Selfless love is one only and we can ask why it is one. If there is selflessness it is beyond the body and the mind and that is for all the same selfless love. We experience that selfless love when we are sharing his divine words and we think it over or when we are singing as all sing for the same divinity, it is the same love and that is how we are able to melt in that feeling of love and it is a means for us to realize that there is only one love. As soon as there is no difference, as we know it from consciousness, when it is manifest we have lots of forms and names, when it is none-manifest or pure consciousness it is for all the same, there is no difference in our inner experience and that is why we merge in a state of oneness, only with meditation we don't get aware of it, it is just on the being level inside in silence, but it doesn't manifest as love and being one in love as it does when singing Bhajans.
It is none-conceptual, but not just on the being level, as we experienced it with meditation, but on the feeling level in the heart. It is easier to realize the non-conceptual reality on the being level, we just sit and meditate and go beyond the thoughts and in silence, that is easy, we don't need to realize that when we sit together and sing for the divine that there is one love for all, selfless and pure and therefore, there is only and without a second.
In silence we experience it as good, positive energy, but it is not the same as getting aware of the oneness when we are singing, when we merge all in a feeling of love we get aware of Swami's presence and divine love. During Bhajans we sing for the divine and we feel that love and when that love is there, there is also a feeling of oneness, but we need to be inside awake to get aware that all merge in that same love or oneness and that is the man coming in our dreams to awake us who takes care of that part, he makes us aware that we are one and how it is happening. If we see it because the man coming in our dream to awake us in our dream as, 'I am the One', we know that there is only one God and that there is no difference between the I and the One, but we have to listen again and again and again and we have to see it in our own life to get a feeling for it and to be able to understand it.
There is only one and always the same one and the only one without a second.
Selfless Love is just one, in the same way Divinity (Brahman) is also not manifold. That is why scriptures state, "Ekam Eva Advitiyam Brahma"! That means, God is One and is the only One without a second.