Thursday, June 16, 2011

Patanjali sutras and what is a not right path

Taking a sutra which seems to make possible to understand the difference between mind and samyama.
"By practising Samyama on the coronal light, Siddhas can be seen"

TM would repeat 'coronal light' twice to four times, and think it will happen when consciouness is ready. Nothing is realized, it is postponed and focussed on the result. The mind thinks all Siddhas will be known, does it mean we don't need a phone book anymore? Nothing like that.
Focus on the heart means knowing the indweller, and it means the siddhas are realized beings, they know the indweller.
It is the realization of the self, being 'that', realizing what a siddha is, being one with all siddhas. It is the uninvolved observer realizing the self as being part of 'that', being one with the quality in all siddhas.
It has nothing to do with knowing them all and no need for a phone book, and it has nothing to do with getting it - the result, when time is ready. The focus is not on the siddhas, but on the heart, the light in the heart and samyama, to get to unity to realize we are all one, all the same. The major focus is samyama to realize the oneness.
Repeating a formula thinking it will happen in time, as TM does, is in no way understanding the process, or to gain knowledge to get aware of the oneness. In the contrary, it is dangerous, as it focus on the result in time to come. It makes the mind lazy, it thinks all is done, a wrong conclusion, it believes nothing has to be done, no enquiry necessary and it is leading into delusion, because the process of gaining knowledge, the chith part of sath-chith-ananda is obstructed, wrong understood. As all great sages said, it is dangerous to focus on a result, it leads only into habit and dullness, the result in TM is tamas, ignorance, illusion, not awarness and enlightenment. That path goes nowhere!

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