Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hunger and the right Food

A child told its mother as it went to bed at night, "Mother, wake me up when I am hungry." The mother answered, "There is no need, your hunger will itself wake you up." So too, when the hunger for God arises, it will itself activate you to seek the fulfillment. 
God has endowed you with hunger and illness, and He provides the food and medicine. Your duty is to see that you get the right hunger and the right illness and use the appropriate food or drug! 
Man must be yoked to the world and broken; that is the training which will teach that the world is unreal. When you touch fire and get the sensation of burning, you withdraw your hand instantly. 
Unless you touch it, you will be aware only of its light. It is light and heat both; just as this world is both true and false, that is to say, unreal.
Baba (thought for the day)

I guess that is why he was in my head and said, I am hungry and you? 
Probably I was not aware of it enough or no more aware of it after all what had happened, or I was not aware of it the right way, whatever. That was the kind of wake-up call we usually only hear about it, but to experience it myself, it was amazing.
It was Baba, who else could wake up on that level? For sure it was the inner master, who said it.
We went into yogic flying and we talked about siddhis, I studied the Patanjali Sutras and it was great. I wanted to fly.
I had been in a relationship with someone who actually was really flying airplanes and he went to Italy and asked me to go with him, but I didn't. 
I was holding on to work and to whatever and later I was holding on to the sutras, it should come from inside, not from outside, it should come out of my self. I felt pushed around and it was out of control outside, it didn't make sense, I didn't understand the reasoning of my mother who wanted to see only good and avoided everything to live an illusion. 
And by doing that I had missed everything. 
During the time he was here I wanted to fly too and I began to learn at least about theory, but it was quite complicated. I guess I was about twenty-two at that time and my life felt of the side parent's house already all upside down, so I had to hold on to something and that was work. That seemed kind of solid, we could on to it, it was not the same with relationships. 
But Baba said that he got us into that conditioning to draw us to him. 

God has endowed you with hunger and illness, and He provides the food and medicine. 

When I noticed that voice inside my head I knew it was Baba, it was just on the level of hearing, not seeing and I would have liked to answer, but how do we answer in our own head? 
I was amazing and incredible at the same time, he used the siddhi powers we all wanted and tried to get in going into yogic flying. 
It was a time of miracles and I remember that time years ago as amazing and great. 
As I wanted to fly an airplane some years before, my mind probably thought, if I don't fly an airplane, at least we can go into yogic flying. 
When I began with the siddhis at the time in Paris after I got the sutras, one day it was in the dream, it felt like superman, flying from one skyscraper to the next, but that was New York City, not Paris.
But the dream ended. 
It didn't last a long time and now we face the fact that the 'soulmate' level we had experienced during that time was in reality 'husband' level and that the source of the experience got lost in all that exalted flying high time and the knowledge of the source didn't came back again. 
It looks like in the end we didn't fly, we also didn't get other powers or siddhis, we just meditated and as we had no knowledge of the source of it, we were not able to understand it, we just did a program and got frustrated by that because it went nowhere and we didn't understand it, it was taken care off that we could not understand and therefore, we couldn't change it. We were sold out to those people managing the thing in the background, we had to pay for meditation and programs and there was no real knowledge about yoga and no awareness of Patanjali, the father of yoga. 
What felt like taking off and having a great time in the beginning, ended in realizing that we had no power at all and instead of taking off and flying we were in a mind trap and not aware of it, as we didn't know the source, we couldn't even understand it. 
We didn't take off, but we couldn't understand it and instead of flying up high we got the message..., cut off. 
It seemed Baba had said someone once in the interview about TM and the M. that he will cut off his wings
I didn't hear that myself, but the 'cut off' was for sure a reality present. 
That was message, instead of flying we ended up 'cut off'.
Instead of flying he had 'cut off' our wings. 
Because it didn't work, we didn't know Patanjali, we didn't study how to make the sutras work, we didn't know how to inquire, we didn't know anything, we didn't know all that knowledge behind and how to get it ourselves without paying for a program. 
In reality in trusting into programs we got cut off the source.
The source is Patanjali, he is the father of yoga and if we study him we find lots of discrimination and self-awareness, with programming that wisdom it was 'cut off' the source and instead of self-realization the result was, being cut off. 

Your duty is to see that you get the right hunger and the right illness and use the appropriate food or drug! Man must be yoked to the world and broken; that is the training which will teach that the world is unreal. When you touch fire and get the sensation of burning, you withdraw your hand instantly. Unless you touch it, you will be aware only of its light. It is light and heat both; just as this world is both true and false, that is to say, unreal.

It seems we touched the fire in getting into that, it somehow got us up the ground and we had to get again back on the ground. 
If we would have learnt about Patanajli, the background of the sutras, the reality of that wisdom in the yoga sutras, it would have been okay, but just as program it lead the mind only into sensation and curiosity, and nobody got aware of the mind and its tendencies, but all wanted to take up and fly... in the body. 
Even of some advanced yogis might be able to get there, it is only possible with real wisdom and knowledge and real understanding and in a program all that gets lost. If the source is not know, we cannot understand it. 
The knowledge got lost. But it is far worse, because people also get lost. Because in their minds everything is fine, they trust the teaching and the yogi and they believe in it and that means, they think it has to be like that and nothing is missing and it will work out in time, and it doesn't. As the source is not know they cannot understand it and cannot get aware of it. 
The knowledge got lost, but cut off means it is not only the knowledge, but it affects the people, because they don't know and cannot understand it. 
It is a huge problem to not know what it is, that I can tell out of my own experience. 

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