Wednesday, October 29, 2014

More Comfort makes Travel a Pleasure

The Himalayas or '
Himachala' forms the Northern boundary of India. 'Hima' means ice. It is white in colour and melts easily. Whiteness symbolizes purity. 'Achala' means that which is steady. Your heart should also be like the Himachala - pure, steady and which melts with compassion. God resides in each and every heart that is pure, steady and full of compassion. But today, many hearts have lost these noble qualities due to limitless desires. Life is a long journey and your desire is the luggage. The journey of your life will become enjoyable only when you reduce the luggage of desires. Less luggage, more comfort makes travel a pleasure! The Gita teaches that you should offer everything to God (Sarva Karma, Bhagavadh Preethyartham). You must perform every single action with the only goal to please God. This is the easiest and most effective way to be free from all difficulties and hardships.
Baba (thought for the day)

Baba talks again about limitless desires which can still grow when we project him outside of our own self. Imagine we sit at the ocean the weather is beautiful and we see all that as Baba, he is the sun and the sunshine, he is the waves and the water, he is the vast ocean and it is deep, but also us and we sit at the shore and he is also the sand and the floor we are sitting on, he is our eyes watching it and all that is divine, because he told us that divinity is everywhere. He is the boat on the ocean and we think we would like a boat to experience the vast ocean, or we get a big house with ocean view to enjoy looking at his beauty and get e second one somewhere else, for example on an island or a holiday resort to enjoy him in holidays.
There is no end to desires. We can fly up high in the sun and down again and enjoy it from high up and we will have a big car to drive there to enjoy it from the shore.
It is all Baba or divinity and just for our pleasure. That is what Baba is talking about here. We have lost the noble qualities due to limitless desires. He told us that he is everywhere, but God realization we do not get in nature and thinking that nature is divine and that he is everywhere and why not?
You know why. Because you make that difference between non-conceptual being and conceptual and you said that God is non-conceptual. All that what we admire on the level of our senses with our eyes and taste and smell and touch and we listen to the sound of the waves, that is sense- knowledge and 'sense-knowledge' is conceptual. That is the world and objective world. We think it is God, because he said that he is everywhere, thus our mind projects it on the level of nature. But that is wrong understood.
God resides as he tells us here again and again, not where we think it is, but he resides in the heart only.
God resides in each and every heart that is pure, steady and full of compassion. But today, many hearts have lost these noble qualities due to limitless desires.

Thinking that God is everywhere, seeing it everywhere with our eyes is the level of objective world and you know it because it is conceptual.

What is the difference? We have to experience it in our own heart as he tells us here. And it has to be subjective experience and non-conceptual and how do we get there? We know it from meditation. With the help of a mantra and Baba said to our group in the interview room, 'all mantras are okay'. We know if we use a mantra we transcend thoughts and that we know from TM as transcendental consciousness, a state of pure being, pure awareness, without thoughts and we forget also the time, no time feeling and when we come back  we are in thoughts again and in the mind. That is the ocean Baba is talking about, the ocean of unlimited awareness we experience in our own pure being without thoughts when we transcend the mind. Desires are in the mind and if there are lots of desires they even grow and on that level there is no means to go beyond the mind, you agree, because desires are never non-conceptual pure being.

Life is a long journey and your desire is the luggage. The journey of your life will become enjoyable only when you reduce the luggage of desires.

If we meditate regularly we reduce the luggage of desires and life gets more enjoyable. How often Baba said that sentence, he repeated it again and again and did we understand it?

Less luggage, more comfort makes travel a pleasure!

He tells us to offer everything to God, but how are we doing that, on the mind level just thinking that everything is God?
How would it happen if we meditate? We get by meditation in a state of pure being and the realization of 'I am that', it is pure being, only it includes with Baba the awareness of the 'I' and that it cannot be transcended and not just pure being. If that awareness is there, there is also 'pure love' and we can offer all our desire to him because he is better than desires, they are loading and therefore, they are the result of our mind activity and projecting divinity outside of us into the object level world.
If they are only luggage, we are actually happy to get rid of desires, because luggage is loading. If we want to please God and not the mind, we reduce desires, because desires are the result of our identification with the body and that is not God.
We can please God only if we go beyond the body and the mind. Luggage is for the mind no pleasure, pleasure is for the mind to not feel the load of luggage and that state we experience during meditation and that is why it feels that good, that is why meditation is for the pleasure of the mind and not desires and luggage are for the pleasure of the mind.
The Gita teaches that you should offer everything to God (Sarva Karma, Bhagavadh Preethyartham). You must perform every single action with the only goal to please God. This is the easiest and most effective way to be free from all difficulties and hardships.

If there is nothing left but an empty Western shoe,  we seem to have lost Baba and his message, because emptiness has nothing to do with his reality and his fullness. He is always full and love only, there is no emptiness. If there is nothing left but an empty Western shoe, there is not even a feeling of love or joy anymore. There is nothing but probably old age, an empty feeling, moron, denseness, everything wrong understood, perverted, foolishness, as Baba said, stupidity, looking for it on the wrong place and projecting Baba in it.
In worldly desires, what he calls only luggage we cannot find Baba, and to tell it is Baba is just stupidity and it has nothing to do with his teaching. It is foolishness to see Baba in the vast ocean of the objective world and to think that he is fulfilling all our desires on that level, when in reality he tells the opposite.
And it is Rajas, we think it is pleasing and it begins sweet and it ends bitter, it is an illusion and we will have to make the experience that it is a deception, what is left is 'emptiness'.
There is no discrimination. We have to know that only in Sathva, pure awareness, light etc. we can reach divinity and it will never be Rajas and passion, but lots of devotees project Baba on the outward level telling he is everywhere, but they didn't make the experience, that is just the mind and intellect trying to understand what Baba tells.
Sathva begins bitter and ends sweet. Rajas begins sweet and ends bitter. I guess if there is nothing left but an empty Western shoe it is bitter. But that is natural law, if we understand it wrong and don't make an effort to understand it right, we cannot know the difference between Rajas and Sathva and Tamas.
That is a must on the spiritual path to know that difference and we know that from meditation, don't we?

You must perform every single action with the only goal to please God. This is the easiest and most effective way to be free from all difficulties and hardships.

We can please God only if it is sathvic and we sacrifice Rajas and Tamas and give it to him only, there is no way to please God if we are in Rajas or even Tamas.
If it is Rajas we have to stay alone and go into distance, as he said some time ago in the Sai center, 'it is Rajas only, stay alone' and when it is Tamas it is self-destruction and darkness and perverted and nothing but stupidity.

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