The triune brain is a model of the evolution of the vertebrate forebrain and behavior, it consists of the
reptilian complex, the paleomammalian
complex (limbic system),
and the neomammalian complex (neocortex), viewed as
structures sequentially added to the forebrain in the course of evolution.
Triune Brain - Wiki
If it is not taking care of the wounds and the hurt child, it is just one pressure which is replaced by another pressure. It leads to dependence by solving problems by meditation, resulting in a vicous circle. The most important level of
the brain the lymbic cortex is ignored. Meditation to heal the traumatized child and the unsolved problems, they get stored in the limibic cortex, and that grows, bigger it gets more meditation is needed and the dependence on TM grows, and people are not aware what happens in their brain even though they think they do because of the scientific research, but that is not true.
third level, the neocortex is by TM controlled with 'learned by heart principles',
they take over the control of the brain, calling it invincibility is not invincible
but it creates a conviction and firm believe in the meditator that all is done, to make sure they don't use the limbic system of the brain, that means no intuition, no real intelligence and cut off the inner child. That is the real reason behind ‘invincibility’, to make sure the brain is controlled.
neuronal gating between the cortex is repressing feelings and experiences, it can be traumatizing for the inner child, but thinking we are invincible - the intellect level goes one with the help of the reptilian complex.
A picture was there behind bars, in prison. It was even twice there in Baba's presence. I don't understand it yet, but if shame that binds is not healed it goes on. The experience and freedom of the higher self is only possible again when that process is understood and finished.
Follow the master. Fight to the end. Finish the game.
That is finishing the game. First I focused on the self and with TM it felt free to take it as it comes. But it didn't end like that. It was not at all free in the end, it was nothing but pressure created by the movement.
Realization of the primal pain brings up past patterns with parents and family. If we get aware of it the understanding grows and the inner freedom. Enlightenment means understanding not pressure.
The processing of the primal pain is working the grief to understand the background, as long as it is not understood it is like a prison. It falls flat, when finished, understood, and therefore, it takes time and it is a process to finish the game.
It is a process until the higher self gets reflected as free. The self is the whole and it is greater than the sum of the parts.

Triune Brain - Wiki
The reptilian brain is functioning by repetition. TM worked with that level of the brain creating a repetition. It is
difficult to get out if it again when it is established.
The limbic cortex is the feeling part of the brain and the neocortex is the level of thoughts and intellect.
TM is using the intellect to control the
reptilian cortex of the brain. Between the different cortex is the neuronal gating. TM by using the intellect established a habit
in the reptilian cortex that means control over the brain. The limbic and
feeling cortex is locked out.

This lock creates a trauma in the limbic system without the possibility to integrate it, the believe in invincibily takes care of that. The limbic cortex is generally regarded as the most important contribution to
the field. It is responsible for the motivation and emotion involved in
feeding, reproductive behavior, and parental behavior.

If we
work with the inner child we are on the level of the limbic complex, processing feelings and the hurt and wounded inner child, it is the part which is ignored by the TM technique.
The second cortex works with the primal
pain, the wounded inner child, what came up by the inner master is the primal pain of being let down
by the family. That is what Baba pointed out, therefore, that is for sure true.

