Friday, March 21, 2014

Baba and the Jumping, Bumping Monkeys

At times, your mind becomes a monkey, a mad monkey, jumping and bumping all over. It might be difficult to control your mind. In those moments, tell yourself, “I am not a monkey; I am part of ‘mankind’.” You must have and exhibit kindness from within you. Cultivate love and develop kindness. All of you must start the day with love, fill the day will love and end the day with love. This is the way to God. Always be happy. There should not be anyone with castor-oil faces. You must lead a happy life and be cheerful always. Not just on your birthday should you be happy, you must lead your life in happiness all the time. When you have love for God, you will not do things that God does not approve of. So, your life will always be happy. Follow God, live in Love and Truth. Then you will attain true happiness and enjoy bliss.
(Baba thought for the day)

I think I enjoy it very much to get aware of the 'I am the One', no differences at all on the inner level of our 'I', which has no limitations and expanded to an universal level - or should we call it the soul level - and in our relative world experience there are that much differences that we do not understand each other.
I have to get use to the new universe and I think it needs a happy smile to get aware that with Baba in my world are vampires, demons, gaps and huge precipices, avalanches and whirlpools, volcanoes and storms, beggars and homelessness, we find ourselves on the scaffold or we have to face the devil.
Years ago being with Swami in the ashram meditating every day, feeling safe in my mediation, it didn't even come to my mind that I will have to face such a world view with him later on in my own inner view. The world has quite changed. 

I have been let down by my family and therefore, I feel like an orphan, nowhere home, but I am able to go in a church and feel home at that place nevertheless, and because of him. My world has changed.
There are monkeys in it, bad monkey minds, mad monkey minds, actors and Baba with vampire teeth and a nose like a long-nosed monkey.
As monkeys are jumping and bumping all over, it is not only difficult to control our mind, it is difficult to live with.

The mind is also one only and we are in the same mind and not different from others, that is why if we meditate we clean consciousness and can have an effect on the mind of others.
When I read that thought for the day I see the people in the ashram rushing into the hall on the Darshan ground during a festival and we had to run with them to not get crushed.
Do you remember?
You had for sure always been in a big distance to all of them and you could walk in dignified and safe and above the crowd, how could you possibly know how it feels to be pushed around in the midst of all those people behaving like monkeys?
That is the moment we have to think, I am not a monkey, but I am part of 'mankind', I stay calm and do not get upset by them and about my neighbor who is probably just pushing me around and the one behind pushing to go in front and the one on the side not allowing to breath, we have to cultivate that kindness from within us.
Yes, we have all to begin the day with love and we should also end it with love and if we see us as 'all devotees together in Prasanthi Nilayam' that does make much more sense, what Baba tells us, because we have been all one in the crowed of people mixed with everybody - and even more so after we have been pushed by lots of people and everybody just wanted to get a good seat and finally we are there sitting and just happy that after all we sit and we found a place to sit and are not like others outside of the Darshan ground.
You never had to experience Baba from that side.
So after all when he came to give a speech and he looked at all those people sitting and staring at him just happy to have gathered a place in the hall, just to see him and all glad to not to be outside of the hall, what would spoil the experience, by coming too late or not sitting long enough and we just couldn't make it anymore, there is a reason why Baba tells us, you should not have castor-oil faces.
We should lead a happy life and be cheerful always and I should smile as usually what I will do, even if I dream that I am on the scaffold, who cares anyhow. It is only my mind, even if everything in me seems to scream out loud, no it is me, it is how I feel, nobody sees how I feel.
He said he will take care and how does he take care, he gave me a tool to write it down, just be happy that is the bliss I expected from life.
If we have love for God, we will not do things that God cannot approve of, it means he will dream that amok run getting aware of it in what fools game we live in and we feel like he acts it out, in a young guy in Los Angeles in the age of my daughter, it means he is acting it out and we do not have to worry about it and he is the doer and I am just the watcher. Because as I have love for God, I will not do those things, I will just dream it.
That is why I can be happy, because he told us; life is a dream, live it and live it in love and truth.
If we do so, we will enjoy happiness and bliss and who doesn’t want bliss? 

Let’s enjoy the movie and the dream and if from time to time we throw up and cannot take it, because it is just too ugly, we should always remember that we are not the monkey mind and that we should just enjoy.
It means getting into distance, do not run amok and shoot them, if there is a crowd of people or if my ex turns into a vampire and an earth pig, just take it easy, because I am not the mad monkey mind, I am a human being and allow it to get crushed in not being different from others, that is self-sacrifice, we were let down and we live in a jungle, I guess that is why Baba said in my dream that he is in Africa, there are the wild animals.
We should not hate them and we should just be good, because we are not like monkeys, but we want to be human.

We should never forget that Baba doesn't talk to one person, but he talks to all people gathered in his presence and for sure some have no spiritual education at all and just admire that he tells, 'I am God' and you are also God, you just don't know it, you have to realize it.
Do you get the picture?
Do you see people sit in the hall waiting for him after they rushed in and now they are happily seated in front of him waiting for him to begin his divine speech, forgetting that just a moment ago I still hated the neighbor in the back and her pointing knees in my spine. 
If we are all one, he never talks to only one person, but he talks to the people sitting happily together in front of him, a horde of monkey minds who would like to become human and he addresses them as, embodiments of divine love, and it means himself, he is the big example and how we should be and they all feel elevated and happy and think the monkeys are the others, but not me and that is how we become human.

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