The ultimate spiritual practice is the development of wisdom.
Wisdom emerges from inner inquiry. It is the spiritual practice of looking deep into the essential nature of everything. If you faithfully pursue this inquiry, you will gradually reach the supreme state of peace and bliss.
This is the unique goal of human life, a goal which all mankind will one day achieve.

Inner Inquiry - the Path of Wisdom
Sai Baba Gita pfd
I guess that is where this leads, I just don't understand what it has to do with a job, but maybe there is nothing to understand and it just has to do with feeling and worries in the mind we have to get aware of it and it is just part of that inner inquiry.
The Three Stages on the Wisdom Path
To reach the state of abiding inner peace, you begin by inquiring into the very heart of everything. This is the process of inner inquiry, the first stage on the wisdom path. Then you must make use of the deep insights you have gained by applying the spiritual teachings to every detail of your daily life. This is the second stage.
If you continue with this practice unfailingly, then, in time, you will reach the goal of God-realization and enjoy unending bliss. This is the third and final stage on the wisdom path. (Baba Gita)