Monday, May 21, 2012

Cause and Effect retarded, why cut off?

There is anna-maya kosha, matter, the physical vehicle (body).
There is the prana-maya kosha, the "vital" vehicle (breath).
There is mano-maya kosha, the mental vehicle (mind). There is the vignana-maya kosha, the vehicle of Higher Reason (intellect).
There is the ananda-maya kosha, (joy and ahamkara, identification).
And when that vehicle is well developed there is that self-realisation which involves emotional experience of Unity with All.

We are used to think vertical, dissecting the parts to the smallest particle. Unity consciousness functions on a horizontal level, it is what unites us on different levels, sheaths.
If we make an experience on body level, it is body. It is different from the sense perception and the intellect is discerning.
The ahamkara (ego) or sense of ‘Who am I’ is again different and on a level of identity.
The journey is from the limited I-ness identified with the outer body level to the inner universal ‘I’-ness in the ananda-maya kosha to the infinite.
How does retarded reality in consciousness happen?
Each sheet has its own reality. The relative level and present we know cause and effect. But if we are on the ahamkara level and the question is ‘who am I’ it is all different and on a mirroring level, inner identification.
It is the relationship level. It is the question to whom we belong. The mirror has to be on that level. Therefore, he engaged us, it is that highest principe of the relationship level.
With TM it got established in groups of Siddhas, Meditators, Teachers etc. in groups and if the master is not there, and he was not there, we get lost in that group, it means we have our personal ‘I’ exchanged against a collective ‘I’ and if we leave we get aware that the ‘I’ got lost in that process and if we don’t understand it, we don’t find the self again, but we stay lost. Understanding, realization of what happened to get back to the self is a must.
Suzanne Segal described it in her book ‘Collision with the Infinite’, the mirror of that identification level came up when she became a mother, because she changed identity, she was about to become a mother.
In that mirror she got aware that she had lost many years before the ‘I’, but it didn’t feel like years ago, it just mirrored what had happened in consciousness, but she thought she lost the ‘I’ in the present.
She had left TM, what came up was the reality that her ‘I’ got lost sometime, it can by anytime.
And she couldn’t find the answer, therefore, she began to search for it all over, the time was retarded, had nothing to do with her present life, but she projected it in the present, she had no knowledge about it as no TM-teacher has and didn’t realize what happened to her, she went from therapist to therapist and didn’t get an answer. She studied psychology and didn't find the answer. She got lost due to TM and the master not being there, years after she had left TM. She didn’t find the right answer.
With that meditation technique we went on a level of groups, social consciousness, groups of Siddhas, TM-teachers or Meditators, what happened was, the personal ‘I’ gets lost in it.
Because the master is not there, nobody is aware of it and the mirror doesn't function and the result is, people get lost and remain lost.
Why cut off?
Because TM projects everything on a relative level, meditate and get rich..., and get resulty, that is body level.
Body level is as the sheaths show above on the level of cause and effect, as we are used to it.
The observer level is not, on that level it is a mirror and Atman reflects in that mirror. Atman reacts, reflects and resounds. If we are not aware of the difference between those levels, it gets projected like it would be the body level. It is projected on the relative level, it is all projection.
And the way to get out of it is to get aware of the projection, we have to realize the difference between projection and reality. The observer is different from the body, and in the observer we have to get aware of the mirror. The mirror reflects something it can be twenty years back, it has nothing to do with time, it is just reflecting the reality of what has happened.

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