Baba (thought for the day)

Do you see anything around you not changing? Anything which will be always the same?
That is God, it is not changing and therefore, it is also as universal, exactly it is bigger than the biggest and smaller than the smallest, now do we have trust and self-confidence?
Are you sure that you have self-confidence? In fact if we haven't met it we don't have self-confidence, we have to develop it.
If we look around us, where is the self?
It is inside and to go inside we have to wait to see it, because it will be there as difference from that which is not permanent.
God is permanent, God is true, and therefore, we trust in God and go on, even if we cannot see him. He is everywhere and he is also nowhere, because he is not changing. He is behind the changing.
How to get the experience?
What about observing? That is a good idea, because he is the observer. Maybe we don’t know, but he is there, so we wait until we will know that he is there.
As Baba tells it needs patience and perseverance, because we are at the door of an eternal being an that needs patience, it means to wait until it is sure, if there is doubt, we don't go for it.
That is actually the gatekeeper. It will ask us why we are there, and why we want to see God. Therefore, it is not that easy, we have to wait and deserve it. And we wait patiently and it needs also perseverance, because we need to hold on to that self and deserve that too, and then we will get the experience or the sight of it.
Therefore, our path is just self-confidence and after a while we will reach it and that for sure, because it is our own self.
It will be there and be in the difference between all that which is limited and ephemeral and passing by, and the eternal truth and the not changing value, it is always light and not darkness, therefore, it will also be the light and not the dark, the immortal and not the mortal, it will be the knowledge and not ignorance.
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