Scholarship is a burden, many times a handicap even.
So long as God is believed to be far away, in temples and holy places, one will feel religion a burden and a hurdle. But install Him in your heart and you feel light, burdenless and even strong. It is like the food basket – when carried on a shoulder, it feels heavy. You are too weak, even to carry it.

Do likewise, with the idea of God. Do not carry it on the shoulder, take it 'in'! The scriptures teach, "God is verily the Life-breath, of every soul." So practise to live in His Glory, in His Memory, in His contemplation, every single moment of your life.
Baba (thought for the day)

Baba talks on the level of all religions and therefore, he doesn't comment the Patanjali Sutras, but it is still the same message.
If we are in touch with divinity inside we do it spontaneously right. If we know the observer, we have that dedication.

Whatever our Sadhana, it has to be there and should be practiced.
But to understand that teaching, it has to be born and it there is the child of immortality.
It has to be born as well as the knowledge of the avatar has to be born.
Practice is abhyasa, he doesn't tell us to meditate, but the he tells us that practice and that it is the real thing that matters in spirituality.
I write because he was holding up a book and everything else what he did inside is going in that direction, no doubt about that.
It is my path to practice and to get insights and to understand it, because it is not understood without practice, we have to think it over and absorb. In following the inner master we are able to understand it, to get the experience of it and to realize that new birth of the knowledge of the avatar.
The knowledge has to be born.
It is my path to practice and to get insights and to understand it, because it is not understood without practice, we have to think it over and absorb. In following the inner master we are able to understand it, to get the experience of it and to realize that new birth of the knowledge of the avatar.
The knowledge has to be born.
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