It is great getting aware of it that the company of the pious, the Satsanga, leads us gradually withdraw from entangling in worldly activities.
It was said that before, the main thing is the satsang. the good company and we know by the man coming in our dreams to awaken that it is Swami and not the mind, it is the only place the mind cannot manipulate it when it is in the dream stage, but we can misunderstand it.
It was said that before, the main thing is the satsang. the good company and we know by the man coming in our dreams to awaken that it is Swami and not the mind, it is the only place the mind cannot manipulate it when it is in the dream stage, but we can misunderstand it.
The man coming in our dreams to awaken is Swami, nobody can do that and manipulate dreams with the mind, therefore, we know when it is the man coming in our dreams to awaken that it is right only it is a dream stage and therefore, it needs to be understood right and not wrong, if we find a mind answer it is usually wrong and if we listen to his words it is right, in that sense we can say that he is the answer.
If the reflection of a relationship even if it started with good company is not good it is not sathva and not a satsang. And if it reflects differently the reflection is telling us if it is sathva, rajas or tamas.
To get a feeling for it we have to think it over and by thinking it over the insights grow the meaning of it grows and we get a feeling for it and that is the main thing.
If we listen to his words it would be sathva and sat and if they do everything else but listening, it will not be sathic only but as he said last time afterwards as the man coming in our dreams to awaken, 'it is rajas, stay alone' and until know I have not made the experience that it has been sathva.
The last time on such a satsang as they call it the energy was like is like vibrating and upside down and an Indian devotee told me that he called his wife and she said that she feels it even over the phone and that he should go for a walk and not come home like that, actually the energy felt nothing but stirred up and I told somebody that I don't know if I have to go and throw up in the next moment or not and she told me that she doesn't feel like that.
And one of the two young Indian devotees said that it is only blablabla and that will be the same thing this time we can see it if we look at the schedule of it.
The last time on such a satsang as they call it the energy was like is like vibrating and upside down and an Indian devotee told me that he called his wife and she said that she feels it even over the phone and that he should go for a walk and not come home like that, actually the energy felt nothing but stirred up and I told somebody that I don't know if I have to go and throw up in the next moment or not and she told me that she doesn't feel like that.
And one of the two young Indian devotees said that it is only blablabla and that will be the same thing this time we can see it if we look at the schedule of it.
They have no problem to accept an hour guided meditation, but when it is about Swami they think it is too much time and people will walk out of it, because they don't understand it.
That is the mind, they think they can understand easily a guided meditation, but not the master's word, it is upside down and it will not be sathva as the light meditation is not done anymore because it has been misused and she is just the kind of person who would do that and also in that sense take advantage of it, so all people have to listen to her blablabla and not only that, afterwards they will talk about that blablabla for an half an hour.
It is again the same thing as it has been before and if we would be talking with them they would tell the same thing, nothing has changed, just blablabla and they are glad they can do their seva, service, in the kitchen it is much better than having to be part of the satsang really, they are the only once benefitting from it really, those who want to enjoy will all be deceived.
But after all what we said about not doing it that way they will have a Swami video as it seems for an half an hour and at least that, last time that was also missing.
The whole structure of the satsang is such that it feels upside down, it is not right action, but it is based on ignorance, they don't know that they don't know and they don't know what they are doing.
I tried to make it more clear in using the word sathva, purity, energy and what do we get back, nothing, not even when talking about energy they get aware that good energy can only be there when it is sathva and in the divine word is good energy and not in the blablabla of some guided meditation
Just looking at that schedule I felt the reality of the past two Satsangs in the air and both were boring, the energy is not what we expect from a Sai satsang.
There is no Sai in it, only sang and that can be as well rajas or even tamas.
The words of Jesus kind of hits, it is a hit.
With Swami we talk about the message of oneness; source, path and goal are one.
With Swami we talk about the message of oneness; source, path and goal are one.
Jesus is in that sense easier to understand even if we are not aware of it, he doesn't tell, 'I am that' and it is only about 'that', what is meant oneness and our highest duty even if we don't know how to get there.
He doesn't talk about oneness, he talks about the path:
I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
If we try to understand the 'I am that' with the mind it will not work also with the help of the intellect it will not work, but when we listen to his words and we meditate and we follow the master, fight to the end and finish the game, we will get there, the insights tells us who Swami is that 'I am that', it needs to be reflected in the dream by the man coming in our dreams to awaken and when that reflection expands to all, all are 'that' we understand that he is the 'I am that' only and nothing else.
And when we know that, we need the intellect because we know we are all the same and that is no so on the mind level, there is difference and there always will be for the senses we live in diversity and not oneness, the oneness is underlying and we don't just see it, but we have to know it.
It is wisdom and that wisdom is based on insights only and to absorb the insights takes time and something like just now when I wrote about it sometimes too much is coming up at once as it seems, too many things together.
We repeat the insight again and again to get a feeling for it and then at the end we know just know and feel the difference between right and not right.
If we see it in our life and different from the mind and the body and the source what is beyond it and the goal what is also beyond it, we can understand that Jesus is easier to understand and absorb than Swami. Even if we think because went to Swami it is the same, we don't get the message.
The messenger of God is the word of God and the only thing that matters is the word and it is holy and that is reflected in the holy Bible, if we talk about the message or the gospel, it is the same as Darshan, it is the purification of the ideal.
We are on the right path and what Jesus is telling we come to the father and if not we don't come to the Father, that is a fact as it is about truth.
We are on the right path and what Jesus is telling we come to the father and if not we don't come to the Father, that is a fact as it is about truth.
If we just sing, we are like in the church, if we only sing, the message gets lost, they also sing, but it doesn't mean that we are on the path.
The highest duty for Christians is the word of God, the holy Bible and they also have problems with it to absorb it and we think that Swami made it easier?
The highest duty with Swami is holding up oneness.
The highest duty with Swami is holding up oneness.
The message of God are the five human values it is about truth and the focus is truth and when there is truth and right action and peace, we will have pure love as a result of it and ahimsa.
All the human values are love, but 'pure love' and that is sat and essential, is only there when all the other human values are there as well.
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