Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Cause for Sorrows and Difficulties

People today repose their faith in the ephemeral and unreal world, and forget God who is the embodiment of truth. This is the root cause for all sorrows and difficulties faced by humanity. You say you are encountering difficulties. From where did they come? Difficulties are the consequences of one's past deeds and thoughts. Everything in this world is suscep­tible to change. God is the only changeless principle. What is human life for, after all? Is it merely for eating, drinking, sleeping and ultimately dying? In doing so, can the human life be termed as sacred? At the time of birth everyone is pure and sacred. As they grow old, they gradually lose this purity. This is improper! One must always maintain one's purity. Install the changeless and eternal God in the altar of your sacred heart and offer your love to Him. Thereby, you can experience bliss. This is the foremost duty of every human being.
Baba (thought for the day)

Thinking about difficulties and the root cause of it, we have to first see the difficulties and be able to find the root cause in it. Now in my family they for sure they forgot God, because they do not know that he is the embodiment of truth.
In consequence they have faith in the ephemeral and unreal world, what is also called Maya.
To believe in God and seeing God as truth seems far away from each other. Most people seem to have doubts that God exists, because they cannot see him and it needs an effort to get there, but to realize that God is truth, that goes a step further. It seems to be already God-realization, because how can we know that God is truth if we don't have the realization of it?

I had been living in Paris until 1980 and my grand-mother died and thought that TM-meditation was that good I liked the sutras and 'I wanted to fly'. Baba said that when he left the body, 'I wanted to fly', he said that in the insight and it means we began to ask and enquire and process and look at all possibilities how we could understand it and I looked at all situations when I wanted to fly, but it was certainly a motivation to come back from Paris and to earn the fee for the course here. After I had the TM-sutras it resulted in a very good feeling. I liked those sutras.
It began in a job-situation in Neuchâtel and I began to watch, after a while I called it truth, because it had to do with about everything and I fell in love, but that complicated it and I wanted to change something only if it came from inside out of my own self and everything was not rooted in the self, but it happened out of the circumstances.
So I went on because I had to get to the root cause and one night finally there was the higher self and it reflected in the dream and that is what I wanted and in that moment I was able to take leave of that situation and it began somewhere else new again.
The waiting had an end and it was the higher self and not motivated by the mind and outer impressions and by the mind. But it felt like an endless long time to get there and afterwards I still didn't know how to get closer to that higher self but by waiting again and that began to load. It was not just possible to see it as divinity, with other words it was what it was and it had to be realized that there is no difference to the divine. One day the Hare Krishnas came into the bank I worked for now and the same morning I saw the higher self in a couple passing by and there was a big yearning coming up and that I associated with the yearning for the divine and so I went to the Hare Krishnas, but that was hard, that service was that strict and we did Japa morning and evening and soon I felt frustrated with it and I wanted to learn how to meditate to be able to go inside, with Jappa the mantra is murmured.
I met some people who had been with TM and I thought that it was perfect, just meditation and going inside and I hoped by that I would understand the self-experience better.  
The focus on the light of the higher self was constantly there, because I knew that is all I wanted and by that influence it began to feel like a feeling of flow and melting and it was that wonderful I thought I would go on with that meditation all my life. That is how I got into the sutras and I began with the siddhis and Baba said, 'I wanted to fly'. I wanted to go on and get more of the knowledge to be able to get closer to that, 'I wanted to fly' and therefore I went back to Switzerland and to be able to do the TM-training I had to get the money for it.
But the TM-Siddhis were a program and we didn't get any more knowledge about it and the TM-teacher's training was about initiating people into TM.
After the training I got in touch with the national leader, I had been before in a relationship and was single again and that arranged him. It was him who asked me to go in the Siddha house in Bale and I had a big suitcase of stuff and with my father I went to the train station and while he waited with me for the train to arrive, above his head was the catastrophe in the air. That didn't feel good and if we go on the yogic way of seeing everything as Karma and our own stuff, I somehow had to get an answer. It had to do with the feeling to not know to whom I belonged and not feeling home and I didn't know how it got lost. The question remained why it felt that disturbed. Indirectly it was a sign that he was responsible or even the reason for it, but seeing it like that in the air didn't make sense and it was no answer, it was just 'insight'.
But I tried already to find an answer and to see it in my own life. It ended in a strange trip to Bale. The suitcase disappeared and we found it finally in the toilet, there was a strange guy without shoes walking on green socks. At Christmas I got a pretty umbrella from my mother, they were still more expensive than today and I had put it outside on top of the suitcase and that was gone and it felt to me like a very bad omen. He had thrown it out of the window as he tried to open the suitcase. Luckily it was locked; certainly my dresses would have followed the umbrella.
That disturbed guy seemed to look for shoes in a woman suitcase. I couldn't forget that it happened after I had seen that 'catastrophe' above my father's head in the air and that guy reminded me at some people of my father's family and we have no contact with them.
I wrote also my father a letter trying to get a feeling for it or at least to put it in question, but as usual nothing came back and my mother had always the same answer, she thought we were only addressing reproaches and that was the end of it.
In the father I noticed that he got scared for a short moment, but it didn't help me to understand it.
And the game went on, it said in the 'insight' that I should care about my brother. I began to question it and write my brother and the result was again a disaster. More I questioned more I got in troubles with the brothers and it ended in the insight as 'abuse' and that had again to do with the father's attitude. It began to feel like an abuse-pattern.
The youngest brother was sitting at the table at the side of the father and whenever he said something or the father didn't like it, he got a slap on the face. I remember that we felt like, good it is him and not me and that was the same for all of us. Whatever he had done, he had to be the one who got the box on the ears.
But after the story with the neighbor and Baba said that he was responsible, when I tried to talk about it and that something was wrong, it got kind of out of hand and ended in a 'catastrophe' and I was thrown out of the house for I don't know what, there was no reason but that it was not okay to ask questions. I tried to tell them in vain that something was wrong about it and that was like that all my life and the mother's answer was like a disk always the same, 'what do you have, there is nothing'. I guess the others were also happy that I was the one thrown out of the house and not one of them and they think until today that there is a reason for it and all were on the side of the parents and that went on until today. It was not ended by that, but it went on.
After my mother's death it was in the air as precipice, what means pride, there was no bridge over it. So it was impossible for her to face the manipulation and not possible to talk about it and when I tried, I was thrown out of the house, but the catastrophe is it said in the insight, 'if a mother falls, all children fall with her'. There was insight that it was due to pride and attachment, the precipice was in the air.
So we were blamed for it and it goes on like that, they find something to blame still, but it is never normal. After the death of my father in the insight was a bridge, he was in the precipice and it was too upright, he couldn't get out of it when the water came.
With him there was a bridge, with her not, therefore, we can conclude that after all it was her influence that made it impossible to see it as it really was. That are insights and it is years ago that we had those insights, but only now we get the big picture and begin to see it. Before that were just 'insights', but Baba said in the dream that he is the insight and the following step, so the following step is also him and that is the following step we have to get the big picture to be able to understand it.   
Before Baba left the body he said that I had been let down by my family and in that light things begin to make sense. We get aware of how the neighbor was responsible and that it was not possible to address the subject and it was not possible to get aware that it was 'manipulation' until one night also in the insight it was in the air, 'manipulation only'.
The mind is that much disconnected and in pattern, if we are not aware of the abuse pattern there is no way we can get aware of the big picture and it goes on. Whatever it is, but it means they always will find a reason to turn it into abuse, something they find fault with, even if there is nothing and we learn to not find fault with others, but to search first the log in our own eye and not to look for the splinter in the eyes of the others.
My mother before she died had a stroke in an eye and it was like a log. For me it was like a sign that the log she never saw in her own eye manifested just before death. And that is how it goes on, there is always someone looking for the splinter in the eyes of the others instead of searching for the log in their own eye and that is why, it is the reason Baba tells in that thought for the day, we don't know the root cause and that God is truth.
If they would know they would deal with it differently. That is why most of problems result of that reason.

