Today, we are prepared to receive love from all people, but are hesitant to share our love with others. It should be a give and take policy. Love begets Love. You must also be prepared to receive love from others.
Love is a gift of God. In fact, you must rise to such a level that whatever is given by God, you must be prepared to receive wholeheartedly.
It is not alone the father, it is the reaction of the mother. I remember when we were younger I felt sorry with her and later I hated it when I had to listen. When she was driving, she was not driving but always in a hurry and out of herself and telling everybody what to do and when she was driving it was like sitting on the side of an explosive device.
I always felt tired listening to her, I felt exhausted looking at her. I didn’t want to hear her voice, the sound hurt.
She was probably attached to having a family, a working relationship and a business.
If she would have left it would have ended, the family, the relationship and the business, it was probably too much to as of her to be detached, but it would have been the right thing to do.
I have never seen anyone running as she did, like it would be a test. Walking back from school it was too slow, walk fast home, all about what others might think, the neighbours, the clients.
But when the pattern of the hurt child is there by following the inner master, the insight, no need to get into it, no identification. Just getting aware of it and letting go, it has past. The self is never overshadowed by anything, it is always light and love.
The experience with the inner child workshop was that joy was gone and it was difficult to get out of the heaviness, there was no joy of sharing and freedom.

At times, God also gives you a bitter pill like the doctor. This is for your own good. Both happiness and sorrow are God's gifts. Nobody can comprehend His Divine Lelas (plays).

She was running around to prove herself. So I pitied her since I had been a child and therefore, I hated him.

If she would have left it would have ended, the family, the relationship and the business, it was probably too much to as of her to be detached, but it would have been the right thing to do.

Mind directed impressions and who would not get fed up and get out of it, the best way to do that is to get out of the mind.
Business people.
Why should we want to run away if we are established in the self? It is just an old pattern, and it seems to be overwhelming.
Why should we run away?
Why should we run away?
The pain of the wounded child will repeat the pattern, not able to realize it is always the same, healing the inner child means to get out of it.
The inner child workshop made it come up, but it was not healed. It was just experienced.
But when the pattern of the hurt child is there by following the inner master, the insight, no need to get into it, no identification. Just getting aware of it and letting go, it has past. The self is never overshadowed by anything, it is always light and love.
The experience with the inner child workshop was that joy was gone and it was difficult to get out of the heaviness, there was no joy of sharing and freedom.
With Baba was always joy, no difficulty to experience joy and love, the whole universe was love. And he is present in the inner self.
The self is joy and love, it has not to be learned, it is its nature.
Doing leads to misunderstandings because it is not real and not honest.
If we get the obstacle out of way there will be love, if we get the misunderstanding away, there will be joy, if the child is healed, it has to be by insight and joy. It is like cleaning a mirror, the reflections gets only clearer, the mirror doesn't change.
Going beyond to a higher level makes joy possible, byond the wounded child.
There was no joy, no free sharing, no happy smile, no laughter, all that was postponed on later and into 'doing therapy work', people have to live - it is a profession.
They think the relationship is aimed at, but it is not the relationship, it is freedom and joy - that is healing and spiritual. On a relationship level it is on a wrong level again.
That is why Baba said, Osho's path doesn't work because older age needs more safety.
They go into relationships to be safe and idealize it, and the freedom and the joy of being free gets lost, compensated by the relationship and that is not what Osho was all about. That is not at all spiritual.
“It strikes me that one of the deepest questions we face is how to break the old patterns that keep us from experiencing love and joy.
Without the second step, it is possible to get lost in these wounds because what stands between us and love and joy is not just that we have unhealed wounds but that we are identified with them. We repeat our old patterns because we carry a wounded self-image and we believe that this is who we are. We are identified with a wounded "emotional child" inside.
When we are in the child state of mind, when we are in the grips of our emotional child, it is as though we are living in a bubble. The wounded child is inside of this bubble trapped in all his or her beliefs and expectations. To relate consciously, we have to put the emotional child to the side and look clearly.”
(inner child context)
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