In these words is the origin of bad qualities explained and it can make us aware of our own life experience in a different way.
If we listen, really listen, we hear that it is a duality 'feeling', not a thought. The question is how that feeling of duality comes into being. It is a feeling and it is that feeling that gets us into not right conclusions.
We don't know that we don't know, we don't question it, we go ahead thinking we know and the origin is the feeling of duality?
How does it feel? We don't like to feel such feelings like hatred and attachment. Attachment we are probably not aware of and hatred is something else.
It is a new explanation of Swami, as often a surprising was of getting aware of it when thinking it over.
He often mentioned identification with the body. We don't know how it feels to be identified with the body, it is the 'I' level and we are it and if we think we know, we are wrong. How is identification with the body on the feeling level?
We cannot know as long as we don't know the opposite, we don't know how it is to not be identified with the body. Swami is making us aware of it in Darshan, the sight of truth, or what we experience in Darshan as the reflection of it as he is beyond the mind and the body feeling.
What is the cause of ignorance? It is the feeling of duality. Where did duality originate? From attachment and hatred (Raga and Dwesha). What is the origin of these two? They are the products of circumstances.
There had been and experience of hatred, but I wanted to forget it. It was on a course at the time it was about meditation and I went to that course in the idea of later initiating with someone who was in that sense at the source of the desire to go for the course and during that course I got aware that it was not possible to go and initiate with him, because it would have to be in a different language. As I had been working for months or even more to get there, at once I noticed hatred coming up, it was like coming from nowhere, but it was there and it was frighting. It was a hateful situation and more over it was not really possible to find the source of it, it was a realm of all possibilities. But we didn't get aware of it that it creates duality, but it didn't feel good and later when I met the master there was perfect harmony and that is what we went for, it felt better and we tried to forget how it feels to be in a nightmare with hatred.
That is many years ago and ever since I went on getting the right answer and here it is explained in detail.
People went on meditating and nobody was looking at it, no problem, just meditate and all problems will be solved, but that was just making that difference on one side no problems, but on the other side the opposite and only problems. It was the man coming in our dreams to awake us who said, it is for all of them are the same, we have no case.
It was not seen as the cause for duality, if the good is intensified with meditation and separated from the bad, we also get aware of the bad, but in a much stronger way than we usually would. Nobody told us how to integrate it and to understand it.
They went on mechanically repeating the mantra, meditating in the believe that all problems will be solved and that everything will be okay, that was the message. We went on believing that it was true and if there were attachment and hatred, it was not seen as what it really was, we more or less avoided it.
I went to a whole week meditation in France it is long time ago and it was to have more energy as I had to pass a French test which was not that easy. It was for me the first time I went into meditation and rounding and there was the feeling that a beautiful melody came out of the hearts of all hearts.
We wrote the experiences down on a sheet and I shared it with the mediation teacher, and afterward with him the decision was there to go for the Siddhis and the mediation teacher, the idea was to initiate with him together later on and as he was in the dream later as soul-mate I thought it was the right direction to go. Swami said that he is the man coming in our dreams to awake us and in that sense it just said that we did the same thing and there was a reason for the similarity.
During that time on that course I got aware that it was not planned properly and it didn't lead to what I had thought it would lead and there was such hatred that I was scared of it, I had never felt something similar. And then as it was a level of all possibilities it was not possible to find the fault, it was in the teaching, it was in the secrecy and in the slogan that we should keep the teaching pure.
So the question was how to deal with that, who to blame and what to do? It was a level of all possibilities. The attachment had been created by working for it already months to get the money for that course and then I had to wait and finally it was not what I had in mind really and I didn't get the answer I was looking for, it was about the soul-mate, that was really what I had in mind, but here we get beyond it.
It was during the first part of the course and after we met the master at night there was the man coming in our dreams to awake us and it was perfect harmony. That was better and it changed whatever that had been before and I just decided to forget it and to not bother about it anymore and that is how I got into it. The duality feeling is due to attachment and hatred, but we had no idea about it. It was the experience of it but the right answers took time to come, lots of time. Wee avoided it and as it is unpleasant it was buried somewhere.
