Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Who sets the Example of Discrimination and Detachment?

For the wisdom of discrimination to dawn on people, elders must first set an example in discrimination and detachment. If they run after sensory pleasures with feverish excitement, how can the youth be blamed for their selfishness and greed?
The elders must practise what they preach, show how a divine life confers mental poise, joy, contentment and harmony. They must spend at least some time everyday in the recital of the Lord's Name or on Meditation. Then, children too, will imbibe that atmosphere and acquire peace for sure. Today, many speak with full passion that there is nothing as sweet as the Name of the Lord, but they do not repeat it at all. Children will easily discover the hoax, if one neglects their own spiritual progress on the path, but preaches it. The accountability of those who profess the spiritual path is great and must not be undermined.
Baba (thought for the day)
It makes sense that elders should set an example in discrimination and detachment, but we have to look for those elders in the West.
I have not found one until now who fits in that picture. We think elders to have more experience and we need experience to develop discrimination.
They do run after pleasures with feverish excitement, not only the youth, but also the elders seem to go for selfishness and greed. It was like that in my own family and it is like that all around us. We don't have that knowledge and nobody is preaching it.
The elders should practice what they preach.
I was with TM and the national leader was just an actor, and he was personal staff of the yogi and all the others are puppets and the master is not present, therefore, the source got lost, the West took over and changed the knowledge in the end it is not okay anymore.
Baba talks about the elders, but not even the yogis do it.
The West seems that corrupt it changes the mind of people, but not for the better, but for the worse.
I have been with Osho and did an inner child course with probably the most successful sannyas in that movement. They seemed close to the master, also American, chaining people to his work, there have been chains in the inner view and she came and told me even in the dream that they earned millions with that work, with chains and the inner child work, choosing people to do that work.
He belongs to the elders and something like close to the master. 
And isn't it the same with devotees? Is having interviews a sign of devotion and being close to him? Yes great, until we meet death inside and notice that it is nothing but the ego and greed. In the inner view was a whirlpool, that is greed and there was death, an empty hooded black guy, the inner master said that he did that, not only once, but twofold, I guess mind and body, that is not divinity, that is not light, but it is the opposite. 
That are the elders of the West, the devotees, the sannyasins, the meditators, not one was until now real of all those people I have met.
Only the masters have been okay, but it is not clear how much the West changed and influenced them. 
How can we blame the youth for greed and selfishness? We cannot because we do not have any example of people who are attached or living truth and not just a lie. The elders do not practice what they preach and we are alone.
They talk about detachment, but they are attached and follow the ego and the mind.
Baba said once that opposing him means death and at that time I didn't understand it, I was even scared. Now I get more scared of the insights, because there is death, he looks like death. 
His teaching is all about divinity being the doer, but if he is not it, if we meet death and not immortality, he is not the doer. It is all about who is the doer? What is reality and what is Illusion? 
There cannot be two masters, either it is the ego or it is divinity, either it is limited or it is real and in all of them, the actor, was only acting to be a friend and the TM-puppets, don't know what they are doing. The Sannyas and his wife being that proud to be able to earn millions with that work, they use the movement of Osho. He has made the people available and they use the opportunity, they are also taking advantage of it, it is not about freedom, but about working for them. 
Is it the same with Baba? They also took advantage of it, they look like devotees, but he said inside that it was only taking advantage of it.
When you see the action and you see that they only take advantage of it and that there is greed and death and mind and no Baba at all, you know that it is not understood at all.
The elders must practise what they preach, show how a divine life confers mental poise, joy, contentment and harmony. They must spend at least some time everyday in the recital of the Lord's Name or on Meditation. Then, children too, will imbibe that atmosphere and acquire peace for sure. 
They don't even know what it means to repeat the name of the Lord.
I didn't want to believe it, I didn't want to see it or to get aware of it, who wants to know?