People today repose their faith in the ephemeral and unreal world, and forget God who is the embodiment of truth. This is the root cause for all sorrows and difficulties faced by humanity. You say you are encountering difficulties. From where did they come? Difficulties are the consequences of one's past deeds and thoughts. Everything in this world is suscep­tible to change. God is the only changeless principle.

So we go on in that pattern and we have to recognize it.
It is about getting 'insights' together, as Baba said in the dream, 'He is the insight and he is the following step', so that is the following step and that is also Baba and we have to listen to his words to understand it. If we want to realize the root cause of sorrow and difficulties in our own life, we have to go beyond the appearances and to know that it is not about finding faults, but it is about getting to the root cause and that has to do with truth and divinity.
For me it was kind of hard to realize that it was not only the past deeds and thoughts, but also the pattern in the mind resulting out of those past deeds and thoughts and the 'catastrophe' in the air above the father's head is today still a catastrophe, because the pattern is going on. And when he said he would build a beautiful house in Spain there was above his head 'illusion', that is why illusion, what is the use of a beautiful house if it ends in a 'catastrophe' and the family doesn't get back together like that.  
I react only when it is necessary and when it is in tune with the inner master.
I wrote my brother upset that 'we don't belong to them' as usual. He didn't tell us that he came for a visit and that his son is not far from here for some time and we didn't hear from both of them. It means they always find a reason; it is never okay as it is, no matter what.
And that is what was in the 'insight', it said, when a mother falls, all children fall with her.
It is also about the daughter, she is American and she has to endure that strange behavior with me and she doesn't understand it.
From one brother we got a death threat without real reason, because we don't think as he would like us to think or he would like us to be and for the other we are air and all that is rooted in the catastrophe which was above the head of the father already in 81. They will always go on finding faults, even if there is no reason, they will find a reason and it will result in abuse, as it is not true and there is no joy in it.
What has changed for me is by 'insight' I am not going to put my head there for them to hit and to get abused again, but we are questioning it, but the result is a disaster.
That is the catastrophe, what was in the air in 81 above the head of the father and it has turned into a mind pattern.
Being let down by the family was only the beginning, the result is going on as it has become an abuse-pattern and it is possible with the right insight to not get upset and to stay calm, because they are angry and cause more anger and we can only interrupt the pattern, if we do not go into it, we have to stay out of it and keep distance.
Baba said he is the 'insight' and he is the 'following step'. 
We have to see the mind pattern to get to the root cause of all difficulties, people are not aware that divinity is truth and not changing, but everything else is constantly changing.
That is how we get to the root cause of it, but to be able to face it we need strength and in that sense we need others who go in the same direction, that is the value of the satsang, because what can we do 'alone' against a mind pattern?
At the time of birth everyone is pure and sacred. As they grow old, they gradually lose this purity. This is improper! One must always maintain one's purity. Install the changeless and eternal God in the altar of your sacred heart and offer your love to Him. Thereby, you can experience bliss. This is the foremost duty of every human being.

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