Today was the question about a Satsang.
It all began when someone said I should not blame him, but he was just the person to be blamed as he made me go into distance, I didn't want to be part of it, something terrible had happened in the past. As I got an email from him, I used the moment to answer and to bring the issue up.
I made him responsible for it and why, there was a dream afterwards and it was kind of terrible. We know it is the master coming in our dreams to awaken and we listen to it and we get used those types of dreams and the man coming in our dream to awaken said that he was because of that reason in the wheelchair.
Baba had been in the wheelchair, but probably nobody knows really why, but that is what it said in the dream stage.
The dream stage is a dream, it cannot be interpreted by the mind as it is a dream, if we use the mind it will always be wrong.
How did that happen? It was about a study circle and that person arrived and thought he had to find faults and I was not even sure about it. But it got difficult beyond words, it went on the whole evening as the program was not yet finished, it was just the beginning of it.
No matter what was the reason for his attitude, if he had a reason or not, it was not the right place and not the right time and the other people were already sitting there and had to listen to it. It was in the presence of the circle.
It is difficult if we have the feeling we talk on one level and the other person is somewhere else really.
We had no idea about why he was in the wheelchair and it was just an indication, but it didn't tell me why the situation needed to be understood and that would need time, but it was not a good feeling, it was kind of terrible.
Therefore, there was a blame for it. There was also no way to tell him until now, we had the opportunity to tell or to write it down.
We had to tell him that it was followed by another insight, there were only pieces left and it looked like glass that was broken into a thousand pieces. The third one following the next day also in the night was heap of glass pieces and I was standing on it and I had one piece of it in my hand.
Swami explained in a thought for the day, when truth and right action are separated, only pieces are left. it means with other words, truth and right action were separated.
The study circle is not a circle, because we sit just in a circle, but it is the symbol for wholeness and divinity and it is round and in a circle there is therefore also the symbol of oneness and in oneness there is no difference, we are all the same. We are one and if someone stands aside and criticizes, that is not oneness, that is the opposite making a difference and therefore, the mirror probably broke in pieces, in that mirror is only the higher self and everybody is a reflection of the same self and when that is not there, but ignorance, the mirror brakes in pieces.
That is why I didn't participate in the satsang and as it is Christmas they also used quotes of Jesus and one quote was there and had no my whole attention.
Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
The source is 'where we come from' and the goal is 'where we go' and Swami always asked us, 'where do you come from?' Or he asked, 'where do you go?' And sometimes he also asked, 'how long are you going to be here?' And the most asked question was, 'who am I?'
And the answer is in the ‘I am That’. It is the path, it is the life, it our journey, but the source is He and the goal is also He, the divine reality and he always said that he is the father and Jesus is not the father, he is the son and he is the way.
If we consider the truth in that statement, we see that if we don't listen to the words and the message, Jesus is the messenger of God, we cannot come to the Father.
That is what he is telling us here. The Bible is most holy and the highest in the Christian church, the divine word is the main thing, there is nothing but the divine word.
First was the word, the word is with God, the word is God, there is nothing as holy as the divine word, nothing that important and essential but the divine message and that is in Jesus, he is the way, he is the truth and he is the life and not the source and not the goal, that is with the father, but he is the way and he is the life and without that we cannot reach the father.
It is informing about the essential being, the main thing is the word, without the holy word there is no Jesus, it is not the form, he had been crucified, but the word that matters, the divine message, his form is an example how to be the truth, the body sacrificed all and the obstacles on the path, but he is the life, if we talk about the source and the goal, we are on a different level even if it is all one only.
That message makes it clear if we think it over and listen to it, that only the word matters and nothing else really, he is the way, he is the truth, he is the life, no one comes to the father but through him.
If devotees don’t listen to the holy word, there is no knowledge about the way actually, not many listen and get into listening, thinking it over to be able to absorb.
Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
It is about one-pointed focus and getting to the essence and that is contained in that sentence of the Christ.
We have to listen to the word and it is the same with Swami's words, we have to listen and only if we listen we can get absorbed.
Nothing else matters but the holy word. It is about the essence, if it is about one-pointed focus if we are not in the essence, it is not one-pointed.
If we get an answer with the mind, it is only mental speculation.
It is about truth and truth is always true. He is telling us that he is the way, the truth and he is the life. If we look at we can get the meaning of it as only the way is our journey, the source is where we come from and the goal is where we go, but what we actually do in the present is our journey.
And he is telling us that no one comes to the father but through him and what is him.
He is the word, the holy word, he is the messenger of God and the son of God and finally he said, 'I and my father are one'.
But what does that means for us in the practical sense.
If we don't listen to the word, we will never get there.
It is the first thing we have to do with have to listen. It is our practice, spiritual practice, it is the essence.
What we do is we listen, we think it over and want to get to a right conclusion.
Now in that Satsang which needed to be organized there was something wrong, the focus was on a very long guided meditation. People try to do about everything really. There was a guided meditation, but it seems it was not practiced anymore there was something about misuse and we had no idea about it, but this time it seems to fit and it is just about that.
And Swami also didn't tell us to keep silence, he said, that the world is in such a bad state, because too many responsible people keep quiet and we have that situation.
It is planned with a long, very long guided meditation a practice which is in question even if it is not totally wrong, it is nevertheless not really clear and long, people don't care about it, don't listen.
