The second fish managed to break through the net and escape, the third one resigned its fate to destiny.
God of Death, Yama is the fisherman; unless early notice is taken of the process of drying to which the tank of one's lifespan is subject, one gets caught.

Discard sloth and slumber, denounce fanaticism and make yourself a dedicated servant of the Lord.
Then all strength, joy and Grace will be showered on you.
Baba (thought for the day)
It was about turning it into light and God. It was like that in the reflection in the dream.
And it was good to wake up with a good feeling.
If we go for the highest first or at least think it is the highest and it is not, because we are not aware of social consciousness and that is not as good as we think.
If we consent we silently agree, it means in the end we are part of it, we are part of the ocean and if it is mud, the reflection will be mud.

And we can only get aware of it in the reflection, as reaction or by the resounding echo coming back to us from the result, whatever that result.
It is the reason why Baba tells us always to search the company of the good. But sometimes we think it is good and it is not.
It is the reason why Baba tells us always to search the company of the good. But sometimes we think it is good and it is not.
This story of the three fishes in the pond is a metaphor about our life. The three fish are Sathva, Rajas and Tamas.
Sathva is clear and knows what to do, it reacts and gets out of the pond immediately. Rajas waits, it is not decided and the third is Tamas that fish ignores it.
The Fisherman is death, but the second fish managed to break through the net and escaped but the third resigned to destiny and dies.
Our life is the tank and in time it is going to dry out.

It was like that well I went into with Baba before he left the body, it was also a reflection in the dream. It was inner vision. Inner vision is noticed often during dreams because at that time the mind is calm and inactive.
In that well we went together was only little water left and on the way up again he dropped the body, it fell into dust.
And we still went up that well and there was Krishna and his brother.
He was not a moment with death, he just dropped it and went up.
Death didn't even touch him.
I guess if I would have dropped the body on the way, there would have been that fisherman, and Baba would have been waiting there to help me to get up that the fisherman could not catch me in his net. But with Baba at the side we just went up straight and without any interruption.
That was astonishing how he dropped the body and made me a witness to it in the reflection inside in the dream.
I guess if death catches us we don't get out of the pond like he did, because he knew what he was doing and on the top was Krishna and his brother.
I guess if death catches us we don't get out of the pond like he did, because he knew what he was doing and on the top was Krishna and his brother.
Or we have to learn how to break through the net to be able to jump back into the ocean as small fish, that is rajas, the red light of passion.
How do we get that Grace?
In being a dedicated servant of that higher purpose, without sloth, slumber and fanaticism.
I am not a fanatics.
He said years before already that the self was waiting.
It was him waiting, but I had experienced the self years ahead and related it to the reflection of light. Anyhow it worked out in the end, but in the last moment. And he even said it would not have been possible if he would have seen me. I guess it was about the focus on the level of the senses, it had to be inside only.
It was building up during the years before and that was probably why it was not possible to go and see him.
After eight years to be exactly there during that time when he left the body and to realize afterwards how important it was, wow.

I noticed that it was important to be there and I focused all that time on being ready.
And also that room in front of the ashram was exactly as it had to be. It had to be undisturbed to be able to get the insight. It was all as it had to be, there was less socializing going on in that moment in that room in front of the ashram.
Enthusiasm, courage, devotion, energy, readiness and sincerity.
Enthusiasm is certain because the higher self is love, beauty and white light and it was all I wanted.
Even if I get tired of it, I still know I go in that direction. It is the 'only' reality which is beyond limitation, non-conceptual and therefore true for all of us.
It would be foolish to not go in that direction.
Courage to go for it, even if we don't know and it cannot be too easy, because it would not be challenging to the mind. To realize the self there has to be a challenge.
I heard a master who said, if the situation is such that we want to leave and we stay anyhow, we know it is the right master.
Devotion is dedicated to being good and trust in divinity that it will work out well in the end.
I also wanted to leave. It felt that sad, I was thinking of sightseeing, but there was that energy. It was just energy, when I felt it I knew I had to stay, I knew it was right, but also that is teaching. It was just energy felt on the level of feelings and I knew it was right, but we have to understand that it is part of it..., just energy. I didn't get that till now...? Being ready was necessary to go through it, to be ready inside and awake, to listen because it was about that inner reflection in dreams.
It was a heavy time, but the best what ever happened to me.
He answered all questions which were still open inside.
Sincerity is facing that reflection and the truth in it, trying to understand it, thinking it over and not avoiding it. Sincerity is that part which is going on now trying to get the reflection and to see it in the right light.
It is not that easy to understand inside reflection on the intellectual level.
Baba said, 'My life is my Message'.
It is all about self-experience, being ready in our own self.
And after all it is not easy to understand. It needs quite a bit of inquiry to get that understanding on the intellectual level.
Baba said, 'My life is my Message'.
It is all about self-experience, being ready in our own self.
And after all it is not easy to understand. It needs quite a bit of inquiry to get that understanding on the intellectual level.
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