I wanted to believe in the good until he said that he did that and that, whatever it is. It is not that important what it is, but it is important the he thinks he is the doer and that there is no real knowledge. If he thinks he is the doer, he does it, it cannot be the Lord, there cannot be two masters.
But Baba's teaching is only about discrimination and to get aware of the difference. It is about getting aware that divinity is the doer and that we are not who we think we are. We have to get able to answer the question, 'who am I?'
Today, many speak with full passion that there is nothing as sweet as the Name of the Lord, but they do not repeat it at all. Children will easily discover the hoax, if one neglects their own spiritual progress on the path, but preaches it. The accountability of those who profess the spiritual path is great and must not be undermined.
Baba is also like a shield and we can hide behind and play holy. People believe in the appearance.
Those elders didn't develop discrimination, they tell us, don't think about it, don't even think about truth or about God. Even if he tells always that it is about discrimination. We even think it is very easy, just feel love and don't think and what about discrimination?
It is that easy to become unlimited and to talk about mental potential. That was the yogis speciality to tell people, just meditate and use more of the mental potential and all problems will be solved, all desires fulfilled, but it is not Baba.
And we think now that God is doing the same. We think we are devotees, but watch out, it is not real. In the West it is an illusion to think that children just follow the parents, because we live in society and we don't have that culture and it doesn't change, because we are a few devotees thinking it should change. It needs more than that. Society doesn't believe in anything anymore. They believe in science, not in God.
If the parents are different, it means not that we are a good examples, but for them we are in a sect and therefore, they learn to not trust the parents, because they think God is old fashioned and they rather to listen to teachers and elders who don't know. The West is not holy, but empty.
Today people still leave the church, not the opposite, there is nothing but an empty mind reality. Today I had to do some shopping and watched people sitting around talking and thinking, how awful if I would have to listen to that crap, it was in the air, the empty mind reality, death.
The time is not that we fill the churches again.
We can meditate as much as we want, the children will find that we are just too sentimental and old fashioned and not open enough. We have to live truth in the West, what truth? We talk constantly about permanent values, but you know what, they don't get the difference between permanent as opposed to no real and just passing by values. They don't get it that there is an eternal reality. No Ashram, but lies and hypocrites.
He is only heart, just feel love, how tired I am of that, no discrimination, just love and what it opposed to love, that much thinking seems not possible?
Yes, in India, it works, because they are used to that, it is their culture, they already get married that way, but here ...  
The accountability of those who profess the spiritual path is great and must not be undermined.
Once he said inside when in the US was a big storm, as we have it every year in the US and it was after he left the body, Baba said, 'I am the storm'. It felt like nuts to go behind the meaning of it, because storm means desires, of course, in the West everybody goes for the fulfillment of desires, they don't know anything else.
And he said 'I am in Africa'. He is not in the West, he is in Africa. First it sounded like I lost my mind. I have to be able to translate it that we can understand it. And he said something like, 'after me the flood'. And I have to live with that.
In some time to come we will know. Maybe that flood will be my flood and that storm also, but maybe it will hit differently and what about Africa? 
We will see, future will show. I don't believe it until it has happened. I don't enjoy it enough. My family has the mind of scientists and I would never believe in a vision until it proved right, until it is confirmed. 
I don't care about being a fool all my life, because I have those visions and I never know how to understand it right and how to fight a lost fight with the emptiness of the Western mind. I met hypocrites, impostors and actors, no devotees, no yogis, no Sannyasins.
He tells us we met some great souls, that means body sathva, great souls and it counts only for those who are realized in sathva, body-sathvas, everything else is not great. And they are maybe in the ashram, or outside in front of the door, but not in the West.
The accountability of those who profess the spiritual path is great and must not be undermined. He gave me a new job and that goes in that direction, but who else is professing the spiritual path?
"Do not be mislead by what you see around you, or be influenced by what you see. You live in a world which is a playground of illusion, full of false paths, false values and false ideals. But you are not part of that world."  (Baba)

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