Thursday, February 28, 2013

Idiocracy vs. Mission

Forgetting the primary goal of life, man wastes his time. Time is precious.
Death is dangling its sword over every head. Our life span is fast diminishing, like water leaking through a broken pot or a melting block of ice.
Death overtakes man even before he realizes his mission in life. 
When we want to go to a cinema, or for an evening walk, we get ready by putting on our shoes. When we want to visit a nearby town, we pack our clothes in a bag. But what preparations do you make for the ultimate journey, the voyage of death?
All are beggars at the gate of God. The hero is he who does not beg or cringe or flatter or fawn. He knows that the Lord knows best.
Death overtakes man even before he realizes his mission in life.
Follow the master. Fight to the end. Finish the game. (Baba)
I lived in Paris, had a difficult exam in front of me and went for a  week on a TM-course. It was a siddhi-prep course and a good experience, it calmed down thought activity, afterwards it was possible in little time to get prepared, it was more efficiant than it would have been without, but I also decided to go for the TM-siddhis program and the teacher's training. After that course, I went back to my country and the focus was on making money to be able to go on course.

My brother was not okay and therefore, I went with him in the south of France to see that TM teacher who had motivated me to go on course. After he felt like a soulmate.
But in the end TM turned out to be difficult and chaotic and I left because I was in touch with VIP TM-people, but the safety was gone and no experience seemed to make sense.
I put Om Sai Ram in front of my TM-mantra to feel safe and left and went to Baba. After I went back and met even the M. and hoped still it would be all okay, but it was not.
And after I went to Sai Baba and when I came back I got the inside message, cut off. Follow the inner master, but he said 'cut off'.
What to do about it? First I hoped it would get okay just like that, by asking questions and looking at the past and trying to find the reason why it said always again 'cut off'.
After all it leads to the so called TM-soulmate I had met during that course. But it looks like a projection. The problem was TM and the courses, the real person behind was the one I lived with since three years and he was in Paris.
It means I went in the wrong direction actually, because the source was not there.
TM has a mission, the enlightenment of the world and I went in direction of that mission thinking nothing could be wrong, but behind the source got lost and later more things came up and didn't make sense and even more and in Baba's presence came up, cut off - it meant cut off the source.
The problem is, if we don't know the source, we cannot understand it and we don't even know what we have to look for ...
Baba asked a lady I translated for, who I was, to whom I belonged and about our relationship?
No answers, only questions and I began to question, noticing there were no answers and I met a guy who took advantage of it and said, I belonged to him, he knew the answer, but it was not the right one.
But still, we didn't know what we were looking for.
And so it went on.
I met that guy who was on the TM-switchboard at that time not long ago in the facebook and got in touch with him, but he cannot take it that we put something, anything in question, because he still is with TM and there are no questions and the answers are learnt by heart.
He was enervating, always telling that he was so sorry, but he didn't understand one word. 
Finally I got aware of the background, it came up during writing.
I got something out of it and I am glad and happy, my inner master is in joy, it is no more cut off ... and that after 30 years.
But for that guy it doesn't make sense.
He doesn't get it. Everything we actually can write down is a word too much, because he does TM and thinks by that all problems are solved. He doesn't see the value in not being cut off, because he doesn't know he is cut off too.
Through him I went into TM-courses and the background and the relationship I had lived in for the past three years and the person who was really behind got lost.
That means with that TM teacher the projection was into TM and TM-courses with the idea of enlightenment and a mission and the relationship behind was ignored and got lost.
And Baba brings up the relationship. But that guy cannot deal with it.
When I wrote him that it is stupid to see no problems, when everything collapsed and nothing had been okay, he couldn't take it anymore, he pushed the delete button. 
He was responsible for the wrong direction, he is a TM-puppet and he doesn't understand it. I tell him, there is a problem and not no problem and TM claims to be invincible, he cannot take it. And he even less understands the reality in it, and lucky enough, for that we have delete buttons.  
He cannot live with the idea that he is stupid, he thinks he is enlightened.
TM has made him nearly as stupid as an idiot, he cannot understand anything anymore ...
That is Idiocracy..., not only in a film, but in actual real life, they exist and even think that they are that good and enlightened that the whole world is waiting for them to get enlightened.
If the world would get enlightened by TM, we would live in an idiocratic world afterwards, not in an enlightened one. 

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