Follow the master. Fight to the end. Finish the game.
That is finishing the game. First I focused on the self and with TM it felt free to take it as it comes. But it didn't end like that. It was not at all free in the end, it was nothing but pressure created by the movement.
Realization of the primal pain brings up past patterns with parents and family. If we get aware of it the understanding grows and the inner freedom. Enlightenment means understanding not pressure.
The processing of the primal pain is working the grief to understand the background, as long as it is not understood it is like a prison. It falls flat, when finished, understood, and therefore, it takes time and it is a process to finish the game.
It is a process until the higher self gets reflected as free. The self is the whole and it is greater than the sum of the parts.
felt good when I began with TM, focused on freedom, but
the experiences grew and no answers grew also, the limbic cortex was fully cut off and therefore, there was no way to integrate it, but pressure from the TM side. The self was not present at all and it is only reflects when it gets free, with TM impossible.
neuronal gating of TM put pressure on the limbic cortex. But we have to go through it to process the primal pain and to get to the level
of freedom in the self again, if we want to realize the self.
limbic cortex is love, the neocortex is the intellect and it is what the intellect thinks about love, but it is not the feeling of love.
That are wo different ways of transformation.
TM is repressing the limbic part and exchanging pressure by a different way
of pressure, people get dependent on TM to solve problems and it doesn't work. It is not free and with time the pressure gets worse and they are not at all aware of it.
The second way is
making free of obsessions. It follows the inner master, brings up reality and feels the feeling and frees the divine child or the higher self by insight.
That is the path as directed by the inner master and therefore, it is right. Acting out and
projection are the only ways the wounded child can express itself.
most important structure of co-dependence is on body and soul level seems to be incest
and alcoholic.
And it needs grief work to change the pattern that makes us healthier and
integrated. If we go beyond in believing there are no problems, we exchange
pressure against another pressure.
It feels good in the beginning, but it ends bad
and that is the principle of Rajas, it begins sweet, but it ends bitter.
begins bitter and ends sweet.
Only Sathva knows truth, we cannot get with the
principle of Rajas to a sathvic result. And some of it I take out of the book of John Bradshaw, 'Homecoming'.
He tells that we need someone we can trust to do that work. Being afraid to be dependent on
someone else is also the result of shame and that we need to recreate the human bridge.
I believe that Baba directed me towards you
probably because of that reason. We need
someone who is not creating shame feelings, that is the most important issue to process the primal
pain. And in that sense my brother does also the worst he can do, trying to get the whole family in his shame pattern.
Parents are not perfect and when we
idealize them usually it a sign of shame, we have to face it, whatever it is,
that is the only way to free the inner self. If
we idealize the parent we think we are responsible and we are not. The
parents had themselves a wounded inner child and acted in that inner child.
Usually we tell, it has not been that bad, make it look less, whatever, fear, sadness and joy, all can be repressed. The
wounded child looks for the fault on the wrong place and it can only be corrected in getting aware of it, and as long as we don't see reality as it is, we are in
a prison.
one of the parents drives over our leg, we have a right to be mad, even if it was not done intentionally. My parents did that and expected even respect for it. The
parents are two adult children, did their best, but still they are in the inner child. No more abuse of the family.
there is incest, it is a means of getting the family into shame. If I would be a child I would be ashamed and think I have done something wrong. That is the worst the brother in that situation
trys to do, putting shame on the family, sharing his problems, it is just the opposite we need in that work. If I didn’t feel shame it is
because I came back from John of God, the inner master made me aware that he swallowed rajas and tamas.
As soon as I got back the brother opened up a dark brown door, he tried to load shame on us. I refused to go into that. He involved the sister too and she began on the spot to question the shame level, why, because it has to do with shame and I just sent greetings - why? To know the pattern.
don’t agree to get into abuse stories of the family again.
A pattern gets a system, the family is caught up in it, they think they have done enough work, but they don't get it, therefore, nothing is done, even thought they have done therapy.
Not one of them has had the right insight. It is shame bound and it came up
again coming back from Brazil.
sadness coming from the soul has also to do with toxic shame and loneliness. Shame can also be created if we feel we are left alone. The child in us feels hurt and hides
behind a wrong self. It gets identified with the wrong self and that makes
that we remain isolated and alone.
That sadness in the soul has to be felt and
endured, that is what happened last night. It has to go beyond that shame level also to get aware of it, either we are beyond it or in it.
If not afraid to
face shame and loneliness the true self will be there. It
is a process; it is not done in one moment. The key is to give up the defense
mechanism. And that is to allow the
inner child, the hurt child to feel the feelings. If we think it is I who is the doer, it doesn’t work because the shame doesn't allow.
But if we parent the
hurt child it is possible, it is not identified with the I and therefore, a
process to feel the feelings and get closer to our real identity. We can only
heal what we feel; therefore, we have to allow the feeling to be there. Everything the hurt child feels is okay, for the parent it is always a means to
be there for the child to comfort it.
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