Friday, March 14, 2014

How do we Attain Immortality?

Not by work or wealth or progeny, but only by sacrifice can one attain immortality. All the scriptures explain the value of sacrifice. Understand its inner significance and practice it. Devotion should not be confined to visiting temples and saluting God therein. Devotion exists everywhere. Wherever you sit, you can utter the Name of the Lord. There is no place without Love, Love exists everywhere. Some love their mother or father, others their wife or children. There are yet others who love God. Loving God alone is true devotion. The love for any worldly person can at best be selfish – there is no one who loves another person without a selfish reason. God alone loves you without selfishness, expecting nothing in return. Therefore develop faith and devotion to God.
Baba (thought for the day)

If divinity is that close to us, closer than anybody we know, how can we not be aware of it? I began to watch, decided to not change anything anymore, until it would come from the inside out of the higher self, because if it was that close, it had to be there. 
There had to be a way to make the experience and if we have enough patience and perseverance, it has to be there. 
Waiting for divinity in the beginning it felt good and special, but after a while I noticed that I had no idea about it really, I was just watching and I didn't know what fore really, I couldn't explain to anyone, because nobody knew and nobody looked at it that way. 
It felt like time began to load and the fact that I had no idea what I was doing and I also noticed I didn’t know how to explain it, but I was convinced that in my environment, in my family, if I would tell what I was waiting for, they would laugh about it. 
I had already earlier mentioned that I thought life was about self-realization and was surprised by the reaction, as it was not what I had expected. Everybody seems sure that it was not possible. 
Therefore, I was warned and I waited and didn’t talk about it. Waiting in silence until it would come from the inside, that made sure there were less distractions and doubts about it. If we do not talk about it, it was silence and I am certain that helped a lot.

And I began to notice that things around changed, but it was always the mind and not the self level, it had nothing to do with my own self.
But one night it was there, it was in the dream as a white light and it was that beautiful and only love and in the morning I knew that was it. And it was sacrifice, because it was more important than anything else, therefore, everything had to be sacrificed to get there.  
I was doing my job, but it was not about job, I gave my job to someone else.
It was not about what I wanted, but what ‘he’ wanted, but that was not easy to understand, because it was anyhow me, but as it came from the inside and out of the higher self, it was not on the mind and ego level and therefore, that level had to be sacrificed.  
I noticed that we knew hardly anything about divinity and it was all new, it could be experienced. Believing in it that went in the right direction and they said so, it had to be possible. 
In the mean time it is not anymore that unknown and far away and we know it is possible, we have made the experience and we understand it much better why it is that close to us. All the people who mattered at the time are no more.
It is a long time ago that we began to look for it, but it is possible to experience divinity as our friend and our closest kin. 
How great to know, it is very precious and in the mean time we don't know anymore how anyone can live without that wisdom. 
It changes out life. 
One night it was present in the inner light, it was present as a reflection in the dream, and that has to do with truth and it was also new to get aware that truth reflects and it is not temporary, but permanent and non-changing. 

That experience of the higher self is as new as it was years ago, the time has gone by and people have changed, everything has changed, but not that, it is on a level which does not change. But first it was only the higher self and I expected to get that experience again, while I made a lot of experiences around it, which reflected I the same unchanging light of truth, but I didn't understand it yet. 
It has to be realized that divinity on that same not changing level, there cannot be anything than that, because it is all the same, there is only one and that is the same for everyone. There is no change and we get to the insight that ‘I am that’ and that ‘all is that’. 
There is no difference on that level. There are no limitations and there is no change.

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