Friday, November 28, 2014

On the Edge of Falsehood

Have faith that Truth will save you in the long run; stick to it, regardless of what might befall. For if you are true, the sense of guilt will not gnaw your insides and cause pain. It is cowardice that makes you hide the truth; it is hatred that sharpens the edge of falsehood. Be bold and there is no need for a lie. Be full of love and there is no need for subterfuge. The easiest habit is speaking the truth, honesty; for if you start telling lies, you will have to keep count of them and remember how many you have told to whom, and be always alert not to contradict one lie with another! Love a person and you need no longer deceive the person with a lie; you will feel that the loved one deserves the truth and nothing less than the truth. Love saves a good deal of bother.
Baba (thought for the day) 

First reading Baba's words is one thing. If we listen again a second time, usually we go deeper into it. And if we think it over it begins to take form or to get interesting, at least in those words of Baba, like yesterday and today it is again very interesting to look at his words.
We all should think it over to get to the truth in it. In Baba's words is truth and therefore, we can accept the path of truth in listening to him and in thinking it over and by that we also get closer to accept the path of right action and after all that is how we understand 'peace', do you agree?
And if we get there, truth, right action, peace – we are able to experience that 'pure love'.
As Baba said, 'I am hungry and you?'
Baba asked me that before he left the body some years ago in the insight, he said 'I am hungry and you'?
At that time I didn't understand it yet.
It is kind of challenging to think it over and  to see it in our own life to be able to absorb the meaning.
I wonder why not more people are doing it, because it is much more rewarding to accept the path of truth than to go on dreaming about miracles and gifts.
The experience we want to get is 'pure love'. That is all our duty as Baba said yesterday.
We can get it only if we understand the path of peace. But it is not only about 'silence', but about right action. The question is what is right action? It is certainly not deception and falsehood. Therefore, we also have to accept the path of truth.
Speaking truth and being honest is the only way to love and if silence is favoring not right action, the truth we have to accept will not be truthful but a deception, avoiding something or avoiding to get aware of not right action.  
Why there was agony when Baba was sitting in the wheelchair on the top of the podium or stage and people all were like public at his feet watching him only separated by height, like on the stage. It was like a theater, the flags with him on the stage and the public sitting downstairs watching him and expecting something from him. They all wanted something from him.
Maybe it was done by the ashram in that year and Baba was just sitting there and had to take it, I guess that is probably as close as we get to truth, but it was definitely not right action.
What we can get aware of in the insight is that we have to accept that there was no right action, something was wrong.  Otherwise, Baba would not have been alone exposed in the wheelchair on the stage with all the flags and all people separated from him and if it would have been right, there would not have been that agony in the air and a half a year ahead there was a statue in the desert and a big hand above it with black nails, also that was a sign that something went wrong and I was very surprised to get those 'insights' and Baba said, 'I am the insight and the following step', so first I had to get aware that it had to do with Baba, because he had not been directly in the 'insight'. The statue in the desert has to do with divinity in stone.
And in the insight he said that he was in prison. And he is the insight and the following step.
It is the reflection in the insight of truth and if we have to accept truth, we also have to accept that there was something wrong about 'right action'.
If it is cowardice that makes us hide truth, we are cowards.
And if it is hatred that sharpens the edge of falsehood, we can get to better conclusion to understand all that falsehood we have experience in his presence.
Faith that truth will save us, being the same 'I am that', is going on thinking it over.
In a long run, if we have enough time left, we stick to it, regardless of what might befall, we can just hope that there will be enough time left.

If you are true the sense of guilt will not gnaw the inside and cause pain.
For if you are true, the sense of guilt will not gnaw your insides and cause pain. It is cowardice that makes you hide the truth; it is hatred that sharpens the edge of falsehood. Be bold and there is no need for a lie.

But if we are not true, the sense of guilt will gnaw on our inside and cause pain and it is cowardice that makes us hide the truth; it is hatred that sharpens the edge of falsehood, if we would be bold, there would not be any need for a lie.  
And if it is hatred that sharpens the edge of falsehood, we can get to better conclusion to understand all that falsehood we have experience in his presence.
If someone is living a lie and telling the lie, based all life on a lie, hatred must have sharpened the edge of falsehood. We can conclude that behind the insight of the long nose Baba and the vampire Baba what was present due to my ex, there was hatred that sharpened the falsehood, what looked like a fox yesterday, telling us, 'when I got initiated in TM I knew I would always do that'.
Why anybody would have a need to do that?
I never understood how he could do that, it didn't make sense to me. By definition of Baba's words that is the action of a coward.
As he is not true the sense of guilt will call the pain. It is also cowardice if we think we do not have to listen to Baba, as Baba tells us here it is hatred that sharpens the edge of falsehood and it is falsehood if we claim we do not have to listen to him, when Baba tells us to listen, to think it over to be able to absorb.

It is cowardice that makes you hide the truth; it is hatred that sharpens the edge of falsehood. Be bold and there is no need for a lie. Be full of love and there is no need for subterfuge.

If we don't tell the truth, we are cowards. If we are truthful there is no need for a lie and if there is love, there is no need for deception.  As I went with that relationship in nothing but tricks, maneuvers,  it was all based on ruse and deception and when I asked him why he said that, we got the answer, 'can you blame me', making up something like not guilty because it gnaws inside and causes pain. To avoid it he began to blame me for it what had nothing to do with it.

For if you are true, the sense of guilt will not gnaw your insides and cause pain. It is cowardice that makes you hide the truth; it is hatred that sharpens the edge of falsehood. Be bold and there is no need for a lie.