Here we get the information that attachment and hatred are the reason for duality, in the experience we had to get aware of it that it had to do with duality, a level of all possibilities, it was not possible to find fault with anyone and the answers why it was like that and how to look at it were as it seems farer away than ever.
He also explained in another place that conflict can turn into hatred and we should get to the point and limit it to the people involved to not make it expand.
It was a hateful experience, too much invested to get there to get to that result and it was transformed by the presence of master and gone.
Perfect harmony felt better, still no realization why we had those experiences and how to understand it. The experience was there, but not the realization of it.
Perfect harmony was better.
And with pride we also had soon our experience. I worked with the leader and the person who had done it before was on course, now she came back and as I got a course offered I went thinking that it was the highest, that created the circumstances. Now Swami tells us the reason for it is birth and Karma.
That was the moment when birth and Karma hit if I wanted to look at it in that way. That person came back and as it had been checked with the master before, she said it was already checked again, but that was not possible, the master had left, it was not anymore the same situation and it was just what had been before.
There was a time difference, few years had passed in between and the situation had changed and not two situations are actually the same.
But what happened was that she put it in the present and as I was on course, I couldn't end it and in that sense, that was now in the past and all possibilities why and why not in endless questions coming up in the past when it cannot be changed turns into hell.
More bad experiences and no possibility to address it. It broke in pieces, thin air broke in pieces, it was the perfect harmony that was gone and Swami also tells if peace and right action are separated, only pieces are left. There was no response from anyone, nobody saw it what made it only worse. It had turned into hell because it was in the past and not possible to do something about it. It had in no time turned into a nightmare.
The perfect harmony broke in pieces and it ended in duality feeling again and fear, because it was that bad.
What is the origin of pride? Is it knowledge? No! It is ignorance. What is the cause of ignorance? It is the feeling of duality. Where did duality originate? From attachment and hatred (Raga and Dwesha). What is the origin of these two? They are the products of circumstances. How did circumstances come about? Through Karma (past deeds). What is the cause of Karma? Birth!
It was like torn in to parts, the past was on one side not getting an answer and the future on the other side was no more possible and we had to find a way out in the present, that was the end of it. But to get an explanation for it that took a lot of time.
Here he is telling us that the origin is circumstances and Karma.
it was the circumstances and behind the Karma. it was much too intensified and it felt awful. It felt like an accident that happened on the spiritual path, it was the collision with the wrong level and the infinite in the past had nothing to do in the past, but the decision or the change had to be in the present. It felt like now way out and only agony, it was such an awful state of mind, it was traumatizing. The level of all possibilities projected in the past where there is no end to it that turns into hell, too many possibilities, it is not a field we can get aware of attachment and hatred as the source of duality, at the end it was just hell, the end of trust and all possibilities, we had to get out of it. It was present as a huge black hole in the meditation what was a sign of lost trust and that was the result of all those experiences. Nobody there anymore, no master and therefore, also no perfect harmony. It was not possible to take that into the future and it felt too extreme and too dangerous.
That is how we got the experience of attachment and hatred, but not consciously.
Swami explained that if we have a conflict, we have to get to the point and from one point also love can expand. Birth it said is after all the cause of all sorrow and it means we don't look for the way out in the situation, but we try to get liberated, what means no birth.
Thus be clear that birth is the cause of all sorrow. Only by seeking freedom from birth that you can free oneself from sorrow. The opportunity of a human birth must be used for realizing this supreme goal.
Freedom from birth. If we have to lead the children the righteous path, it means right action and we have to go it ourselves to be an example.
The duty of parents is to set children on the right path from their early years. They should not hesitate to correct them and even punish them when the children take to wrong ways. The best way parents can show their love for their children is to do everything necessary to lead them on the righteous path.
That is how we get a feeling for the basic thoughts behind and and why they tell us that birth is the cause of all sorrow and if we are not yet aware of it, that is how we get aware of it and how we begin to understand the supreme goal.
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