Do not be carried away by or attach any importance to worldly things. Use your time and effort to control the vagaries of the mind and develop mental steadiness. Equal-mindedness; means that you remain unaffected by victory or defeat, by profit or loss, by joy or sorrow.

Then your heart will be filled with feelings of love and satisfaction, and you will know the true joy of devotion.
Baba Gita
If there is love there is joy. Devotion is about love, because the songs are full of love and that makes joy come up during singing.
It is in the mind and no joy, when it turns into the opposite, when yawning begins and boredom and there is no joy and also no deeper feelings and no love, because it stays on a superficial level in the mind, when we are aware of the others and what they are thinking it is mind only. And there is hardly any love and people seem to try to feel love, but it doesn't really work out.
When people talk too much and socialize it gets disturbing and on the account of joy. It is like meeting people on a different level and it means the joy ends there, whatever the reason, it gets again into the mind.
Meditation is for the pleasure of the mind and results in joy only. It has to always be positive that is the principle of friendship of yoga and equanimity. If there is negativity it disturbs the principle and it is the end of joy. The flow of joy is only possible if it is positivity, that experience we had with Baba.
The mind is negative because it is just ephemeral and limited.
As soon as socializing begins we are in the mind and people don't know and some bring up negativity, talking too loud or about stuff which is negative or they bring up problems, what is only in the mind.
As soon as socializing begins we are in the mind and people don't know and some bring up negativity, talking too loud or about stuff which is negative or they bring up problems, what is only in the mind.
Without silence it seems not possible to keep up with positivity and that is essential to be in that devotion and love and to get the benefit of it.
There is no understanding about the basic principles, therefore, people think socializing is part of it and take it even for love.
In the end everything seems love to them, even though, it has nothing to do with love.
In the end everything seems love to them, even though, it has nothing to do with love.
True joy comes from equanimity. Do not be carried away by or attach any importance to worldly things. Use your time and effort to control the vagaries of the mind and develop mental steadiness. Equal-mindedness; means that you remain unaffected by victory or defeat, by profit or loss, by joy or sorrow.
Everything is a gift of God and that is a way to get established in the witness, because we stay behind and watch instead of going into it.
Baba gets us beyond the mind. As Krishna was with Arjuna, he is the eternal charioteer. Arjuna was first elated and afterwards deeply depressed on the battlefield, first he was eager to fight, but in the moment he looked at the enemy he realized what disaster it would be. He knew it would lead to the death of all those people. They were part of his family and some he loved where on the other side and fought with the enemy.
That is how Krishna went beyond the mind of Arjuna, he went beyond the up and downs and began to guid him as divine presence from inside.
First he enlightened him about who he was and that he was the doer. Arjuna had only the choice of being a good instrument or refusing it to be and then he would be looked at as coward.
He had not much choice, but it needs to be realized. Also that was done by him to get beyond the mind of Arjuna. That is how Krishna could reveal his divinity to him. It is the secret of equanimity and it is the source of joy, it has to go beyond the vagaries of the mind and to be unaffected by victory and defeat, by joy or sorrow.
Use your time and effort to control the vagaries of the mind and develop mental steadiness. Equal-mindedness; means that you
He had not much choice, but it needs to be realized. Also that was done by him to get beyond the mind of Arjuna. That is how Krishna could reveal his divinity to him. It is the secret of equanimity and it is the source of joy, it has to go beyond the vagaries of the mind and to be unaffected by victory and defeat, by joy or sorrow.
Use your time and effort to control the vagaries of the mind and develop mental steadiness. Equal-mindedness; means that you
remain unaffected by victory or defeat, by profit or loss, by joy or sorrow.
But true joy is true and real. It gets established by equanimity and on that level love can flow.
When your heart is not swayed by worldly things, when you treat
But true joy is true and real. It gets established by equanimity and on that level love can flow.
When your heart is not swayed by worldly things, when you treat
all people and all things with equal-mindedness, then you will experience true joy. Then your heart will be filled with feelings of love and satisfaction, and you will know the true joy of devotion.
The third eye — also known as the blue pearl, the inner eye, and the sixth, or ajna, chakra — is traditionally associated with psychic experiences, divine seeing and the higher visionary realm.
The third eye — also known as the blue pearl, the inner eye, and the sixth, or ajna, chakra — is traditionally associated with psychic experiences, divine seeing and the higher visionary realm.
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