Gladly share your education and wealth with your fellow human beings. God is the real owner of the wealth you acquire. Remember, the money you earn belongs to God's Trust. You are His Trustee and accordingly, make proper utilisation of your wealth. Do not hanker over money or other forms of wealth. Instead, constantly contemplate on God. You don't have to go to caves or forests or ashrams in search of Him. Wherever you are, He is with you. Develop this faith and win over your demonic qualities. Do not forget that what ultimately comes with you is not your wealth or education, but the sin or merit you have accumulated through your actions. Share at least a morsel of what you eat with others. Never forget to practice selfless love and service. Help yourself and help others, this is indeed the greatest spiritual practice (sadhana). Without following these principles, there is no peace and joy, anywhere in the world!
Swami reminds us to share everything, our education and our wealth with our fellow beings and he reminds us that God is the right owner and that everything belongs to him only and it is his trust on us and we should understand it right.
We should make proper utilization of wealth.
We should constantly contemplate on the divine and not hanker over money or other forms of wealth, but he as well is telling us that we don't have to go to caves or forests or ashrams in the search of Him and that is part of my experience. I was in my job working and watching and it ended with the experience of the higher self, but I went on to understand it and that was not that easy anymore in our society actually impossible to get the right answer.
I was looking for a language or a way of understanding or thinking it over and it was a long way of finally getting to that contemplation and being able to see the experience in the light of my own experience.
First I tried to express it with meditation and it was about truth, but it was not thinking it over and it didn't answer all the experience or insights in the dream stage and it was always about truth and even if it felt right, there was still a lot that didn't make any sense and we didn't find the answer by thinking it over. The principle about it was true, but it was not possible to use the right words and there was no thinking it over and in time the experiences didn't make any sense anymore.
We can make the experience everywhere, we don't need to go to an ashram, but nevertheless, without the words of an enlightened master we cannot get it, we need the words and the direct experience and discrimination.
That is very clearly stated in the Patanjali sutra about correct understanding.
He is telling us to get to correct understanding we need three things, direct perception, inference and the written or spoken words of a self realized authority.