"The body is Parvati (Shiva's consort) and the Atma (higher self) is God (Shiva, Eshwara).
There was a spiritual aspirant who used to repeat the Mantra Shivoham (I am Shiva) as commanded by his guru. One day someone asked him the meaning of the Mantra he was chanting. He said Shivoham meant, 'I am Shiva.'
But when questioned what is his relationship with Parvati (consort) he slapped his own cheeks and said with a tone of having committed a great sin, blasphemy (Aparadham!).
If he really had faith in the Mantra he was chanting, he would have surely said - 'Parvati (body) is a part of my own being.'
He could not say so as he was attached to his body. Attachment to the body leads to this dualities, because of which man is suffering. Eshwara (God, higher self) and Parvati (body) are present in every individual. The combination of these two aspects constitutes Manavatwam (mankind). Manava (mind) refers to human being. Ma means 'sec'. Nava means 'new'. So mankind is not new, it is ancient and eternal."
Baba. SS. 3/99, p. 72
Shiva and Shakti are the oneness we try to understand, and Baba uses here the example of Shiva and his consort Parvati.
Parvati is Shiva’s Shakti and he very clearly explains above that it is the body, it is made out of nature (Prakriti).
But it is more than the difference between body and Atman, it is the relationship between Shiva and Parvati.
We all know that we have a body and what we don’t know enough is that we think we are the body, in reality there is the indweller of that body and that is unlimited being and consciousness, it is the higher self and Shiva.
There was a spiritual aspirant who used to repeat the Mantra Shivoham (I am Shiva) as commanded by his guru. One day someone asked him the meaning of the Mantra he was chanting. He said Shivoham meant, 'I am Shiva.'

If he really had faith in the Mantra he was chanting, he would have surely said - 'Parvati (body) is a part of my own being.'
He could not say so as he was attached to his body. Attachment to the body leads to this dualities, because of which man is suffering. Eshwara (God, higher self) and Parvati (body) are present in every individual. The combination of these two aspects constitutes Manavatwam (mankind). Manava (mind) refers to human being. Ma means 'sec'. Nava means 'new'. So mankind is not new, it is ancient and eternal."
Baba. SS. 3/99, p. 72
It is common to see God on one side and man on the other and that is due to body attachment, it creates duality.

Parvati is Shiva’s Shakti and he very clearly explains above that it is the body, it is made out of nature (Prakriti).

We all know that we have a body and what we don’t know enough is that we think we are the body, in reality there is the indweller of that body and that is unlimited being and consciousness, it is the higher self and Shiva.