That is not really our policy.
Here we are expected to not make debts. It is even
considered a shame for some to have debts.
I worked with a lady and her daughter bought a car and
it was Friday. The mother excused herself, because she would pay only Monday and
she had thirty days. That felt kind of ridiculous to me to think we just look good because
of being able to pay a day ahead if possible. But that is a kind of common thinking here.
I am not like that, I rather pay by leasing, I have
been too long time in the US to take that Swiss thinking here for granted.
But I didn’t understand the way of thinking of my ex
too who thought the money would just fall from the sky or grow on trees and he
just spent and went on like that.
If he would have been Swiss, he would like me have
sleepless nights seeing it getting less and to do nothing about it, moreover he didn't even inform me until it was gone that was kind of a shock.
We definitely don’t believe in debts and that the
solution in excess spending is even more spending, we don’t spend.
In the moment they talk about crisis here we get laid off and people do less shopping, just because it is in the news and after we get informed that they worked better than ever.
The tendency is not to spend, but to save. If everybody talks of economic crisis some take the chance under that pretext to save and earn more. It is the principle of ‘Safeway’, but not in spending we save, less spending.
In the moment they talk about crisis here we get laid off and people do less shopping, just because it is in the news and after we get informed that they worked better than ever.
The tendency is not to spend, but to save. If everybody talks of economic crisis some take the chance under that pretext to save and earn more. It is the principle of ‘Safeway’, but not in spending we save, less spending.
Economics tell us we are in crisis saving is used to
earn more.
And morality and ethics would tell us to not do that,
to not lay off people just to save…
Our gasoline has always been high and we live in small
apartments, we cannot afford the big houses we find in the US and we live all
our lives just learning how to be happy with less and do good housekeeping, it
means not to spend more than we can afford.
I have never heard that anyone would tell such a
foolish thing as that we do respond on excess spending by spending more.
By having debts and seeing it as a solution to make more debts…?
If that could work out for some, maybe, but for sure not for the average Swiss, we would think that is foolish to do that.
By having debts and seeing it as a solution to make more debts…?
If that could work out for some, maybe, but for sure not for the average Swiss, we would think that is foolish to do that.
We invest in insurances to make sure if it rains we
get the holidays paid back. We invest in high social care and medical insurance
to be sure we can get sick and into the hospital without being ruined.
We invest in rents to make sure we can live after when
we get retired. We are a country which likes safety and not the risk.
In that sense we are closer to what Baba tells that we
should reduce our desires.
Less luggage more comfort makes travel a pleasure.
Reduce the luggage of
your desires. More desires become great burden for life. With less luggage, you will be more happy. (Baba)
Debt is just more luggage
and that makes the burden bigger.
How can anyone in the US
understand Baba’s teaching if they think that the burden of excess luggage is
solved by even more luggage and more burden?
That doesn’t make sense? Once
I looked up the expression of financial freedom, I have never heard that before
and there I read that ‘financial freedom begins with debt…’ and seriously, I
thought that only an American could possibly tell something like that and
believe in it.
In that big country it
maybe even could work out, but there are also lots of homeless people etc. That kind of thinking got
me into a state, I just wanted to go home, because in my dream I lived already
as homeless on the streets of New York City… Out of my sight my ex was a
dreamer and Baba confirmed it by telling that he lived a dream and he even said
that it was his problem not Babas. Debt + debt is more debt and not less.
It is like telling 1 + 1 =
0. But of course, we also spend, people still spend but we think differently. But the result in narrow minded and very serious and that is not funny too, they don't take life easy, it is serious business. It reduces the individual freedom and increases what people think, the mind, and it is not okay to do that and not okay to do this etc. pointing at 'you' with the finger, in the sense of it is common understood that 'we don't do that'.
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