A person who is kind and loving never needs to go searching for God.
God rushes toward any heart that beats with compassion-it is God's favorite place.
Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi Devi)
If we make one step towards
God, he rushes towards us. One step and he makes a thousand towards us, but we have to make the first step.

It is not compassion and not love. If we keep bad habits and do not meditate to establish better habits, he will not rush towards us too.
There is an effort needed, we have to make the first step to know the difference between God and mind and if we don’t do it, we stay deluded in a mind state and it can go on forever.

If it is ego arrangement going on thinking he will give, he will not give, because the step
we make is not in direction of God, but in direction of the ego and we don’t
get aware of the mistake in our thoughts, we are stupid.
The lesson means, we
should have to face the devil, but we avoid to get the lesson. The biggest sin
is ignorance.
How does ignorance look? It is a mistake. We look for the solution on the wrong place. We think we do the right thing and are not aware that it is not okay. It is an unpleasant situation and the attitude of being a coward. And we are not afraid enough of the devil to be more careful.

If the lesson is facing the devil and the ego, the mistake of our own delusion, we have to learn the lesson.
After God will rush towards us, but not as long as we think that God is the mind going on in old patterns and we close the eyes in front of the devil.
He will not rush towards us if we don't face the devil. To make a step towards God we have to face the devil, that is the first step.

Someone talks always about love and tells love only and she remembers some time back and she thinks it is Nirvana and truth and love.
I told her already that it is not true and that it has nothing to do with truth and reality and that it is only mind.

She wants to think that she knows but in reality she doesn’t know. Her way of thinking is wrong. It is not truthful and therefore, it is not God but delusion.
She is not open enough to be
able to get the error. She claims to know and is stubborn and goes in extremes.
She is
convinced she has understood it, in reality it is all upside down.
She thinks she is going in
direction of truth, but she looks for it on the wrong place and that is
How can God rush towards us, if
we look for him on the wrong place and don’t recognize that it is the devil?
It is not that easy, because
the error is in our own mind… The mind is the biggest enemy and it is not fun
to face that error.
Reality behind is that she is unaware of her state of mind. She has to face 'fame and
She cannot get aware of it, because getting aware of it means she would have to be truthful and she would have to realize that she actually doesn’t know, but the shame is too big to get aware of it.
She grew up in that idea that she needs to be accepted and for that she has to know. Shame is making it impossible to face it that she doesn't know. She goes on in a pattern of fame and shame, she is kind of imprisoned in the mind pattern.
That is more important than
love and God, and that is the mind, not beyond the mind. She has to face the devil.
She thinks she will get there, because she talks of love and God, but that is just a means to not face her own shame.
She uses God as compensation. Fame is more important than truth. That is not God, that is a mind conditioning.
She wants above all be a good citizen and okay and uses God to get there. She is living a lie, how can God rush towards her?
The first thing she has to get aware is, she has to face the devil.
We have to get aware of our lesson to be able to make a step towards God.
Follow the master. Face the devil. Fight to the end. Finish the game.(Baba)
It is not easy to face shock and shame. The mind conditioning has a tendency to avoid shame at all costs and is not able to face it.
If we don't get aware of it, a pattern created by shame can go on over generations.
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