The significance of this is that through Dharma, you have to transcend Dharma.
What is needed is the steadfast practice of righteousness. Scholarship and wealth are often burdens, they are indeed a handicap.
Practice alone counts in spiritual matters.
Baba (thought for the day)
Now practice is understood as right direction.
And we have to transcend Dharma. Actually, we have to transcend everything. If we talk about the object which is searching for its reflection to merge, it is also transcending. It is transcending when it merges.
We are two, you and me, you and I and that means we and we is he. It is the relationship between the subject and the object and we or he is 'that'.
It is the experiencer and the object of experience what is the relationship between the two? Experience.
It is the lover and the beloved, what is the relationship between the two, it is love.
There is the knower and the known, what is the relationship between them, knowing or knowledge.

The reflection of it on that level is the state meditation and flow and after it merges and becomes one and that is samadhi level and 'that'. On the level of samadhi it is the experience of it.
But we should get aware of it on all levels.
There is the observer and the object observed and what is the relationship, observing. When it merges between the observer and the observed, it is the level of 'that'.
On the level of Bhajan singing, there is one voice, all same and we adore divinity and when it merges, what is left, divine love and that means divinity, unity and just 'that'. Realization means to get aware of the relationship between the singer and the object of adoration and how we are all the same 'that'.
If our own self is experiencing it there is only one 'I', all sing for the same divinity, it means we are all 'that'.
That means 'I am that', self-realization.
We are all the same 'that', therefore, it the self and divinity are one and the same, just 'that'.
Practice means to realize the 'I am that' on all different levels, unity, it all becomes one, nothing but 'that'.
It is getting aware of the process, understanding how intelligence works and to get aware of nature of life and our higher self and that we are all the same. It is about unity.
Everything merges in 'that', there is only one and that is all there is.
The higher self and God is the same, and all are one.
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