It is the world of material objects, emotions and thoughts. The scientists, economists and politicians are continuously striving to improve the scheme of things in the external world so that the experienced becomes better and better.
But this is only fifty per cent of the whole situation. We must also take care of the other side, the experiencer.
Even if the total scheme of things in the external world could be made ideal, but the experiencer is not properly attuned, his life will be miserable.

Now who is this experiencer? It is one's own self, the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual components which together make up the total personality of each human being.
Who am I, the experiencer and who is going on, the experiencer and what is changing is the experience, therefore, the experiencer is real and it is about the relationship between the experiencer and the experience.
Meditation and yoga takes care of the experiencer and the relationship, and even if we have everything on the relative level, if the development of the experiencer is missing we will not be happy and fulfilled.

While investigating the threefold aspects of experience, the rishis of yore not only discovered that there are four different entities within the experiencer, but that every man must be ready to sacrifice the grosser in preference to the subtler entities in him.

When Baba asked in the interview room, who I was, it was also his teaching, we are three people, the one I think I am that is the body, the one the others think I am is the mind and the one I really am is Atman and that is the experiencer, it is the self.
What is the relationship, it is the experiencer,
'men may go, men may come, but I go on forever'.
Repeating the Name of God saved Prahladha from the agony of torture. He learnt the Sacred Name and understood its sweetness. He chanted it constantly and internalized its nectarine taste.

When Prahladha took the Name of the Lord, enraged elephants backed out, no fire could touch him and no poison could affect him. The Lord’s Name was his armour, his shield, his breath, in fact his very life.
For chanting the Divine Name, no expense is involved, no materials are needed, no special place or time is required. Scholarship, caste or creed does not matter. When a piece of iron is rubbed on a slab of stone, heat is generated. So too, in order to generate sufficient heat to melt the soft heart of the Lord, repeat the Divine Name vigorously and constantly. Then, the Lord will shower His Grace.
Baba (thought for the day)
Pralada is the story of a boy who was born into the family of one of the biggest demons of his time.
The demon father tried with all means to kill the boy who just silently referred to the divine name and was saved finally by the lord. It is the story of Narashingadev or how the lord took the form of a lion to come and save his devotee.
It shows the power or strength of a mantra. A mantra keeps the inside focus on the higher self and strengthens from inside. It is the path to developing the experiencer, and if he is properly attuned, nothing can happen to him.
That is why it is said, it is about knowing ‘that’. If we know it, we have everything, but if we don’t know ‘that’, we have nothing.
Even if the total scheme of things in the external world could be made ideal, but the experiencer is not properly attuned, his life will be miserable.
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