One, it was like a short cut of the biggest and most amazing insight we can get.
On your birthday morning it was in the air as 'you and I' and that is We and We and He happened in Prasanthi and it expanded to all – one.
No difference on the higher self-level and that means it is divinity, the universal aspect of the 'I am that'. It expanded from the individual insight to universal oneness.
After that experience of the higher self it was just the higher self for me and even if he said that it was God and we knew it must be the same, we had to make the experience and see it on the inner level to realize it. The higher self has the same nature Baba describes as the nature of God.
There is no difference and if we are all one, there is nothing but 'that' and nobody else but that. It is an amazing beautiful insight and the most important on the level of divinity, not just my higher self, but the universal higher self, we are all one.
The experience expanded from 'Thou art That' to 'I am that' 'We are that' and finally merging, 'All are that'.
If we do not think that over and over again and again, there are that many small steps of expanding moments in consciousness, we don't understand it, we have to listen to him, he is telling us why it is like that and how it happened. If we just see it happen, we can see that everybody merges, but to understand it in the light of the 'I am that' and the Atmic principle we have to listen to him and he gives us the answers to our insights.
So God is Truth. God is love and God is Dharma, right action.

When you worship God by following these principles, He will manifest Himself then and there. Do not doubt this. Love God wholeheartedly. Pray to God and make friends with Him. You can achieve anything if you have God as your friend. Learn today to fill your heart with love and adorn your hand with the ornament of sacrifice. Sacrifice is the jewel for the hands.

If we worship divinity in following the right principles, he will manifest then and there. That is telling us that we can actually get to that experience of the nature of the divine.
But Baba tells us also that we should not doubt it. If there are doubts our attention is not on love, but on the doubt and that is the mind and we cannot transcend the mind if there are doubts, we have to be able to let go or doubts and to trust to find the wholehearted love of divinity.  

Pray to God and make friends with Him.

I always liked the idea of it that he is our friend and for me and as I had already an experience of the higher self and that is why I went to Baba, I needed to understand that amazing light and attractiveness and that something had come in my existence I had not been aware of it before. I thought everybody should actually know, but I didn't think that it would take that much time from getting aware of the higher self as existence, luminescence and attractiveness to the understanding that it is the nature of God. You see, I thought it was the nature of the higher self, to realize that it is also the nature of God, that higher self had to expand to all to be on the level of universal divinity. I was always looking for that, nothing else but that, but it took that much time to get the insight, on a certain point it got very difficult and I thought I would never ever get there and I lost also touch to my own higher self, I just went on with Sadhana, meditation, hoping it would get better in time.  

You can achieve anything if you have God as your friend. Learn today to fill your heart with love and adorn your hand with the ornament of sacrifice. Sacrifice is the jewel for the hands.

This is lovely when he is telling us that we can achieve anything if we have God as our friend.

Learn today to fill your heart with love and adorn your hand with the ornament of sacrifice. Sacrifice is the jewel for the hands.

If we think about achieving anything if God is our friend, we should not think about the world and relative things and that is expressed in the next sentence. We should fill our heart with love and we adorn our hand with sacrifice. Pure love we know we can experience if we understand peace and we accept right action and if we accept the path of right action, we accept truth.
If we have those three things, truth, right action and peace, we can make the experience of 'pure love'. Love lives from sacrifice. And he calls sacrifice the jewel for the hands.

Truth is the necklace one should wear. You must develop the habit of adorning these jewels. Develop divine love and foster peace in the country. Pray with a broad feeling: Loka samastha sukhino bhavantu (May the whole world be happy)! Start every day with this prayer. Then, you will lead a blissful and peaceful life which is full of enthusiasm. Love God and make friendship with Him, and you are bound to be successful in all your endeavors.

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