The triune brain is a model of the evolution of the vertebrate forebrain and behavior, it consists of the
reptilian complex, the paleomammalian
complex (limbic system),
and the neomammalian complex (neocortex), viewed as
structures sequentially added to the forebrain in the course of evolution.
Triune Brain - Wiki
The reptilian brain is functioning by repetition. TM worked with that level of the brain creating a repetition. It is
difficult to get out if it again when it is established.
The limbic cortex is the feeling part of the brain and the neocortex is the level of thoughts and intellect.
TM is using the intellect to control the
reptilian cortex of the brain. Between the different cortex is the neuronal gating. TM by using the intellect established a habit
in the reptilian cortex that means control over the brain. The limbic and
feeling cortex is locked out.
This lock creates a trauma in the limbic system without the possibility to integrate it, the believe in invincibily takes care of that. The limbic cortex is generally regarded as the most important contribution to
the field. It is responsible for the motivation and emotion involved in
feeding, reproductive behavior, and parental behavior.
If it is not taking care of the wounds and the hurt child, it is just one pressure which is replaced by another pressure. It leads to dependence by solving problems by meditation, resulting in a vicous circle. The most important level of
the brain the lymbic cortex is ignored. Meditation to heal the traumatized child and the unsolved problems, they get stored in the limibic cortex, and that grows, bigger it gets more meditation is needed and the dependence on TM grows, and people are not aware what happens in their brain even though they think they do because of the scientific research, but that is not true.
third level, the neocortex is by TM controlled with 'learned by heart principles',
they take over the control of the brain, calling it invincibility is not invincible
but it creates a conviction and firm believe in the meditator that all is done, to make sure they don't use the limbic system of the brain, that means no intuition, no real intelligence and cut off the inner child. That is the real reason behind ‘invincibility’, to make sure the brain is controlled.
neuronal gating between the cortex is repressing feelings and experiences, it can be traumatizing for the inner child, but thinking we are invincible - the intellect level goes one with the help of the reptilian complex.
If we
work with the inner child we are on the level of the limbic complex, processing feelings and the hurt and wounded inner child, it is the part which is ignored by the TM technique.
The second cortex works with the primal
pain, the wounded inner child, what came up by the inner master is the primal pain of being let down
by the family. That is what Baba pointed out, therefore, that is for sure true.
A picture was there behind bars, in prison. It was even twice there in Baba's presence. I don't understand it yet, but if shame that binds is not healed it goes on. The experience and freedom of the higher self is only possible again when that process is understood and finished.
Follow the master. Fight to the end. Finish the game.