So this path, the middle path, the golden path, wherein you are enthusiastic, you are in a hurry, at the same time, you are patient. You are patient, at the same time you are not lethargic. You are not postponing things. You know, often when people have to do something good, for their personal development, they say, "If God is willing, I will do it. If God is willing, it will come to me".
They leave it to God, when it comes to one's practices and development.
When we have to do something in the world, they do not say, "God willing I will build a house or if God is willing, I will make a relationship".

For all this you put your hundred percent, but, if you have to do something for others, you say, if God is willing it will happen.
Many people do that, at least in India. I think it is the same everywhere. If God wills, then it will happen. It should be the other way round. So, patience and dynamism. That is the golden rule.
This is the clinch, isn't it? We get that inside reflection in dreams and it wakes us up. Okay, that is great.
We know it is not possible to go for a quick meditation, we meditate and if there is no time, we can shorten it, if we do it always the same length of time like twenty minutes.
I have met that feeling once during the time with my ex, he made me feel lethargic and it scared me. I couldn't get out, I could go nowhere, there was no solution, there was no way out and at the same time it didn't work.
The Baba Lila seemed for nothing, not one dream he understood or inquired about it, only that I had to go and make peace with Baba, that was clear because it was an action and he could blame me for it, that means it happened, it changed.