But the worst is no Swami video at all or only a half an hour as people would walk out of it, so the guided meditation what looks like it will get very boring there is nothing wrong about it, but listening to a Swami speech they walk out of it if it is longer than a half an hour, that is upside down.
It is planned with a long, very long guided meditation a practice which is in question even if it is not totally wrong, it is nevertheless not really clear and long, people don't care about it, don't listen.
But the worst is no Swami video at all or only a half an hour as people would walk out of it, so the guided meditation what looks like it will get very boring there is nothing wrong about it, but listening to a Swami speech they walk out of it if it is longer than a half an hour, that is upside down.
We didn't go for guided mediation to India, we went because of Swami and his great speeches, everybody loved it, so why do we have such a problem now, because we are not in the satvic environment, we are not in the ashram, but in society and around us we have mostly rajas, passion and not the mode of nature we know as Sathva, purity.
There are a few people who had been there for the satsang organization and nobody said something, they are all in silence and take it as it comes. So we get to the conclusion they don't deserve better or we get what we deserve.
I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
Jesus tells us why it will not work out, because they don't listen to the divine words, they don't even are aware of the divine word and that they should listen to it.
So I said, I am not going to be part of it even if there is half an hour video at the end, I will not sit there and listen an hour to that person with her guided meditation and she calls it Christmas meditation.
As it is about Christmas and the truth in Jesus words, if we listen to him, we know actually why it will not work out, why it will not be the good experience as we cannot reach the father if not through him and he is the word only, but what they will do is they ignore the words practically totally and do everything else.
Here it is about listening to Swami's words and he is telling us about the oneness of all religions, that means if we want to listen to the Christ as well, we get aware that they do not one or the other, they don't listen to Swami and they don't listen to the Christ as well. If we listen to that message, the word is the main issue, the essence and our one-pointed focus, every other Sadhana or spiritual practice is keeping us in the right direction and it is cleaning mind and heart, be it meditation, singing or chanting mantras, it is all about cleaning the mind, the main message in the Christ is not singing devotional songs, but we have to listen to the divine message. With other words, listening to Swami even if it is a long video would be the main thing and make sense and create the sathvic energy we expect from a satsang, if we do everything else and the mind is in and Swami is out, what it feels like when we look at that organization, we will not have a satsang, it will be rajas, passion only.
I participated years ago in such a satsang and it was a theater performance and every time I came back with a headache and when it was finished the man coming in our dreams to awaken said, 'it is Rajas, passion, stay alone' and since then I didn't go anymore, but this time I know why it feel the way it feels in those satsangs, which are really no satsangs, but only rajas.
We don't need to listen here to Swami as it is a Christmas satsang, if we listen to the Christ he is telling exactly why it is not a satsang, but something else.
Jesus is speaking an ‘I am’ sentence, and the ‘I am that’ is in the present, it is about the path, not the source and not the goal, it is the 'I am that' and it is as he is telling us here, the way and the truth and the live, it is the present and without listening as it is about the divine word only, we will never get there, everything else done from singing to chanting to meditation are only a help on the path.
I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
If we listen to the four F's as he is explaining it in that thought for the day, we follow the master and by that we get aware that something is wrong, it is the energy will not be sathvic.
Probably we would do better to be Christian and to listen to the church and to Jesus and to follow him than going to India and to be with Baba if we are not listening to him a that, we also don't listen to Swami and that means we just want to be entertained and have a good time. We play with religion in thinking we know not knowing that we don’t know.
We are like kids, we don’t know or we even don’t want to know as we have to take responsibility if we would know and accept truth, so it seems probably easier to not listen there is always the excuse that we don't understand, but we also don't have to listen to the Christ, but we want to have nevertheless a good time and be entertained and that fits after all in the picture of passion, rajas.
Swami explained that only sathva knows the truth, it is purity and it starts bitter and ends sweet and rajas, that is passion starts sweet and ends bitter and we have just one of those satsangs in front of us, it looks sweet and it will be bitter at the end and we have tamas, that as he explains turns it upside down it makes out of a vice a virtue and out of a virtue a vice.
Sathva is the path, rajas, passion needs to be transformed and Tamas, perversion, ignorance, darkness needs to be given up. Something that is perverted cannot be transformed anymore therefore, it needs to be given up but in the end we have to with natural law.
What we think at the end when we have analysed it long enough that the people behind don't deserve better because they don't say anything and just watch and that are most of the people participating in the organization of it and the other who are doing it they don't deserve better because they don't listen.
It seems the ignorance and lethargy of the mind and it feels not good to get aware of it. If the mind doesn’t want, not matter what, it will find an excuse. It will not be about the holy word, not about the satsang, nothing will be able to shake or wake someone up in a lethargic sleeping mind state, it is the worst obstacle really on the mind level it seems.
Nobody says something, nobody does anything about it, all the people in the background, the organizers they are responsible, but the don’t react, don’t have a voice, they just keep silent.
That is not right, that is the lack of right knowledge.
It is lethargy biggest obstacle on the spiritual path, we got into it with waiting probably as Swami always said, wait, wait, wait.
I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
Jesus tells us why it doesn't work, they don't come to the Father but through 'Me' and who is Jesus, he is the messenger of God, he is the holy word, he is the result of listening to the divine Father.
And we listen only when we listen, we listen when we take his words as we do here and we think it over, not matter what, we think it over and by doing that we get a feeling for it and that grows with the time we start to feel comfortable with his words and about every word makes sense and we don't have the feeling anymore that we don't get it or we don't understand it.
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