Can you blame me is in that sense cowardice that makes him hide the truth and always tries to blame others and put the responsibility for his cowardice on us.
Are you able to really listen to Baba's words?
What Baba tells us here that hatred sharpens the edge of falsehood and that it is hatred, because we don't know what it is and that it is a feeling of guilt that causes the pain and that it is cowardice that makes hide the truth.
He is still going on blaming me for it, when every word he said was based on deception, it was nothing but tricks, letting us believe that he would be meditating all his life, when he actually never did it, that was trickery and falsehood. I compared it yesterday with the fox, he let us believe that he was focused on spirituality and high ideals and in reality it was just cowardice, untruth, fiction, a lie, a fairytale.

If we don't tell the truth, we are cowards. If we are truthful there is no need for a lie and if there is love, there is no need for deception.  

Behind that relationship was nothing but cowardice and nothing what he said was truthful. And once he had a Baba dream and he said to Baba in that dream, 'I love you Swami' and Baba answered, 'you are really not in love'. And afterwards he gave me the impression that he blamed me for not being in love, because he looked for it on the wrong level.
And once Baba told him, 'you really don't know my heart'. I don't remember what he had said or done, it is like everything in a gray fog.
Nothing what he said was ever great or made sense or was pleasant or making one feel good. I just went ahead because of the baby and because I thought it was nevertheless a Baba Lila and I had to learn from it and because I had been let down by my family. I just went ahead making the best out of it, also because I didn't realize what coward he was.
With Baba we always think good thoughts, there was nothing good about it. I probably was only able to go on like that when I was avoiding it and I had to adjust to the situation and the baby, I thought she needed her father and that is how we had to go on.

The easiest habit is speaking the truth, honesty; for if you start telling lies, you will have to keep count of them and remember how many you have told to whom, and be always alert not to contradict one lie with another!

So one lie was following the next lie. The wolf was the lie about his big boss and that he was is good friend and that would be as successful like his boss and have a great job and be a wonderful husband and he would be able to take care, no worry about going with him to the US etc. etc. one lie following the next lie, whatever, he said was based on untruth, it was nothing but falsehood, he was deceitful and untrustworthy, he was unreliable and disloyal, when he opened the mouth we wished he would have said nothing, it was all false and just made to make a false impression on others by telling fairytales. He was fickle and fabricated something that he could take advantage of it and that is how we got into it, not one word that guy said was not a lie.
He was unworthy and underserving and it ended all in perfidies and that in the presence of a Sai Baba, that was the place where we could not see it. It didn't even come to my mind that it could be all based on deception only and Baba took the letter, because with Baba it is always about the heart and we see the good in people and he seemed to be nice guy and we think that people live what Baba is teaching and not the opposite.

Love a person and you need no longer deceive the person with a lie; you will feel that the loved one deserves the truth and nothing less than the truth. Love saves a good deal of bother.

There is no love until this day he has no idea about that love Baba is talking about and he is going on deceiving people, pretending he is someone he is not, not taking any responsibility for what he has done and not just being honest. He is still that deceiving guy I had met in the ashram, trying to fool all others about his intention in putting the blame on others.
Wherever he did something wrong and about everything he did was wrong, he put the blame on the others and said, can you blame me for it. It is always the others mistake and never his.
There is no love, because he goes on deceiving with lies and now he makes out of Baba's Lila, my Lila, so he doesn't have to look at it.
Not one word he said was honest and a few months before my mother died he wanted to come here and open up a money box and we could convince him that it was not a good time because of the mother's health. Only afterwards I asked him why he wanted to come and open up a money box and not to visit his daughter and the answer we got was, 'it would have been more fun' again bullshitting us. He is fickle, he has not changed and he is not trustworthy and we cannot rely on anything he said.

Love a person and you need no longer deceive the person with a lie; you will feel that the loved one deserves the truth and nothing less than the truth. Love saves a good deal of bother.

That is right, love saves a good deal of bother, only there is no love and as he goes on living like a coward still telling lies there is no love also in future.
To get the experience of that love we have to understand the path of peace and that means we have to accept right action, deception and untruth is not the path of right action and therefore, no peace possible and we also have to accept the path of truth, but there we will find only falsehood, dishonesty, we find cowardice and all the tendencies of a demon, how can there be love?
To experience 'love' or even 'pure love' there has to be truth, we have to accept the path of truth and right action, we cannot be a coward and work in dishonesty and make up fairytales, when it is all based on cowardice.
But some people like that think they are devotees and make-believe devotees, but nobody is farer away from being a devotee, but such cowards.
And they are the biggest deception for Baba, because 'love' is our duty and 'love' is the only means to connect the tank of God's grace with the individual water taps so that love can flow and if there is no love, he didn't only deceives everybody, but also himself and Sai Baba, he is the biggest looser of all.
The universe cannot be okay if there is no connection (love) between the tank of God's grace and the water taps and if we don't understand that and do not with 'pure love' into it and establish that connection, we cannot be called successful, no mater how rich we are on the material field.
It is no success in the spiritual field. It is just being a coward and not a hero as Baba ask us to be.
If we do not understand the importance of honesty and human values, we have understood nothing at all, as Baba told him, 'you really don't know my heart' and like that, there cannot be love ever and no connection with the tank of God's grace and no water will flow ever again.
That is no success, it is not only on a spiritual level a failure, but also for the family, daughter and everybody else.
As Baba said, 'no more husband, nothing left but an empty Western shoe', it tells us that there is only emptiness left and that is failure on all levels. 

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